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Rating Level
633 Baby Ehab's Hyper Apartment binary search graphs interactive sortings Statement E Codeforces Round 716 (Div. 2) {1514} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 Codeforces round #716 editorial
26349 AND 0, Sum Big bitmasks combinatorics math Statement B Codeforces Round 716 (Div. 2) {1514} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces round #716 editorial
17434 Phoenix and Towers constructive algorithms data structures greedy Statement C Codeforces Global Round 14 {1515} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Editorial
11557 Phoenix and Socks greedy sortings two pointers Statement D Codeforces Global Round 14 {1515} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Editorial
25340 Phoenix and Puzzle geometry math Statement B Codeforces Global Round 14 {1515} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Editorial
1052 Phoenix and Odometers dfs and similar graphs math number theory Statement G Codeforces Global Round 14 {1515} PROGRAMMING 3500.0 Editorial
20361 Phoenix and Gold constructive algorithms math Statement A Codeforces Global Round 14 {1515} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Editorial
1851 Phoenix and Earthquake constructive algorithms dfs and similar ds graphs greedy trees Statement F Codeforces Global Round 14 {1515} PROGRAMMING 3250.0 Editorial
295 Phoenix and Diamonds binary search data structures sortings Statement I Codeforces Global Round 14 {1515} PROGRAMMING 5000.0 Editorial
3734 Phoenix and Computers combinatorics dp math Statement E Codeforces Global Round 14 {1515} PROGRAMMING 2750.0 Editorial
257 Phoenix and Bits bitmasks data structures Statement H Codeforces Global Round 14 {1515} PROGRAMMING 4250.0 Editorial
23686 Tit for Tat greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 717 (Div. 2) {1516} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces round #717 editorial
4522 Cut binary search data structures graphs number theory Statement D Codeforces Round 717 (Div. 2) {1516} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces round #717 editorial
899 Baby Ehab Plays with Permutations combinatorics dp math Statement E Codeforces Round 717 (Div. 2) {1516} PROGRAMMING 2750.0 Codeforces round #717 editorial
12158 Baby Ehab Partitions Again bitmasks constructive algorithms dp math Statement C Codeforces Round 717 (Div. 2) {1516} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces round #717 editorial
20173 AGAGA XOOORRR bitmasks brute force dp greedy Statement B Codeforces Round 717 (Div. 2) {1516} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces round #717 editorial
25765 Sum of 2050 greedy math Statement A Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round 718 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1517} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round #718 (Div.1 + Div.2) Editorial
521 Starry Night Camping flows graphs Statement G Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round 718 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1517} PROGRAMMING 3000.0 Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round #718 (Div.1 + Div.2) Editorial
479 Reunion dp trees Statement F Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round 718 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1517} PROGRAMMING 3000.0 Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round #718 (Div.1 + Div.2) Editorial
13351 Morning Jogging constructive algorithms greedy sortings Statement B Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round 718 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1517} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round #718 (Div.1 + Div.2) Editorial
992 Group Photo binary search combinatorics implementation two pointers Statement E Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round 718 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1517} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round #718 (Div.1 + Div.2) Editorial
75 Fly Around the World dp dp dp dp geometry geometry Statement H Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round 718 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1517} PROGRAMMING 4000.0 Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round #718 (Div.1 + Div.2) Editorial
13507 Fillomino 2 constructive algorithms greedy implementation Statement C Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round 718 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1517} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round #718 (Div.1 + Div.2) Editorial
7973 Explorer Space dp graphs shortest paths Statement D Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round 718 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1517} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 Contest 2050 and Codeforces Round #718 (Div.1 + Div.2) Editorial
31286 The Cake Is a Lie dp math Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 108 (Rated for Div. 2) {1519} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 108 Editorial
29227 Red and Blue Beans math Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 108 (Rated for Div. 2) {1519} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 108 Editorial
832 Off by One constructive algorithms dfs and similar geometry graphs sortings trees Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 108 (Rated for Div. 2) {1519} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 108 Editorial
15629 Maximum Sum of Products brute force dp implementation math ternary search two pointers Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 108 (Rated for Div. 2) {1519} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 108 Editorial
506 Chests and Keys dp flows Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 108 (Rated for Div. 2) {1519} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 108 Editorial
17543 Berland Regional brute force greedy sortings two pointers Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 108 (Rated for Div. 2) {1519} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 108 Editorial
