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< 1 2 3 ... 69 70 71 72 73 ... 100 101 102 >

Rating Level
1079 Travel to Bertown *special implementation math Statement A Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
474 Sweets *special data structures implementation Statement C Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
85 Submatrices *special bitmasks data structures dp Statement H Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
443 String Searching *special hashing Statement D Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
45 Pawns *special Statement J Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
772 Nearest Point Function *special implementation Statement B Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
53 Excursions *special constructive algorithms dfs and similar flows graphs Statement I Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
277 Chess Team Forming *special binary search data structures greedy Statement E Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
91 Biome Map *special constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs Statement G Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
216 Binary String Partition *special binary search greedy Statement F Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 {1533} PROGRAMMING Kotlin Heroes 7 — Editorial
6180 Lost Tree constructive algorithms interactive trees Statement D Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1534} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) Editorial
219 Lost Nodes dp graphs interactive sortings trees Statement H Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1534} PROGRAMMING 3500.0 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) Editorial
1969 Lost Array constructive algorithms dp graphs interactive shortest paths Statement E Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1534} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) Editorial
12958 Little Alawn's Puzzle combinatorics dfs and similar dp ds graphs math Statement C Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1534} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) Editorial
12572 Histogram Ugliness greedy implementation math Statement B Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1534} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) Editorial
573 Falling Sand (Hard Version) dfs and similar dp graphs greedy Statement F2 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1534} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) Editorial
1269 Falling Sand (Easy Version) dfs and similar graphs greedy Statement F1 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1534} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) Editorial
12806 Colour the Flag brute force implementation Statement A Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1534} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) Editorial
585 A New Beginning constructive algorithms dp Statement G Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1534} PROGRAMMING 3250.0 Codeforces LATOKEN Round 1 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) Editorial
16766 Unstable String dp greedy implementation strings two pointers Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 110 (Rated for Div. 2) {1535} PROGRAMMING 91481
466 String Distance binary search data structures hashing string suffix structures strings Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 110 (Rated for Div. 2) {1535} PROGRAMMING 91481
7880 Playoff Tournament data structures implementation trees Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 110 (Rated for Div. 2) {1535} PROGRAMMING 91481
2829 Gold Transfer binary search data structures greedy interactive trees Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 110 (Rated for Div. 2) {1535} PROGRAMMING 91481
51104 Fair Playoff brute force implementation Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 110 (Rated for Div. 2) {1535} PROGRAMMING 91481
31120 Array Reodering brute force greedy math number theory sortings Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 110 (Rated for Div. 2) {1535} PROGRAMMING 91481
19430 Prinzessin der Verurteilung brute force strings Statement B Codeforces Round 724 (Div. 2) {1536} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #724 — Editorial 1200
14517 Diluc and Kaeya dp hashing number theory Statement C Codeforces Round 724 (Div. 2) {1536} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces Round #724 — Editorial 1500
4765 Omkar and Medians data structures greedy implementation Statement D Codeforces Round 724 (Div. 2) {1536} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces Round #724 — Editorial 2000
2483 Omkar and Forest combinatorics graphs math shortest paths Statement E Codeforces Round 724 (Div. 2) {1536} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 Codeforces Round #724 — Editorial 2300