3790 To Go Or Not To Go? dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths Statement G Codeforces Round 719 (Div. 3) {1520} PROGRAMMING Editorial
49492 Same Differences data structures hashing math Statement D Codeforces Round 719 (Div. 3) {1520} PROGRAMMING Editorial
45427 Ordinary Numbers brute force math number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 719 (Div. 3) {1520} PROGRAMMING Editorial
32297 Not Adjacent Matrix constructive algorithms Statement C Codeforces Round 719 (Div. 3) {1520} PROGRAMMING Editorial
3075 Guess the K-th Zero (Hard version) binary search data structures interactive Statement F2 Codeforces Round 719 (Div. 3) {1520} PROGRAMMING Editorial
12353 Guess the K-th Zero (Easy version) binary search interactive Statement F1 Codeforces Round 719 (Div. 3) {1520} PROGRAMMING Editorial
53071 Do Not Be Distracted! brute force implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 719 (Div. 3) {1520} PROGRAMMING Editorial
22309 Arranging The Sheep dp greedy math Statement E Codeforces Round 719 (Div. 3) {1520} PROGRAMMING Editorial
2006 Nastia Plays with a Tree constructive algorithms data structures dfs and similar dp flows graphs greedy implementation trees Statement D Codeforces Round 720 (Div. 2) {1521} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 90477
38245 Nastia and Nearly Good Numbers constructive algorithms math Statement A Codeforces Round 720 (Div. 2) {1521} PROGRAMMING 500.0 90477
4406 Nastia and a Hidden Permutation constructive algorithms interactive Statement C Codeforces Round 720 (Div. 2) {1521} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 90477
21683 Nastia and a Good Array constructive algorithms math Statement B Codeforces Round 720 (Div. 2) {1521} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 90477
683 Nastia and a Beautiful Matrix binary search constructive algorithms greedy math Statement E Codeforces Round 720 (Div. 2) {1521} PROGRAMMING 2750.0 90477
12153 Lord of the Values constructive algorithms Statement B Deltix Round, Spring 2021 (open for everyone, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1523} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Deltix Round, Spring 2021. Editorial 1100
8886 Compression and Expansion brute force data structures greedy implementation trees Statement C Deltix Round, Spring 2021 (open for everyone, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1523} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Deltix Round, Spring 2021. Editorial 1600
2233 Love-Hate bitmasks brute force dp probabilities Statement D Deltix Round, Spring 2021 (open for everyone, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1523} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 Deltix Round, Spring 2021. Editorial 2400
1735 Crypto Lights combinatorics dp probabilities Statement E Deltix Round, Spring 2021 (open for everyone, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1523} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 Deltix Round, Spring 2021. Editorial 2600
473 Try Booking data structures divide and conquer Statement G Deltix Round, Spring 2021 (open for everyone, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1523} PROGRAMMING 3250.0 Deltix Round, Spring 2021. Editorial 3200
438 Favorite Game dp Statement F Deltix Round, Spring 2021 (open for everyone, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1523} PROGRAMMING 3000.0 Deltix Round, Spring 2021. Editorial 3300
311 Hopping Around the Array data structures dp Statement H Deltix Round, Spring 2021 (open for everyone, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1523} PROGRAMMING 3250.0 Deltix Round, Spring 2021. Editorial 3500
13560 Game of Life implementation Statement A Deltix Round, Spring 2021 (open for everyone, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1523} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Deltix Round, Spring 2021. Editorial 800
4536 Robot Collisions data structures greedy implementation sortings Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 109 (Rated for Div. 2) {1525} PROGRAMMING 90793
25769 Potion-making math number theory Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 109 (Rated for Div. 2) {1525} PROGRAMMING 90793
25190 Permutation Sort constructive algorithms greedy Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 109 (Rated for Div. 2) {1525} PROGRAMMING 90793
337 Goblins And Gnomes brute force dp graph matchings Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 109 (Rated for Div. 2) {1525} PROGRAMMING 90793
2134 Assimilation IV combinatorics dp math probabilities Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 109 (Rated for Div. 2) {1525} PROGRAMMING 90793
9958 Armchairs brute force dp greedy Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 109 (Rated for Div. 2) {1525} PROGRAMMING 90793
23665 Potions (Hard Version) data structures greedy Statement C2 Codeforces Round 723 (Div. 2) {1526} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #723 (Div. 2) Editorial
23444 Potions (Easy Version) brute force data structures dp greedy Statement C1 Codeforces Round 723 (Div. 2) {1526} PROGRAMMING 750.0 Codeforces Round #723 (Div. 2) Editorial
1081 Oolimry and Suffix Array combinatorics constructive algorithms math string suffix structures Statement E Codeforces Round 723 (Div. 2) {1526} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 Codeforces Round #723 (Div. 2) Editorial
304 Median Queries constructive algorithms interactive probabilities Statement F Codeforces Round 723 (Div. 2) {1526} PROGRAMMING 3500.0 Codeforces Round #723 (Div. 2) Editorial
24336 Mean Inequality constructive algorithms sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 723 (Div. 2) {1526} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #723 (Div. 2) Editorial
2512 Kill Anton brute force constructive algorithms data structures math strings Statement D Codeforces Round 723 (Div. 2) {1526} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 Codeforces Round #723 (Div. 2) Editorial
31687 I Hate 1111 dp math number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 723 (Div. 2) {1526} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #723 (Div. 2) Editorial
27071 Palindrome Game (easy version) dp games Statement B1 Codeforces Round 721 (Div. 2) {1527} PROGRAMMING 750.0 Tutorial 1200
13831 Sequence Pair Weight implementation math Statement C Codeforces Round 721 (Div. 2) {1527} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Tutorial 1600
8074 Palindrome Game (hard version) dp games Statement B2 Codeforces Round 721 (Div. 2) {1527} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Tutorial 1900
1948 MEX Tree combinatorics constructive algorithms data structures dfs and similar math trees Statement D Codeforces Round 721 (Div. 2) {1527} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 Tutorial 2400
2402 Partition Game binary search data structures divide and conquer dp Statement E Codeforces Round 721 (Div. 2) {1527} PROGRAMMING 3000.0 Tutorial 2500
36599 And Then There Were K bitmasks Statement A Codeforces Round 721 (Div. 2) {1527} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Tutorial 800
2686 Trees of Tranquillity data structures dfs and similar greedy trees Statement C Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 1) {1528} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 Codeforces Round #722 Editorial
15318 Parsa's Humongous Tree brute force dfs and similar dp greedy trees Statement A Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 1) {1528} PROGRAMMING 750.0 Codeforces Round #722 Editorial
537 Mashtali and Hagh Trees combinatorics dp trees Statement E Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 1) {1528} PROGRAMMING 2750.0 Codeforces Round #722 Editorial
8866 Kavi on Pairing Duty 2-sat dp Statement B Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 1) {1528} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #722 Editorial
1465 It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's AaParsa! graphs shortest paths Statement D Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 1) {1528} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces Round #722 Editorial
292 AmShZ Farm combinatorics fft math Statement F Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 1) {1528} PROGRAMMING 3000.0 Codeforces Round #722 Editorial
20688 Sifid and Strange Subsequences greedy sortings Statement B Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 2) {1529} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Codeforces Round #722 Editorial
29976 Eshag Loves Big Arrays constructive algorithms greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 2) {1529} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #722 Editorial
149 What a Reversal constructive algorithms Statement G Codeforces Round 733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Elimination (Engine)) {1530} PROGRAMMING 3750.0 Codeforces Round #733 Editorial (all problems)
167 Turing's Award data structures dp Statement H Codeforces Round 733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Elimination (Engine)) {1530} PROGRAMMING 4750.0 Codeforces Round #733 Editorial (all problems)
9389 Secret Santa constructive algorithms flows graphs math probabilities Statement D Codeforces Round 733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Elimination (Engine)) {1530} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces Round #733 Editorial (all problems)
15865 Putting Plates constructive algorithms implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Elimination (Engine)) {1530} PROGRAMMING 750.0 Codeforces Round #733 Editorial (all problems)
14822 Pursuit binary search greedy sortings Statement C Codeforces Round 733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Elimination (Engine)) {1530} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #733 Editorial (all problems)
3016 Minimax constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings Statement E Codeforces Round 733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Elimination (Engine)) {1530} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces Round #733 Editorial (all problems)
841 Bingo bitmasks dp probabilities Statement F Codeforces Round 733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Elimination (Engine)) {1530} PROGRAMMING 2750.0 Codeforces Round #733 Editorial (all problems)
21202 Binary Decimal math Statement A Codeforces Round 733 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2021 - Elimination (Engine)) {1530} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #733 Editorial (all problems)
269 Сортировка слиянием *special Statement E3 VK Cup 2021 - Квалификация (Engine) {1531} PROGRAMMING
338 Сортировка слиянием *special *special Statement E2 VK Cup 2021 - Квалификация (Engine) {1531} PROGRAMMING
358 Сортировка слиянием *special Statement E1 VK Cup 2021 - Квалификация (Engine) {1531} PROGRAMMING
650 Симметричный амфитеатр *special constructive algorithms Statement C VK Cup 2021 - Квалификация (Engine) {1531} PROGRAMMING
354 Редактируем Зингер | color *special *special Statement D VK Cup 2021 - Квалификация (Engine) {1531} PROGRAMMING
769 Мониторинг *special Statement B2 VK Cup 2021 - Квалификация (Engine) {1531} PROGRAMMING
1114 Мониторинг *special *special Statement B1 VK Cup 2021 - Квалификация (Engine) {1531} PROGRAMMING
1455 Зингер | color *special Statement A VK Cup 2021 - Квалификация (Engine) {1531} PROGRAMMING
640 Uniform String *special implementation Statement C Kotlin Heroes: Practice 7 {1532} PROGRAMMING
587 Teams Forming *special sortings Statement D Kotlin Heroes: Practice 7 {1532} PROGRAMMING
219 Prefixes and Suffixes *special strings Statement F Kotlin Heroes: Practice 7 {1532} PROGRAMMING
391 Good Array *special Statement E Kotlin Heroes: Practice 7 {1532} PROGRAMMING
825 Frog Jumping *special math Statement B Kotlin Heroes: Practice 7 {1532} PROGRAMMING
1140 A+B (Trial Problem) *special Statement A Kotlin Heroes: Practice 7 {1532} PROGRAMMING