978 Omkar and Akmar combinatorics games math Statement F Codeforces Round 724 (Div. 2) {1536} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 Codeforces Round #724 — Editorial 2600
20286 Omkar and Bad Story brute force constructive algorithms Statement A Codeforces Round 724 (Div. 2) {1536} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #724 — Editorial 800
2539 Figure Fixing constructive algorithms dfs and similar ds graphs math Statement F Codeforces Round 726 (Div. 2) {1537} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces Round #726 (Div.2) Editorial
5322 Erase and Extend (Hard Version) binary search data structures greedy hashing string suffix structures strings Statement E2 Codeforces Round 726 (Div. 2) {1537} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 Codeforces Round #726 (Div.2) Editorial
13419 Erase and Extend (Easy Version) binary search brute force dp greedy hashing string suffix structures strings Statement E1 Codeforces Round 726 (Div. 2) {1537} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Codeforces Round #726 (Div.2) Editorial
12651 Deleting Divisors games math number theory Statement D Codeforces Round 726 (Div. 2) {1537} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces Round #726 (Div.2) Editorial
28208 Challenging Cliffs greedy implementation math Statement C Codeforces Round 726 (Div. 2) {1537} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #726 (Div.2) Editorial
31359 Bad Boy constructive algorithms greedy math Statement B Codeforces Round 726 (Div. 2) {1537} PROGRAMMING 750.0 Codeforces Round #726 (Div.2) Editorial
37992 Arithmetic Array greedy math Statement A Codeforces Round 726 (Div. 2) {1537} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #726 (Div.2) Editorial
37496 Stone Game greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 725 (Div. 3) {1538} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #725 (Div. 3) Editorial
29580 Number of Pairs binary search data structures math two pointers Statement C Codeforces Round 725 (Div. 3) {1538} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #725 (Div. 3) Editorial
19769 Interesting Function binary search dp math Statement F Codeforces Round 725 (Div. 3) {1538} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #725 (Div. 3) Editorial
4654 Gift Set binary search geometry greedy math ternary search Statement G Codeforces Round 725 (Div. 3) {1538} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #725 (Div. 3) Editorial
2950 Funny Substrings brute force data structures hashing implementation strings Statement E Codeforces Round 725 (Div. 3) {1538} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #725 (Div. 3) Editorial
31987 Friends and Candies math Statement B Codeforces Round 725 (Div. 3) {1538} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #725 (Div. 3) Editorial
13908 Another Problem About Dividing Numbers constructive algorithms number theory Statement D Codeforces Round 725 (Div. 3) {1538} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #725 (Div. 3) Editorial
20405 Contest Start combinatorics geometry math Statement A Codeforces Round 727 (Div. 2) {1539} PROGRAMMING 500.0 tutorial 1000
23886 Stable Groups greedy sortings Statement C Codeforces Round 727 (Div. 2) {1539} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 tutorial 1200
11852 PriceFixed binary search data structures greedy sortings two pointers Statement D Codeforces Round 727 (Div. 2) {1539} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 tutorial 1600
974 Game with Cards binary search constructive algorithms data structures dp implementation Statement E Codeforces Round 727 (Div. 2) {1539} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 tutorial 2500
895 Strange Array data structures greedy sortings Statement F Codeforces Round 727 (Div. 2) {1539} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 tutorial 2600
24995 Love Song dp implementation strings Statement B Codeforces Round 727 (Div. 2) {1539} PROGRAMMING 750.0 tutorial 800
2692 Tree Array brute force combinatorics dp math probabilities trees Statement B Codeforces Round 728 (Div. 1) {1540} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Tutorial
109 Tasty Dishes math matrices Statement E Codeforces Round 728 (Div. 1) {1540} PROGRAMMING 3500.0 Tutorial
286 Inverse Inversions binary search brute force data structures Statement D Codeforces Round 728 (Div. 1) {1540} PROGRAMMING 3000.0 Tutorial
14116 Great Graphs constructive algorithms graphs greedy shortest paths sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 728 (Div. 1) {1540} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Tutorial
480 Converging Array (Hard Version) dp math Statement C2 Codeforces Round 728 (Div. 1) {1540} PROGRAMMING 750.0 Tutorial
645 Converging Array (Easy Version) dp math Statement C1 Codeforces Round 728 (Div. 1) {1540} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Tutorial
29670 Pretty Permutations constructive algorithms greedy implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 728 (Div. 2) {1541} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Tutorial
29719 Pleasant Pairs brute force math number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 728 (Div. 2) {1541} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Tutorial
14591 Strange Function math number theory Statement C Codeforces Round 729 (Div. 2) {1542} PROGRAMMING 1500.0
2684 Priority Queue combinatorics dp implementation math Statement D Codeforces Round 729 (Div. 2) {1542} PROGRAMMING 2000.0
23747 Plus and Multiply constructive algorithms math number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 729 (Div. 2) {1542} PROGRAMMING 1250.0
46021 Odd Set math Statement A Codeforces Round 729 (Div. 2) {1542} PROGRAMMING 500.0
878 Abnormal Permutation Pairs (hard version) combinatorics dp math Statement E2 Codeforces Round 729 (Div. 2) {1542} PROGRAMMING 1000.0
1273 Abnormal Permutation Pairs (easy version) combinatorics dp fft math Statement E1 Codeforces Round 729 (Div. 2) {1542} PROGRAMMING 2000.0
419 The Final Pursuit constructive algorithms graphs greedy Statement E Codeforces Round 730 (Div. 2) {1543} PROGRAMMING 3000.0 Codeforces Round #730 (Div. 2) Editorial
2036 RPD and Rap Sheet (Hard Version) constructive algorithms dp interactive math Statement D2 Codeforces Round 730 (Div. 2) {1543} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Codeforces Round #730 (Div. 2) Editorial
7683 RPD and Rap Sheet (Easy Version) bitmasks constructive algorithms interactive math Statement D1 Codeforces Round 730 (Div. 2) {1543} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #730 (Div. 2) Editorial
5353 Need for Pink Slips brute force dfs and similar implementation math probabilities Statement C Codeforces Round 730 (Div. 2) {1543} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces Round #730 (Div. 2) Editorial
29601 Exciting Bets greedy math number theory Statement A Codeforces Round 730 (Div. 2) {1543} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #730 (Div. 2) Editorial
23450 Customising the Track combinatorics greedy math Statement B Codeforces Round 730 (Div. 2) {1543} PROGRAMMING 750.0 Codeforces Round #730 (Div. 2) Editorial
14112 AquaMoon and Strange Sort sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 732 (Div. 1) {1545} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #732 Editorial 1500
6045 AquaMoon and Chess combinatorics math Statement B Codeforces Round 732 (Div. 1) {1545} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #732 Editorial 1900
647 AquaMoon and Permutations combinatorics constructive algorithms graph matchings graphs Statement C Codeforces Round 732 (Div. 1) {1545} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces Round #732 Editorial 2800
555 AquaMoon and Wrong Coordinate constructive algorithms interactive math Statement D Codeforces Round 732 (Div. 1) {1545} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 Codeforces Round #732 Editorial 3000
89 AquaMoon and Time Stop (hard version) data structures dp Statement E2 Codeforces Round 732 (Div. 1) {1545} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces Round #732 Editorial 3500
86 AquaMoon and Time Stop (easy version) data structures data structures dp dp Statement E1 Codeforces Round 732 (Div. 1) {1545} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces Round #732 Editorial 3500
111 AquaMoon and Potatoes brute force data structures dp Statement F Codeforces Round 732 (Div. 1) {1545} PROGRAMMING 4000.0 Codeforces Round #732 Editorial 3500
13264 AquaMoon and Stolen String interactive Statement B Codeforces Round 732 (Div. 2) {1546} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #732 Editorial 1200
18317 AquaMoon and Two Arrays brute force greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 732 (Div. 2) {1546} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #732 Editorial 800
30928 Shortest Path with Obstacle implementation math Statement A Codeforces Round 731 (Div. 3) {1547} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #731 (Div. 3) Editorial
22958 Pair Programming dp greedy two pointers Statement C Codeforces Round 731 (Div. 3) {1547} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #731 (Div. 3) Editorial
3107 How Many Paths? dfs and similar dp graphs trees Statement G Codeforces Round 731 (Div. 3) {1547} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #731 (Div. 3) Editorial
17111 Co-growing Sequence bitmasks Statement D Codeforces Round 731 (Div. 3) {1547} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #731 (Div. 3) Editorial
6018 Array Stabilization (GCD version) binary search constructive algorithms data structures number theory two pointers Statement F Codeforces Round 731 (Div. 3) {1547} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #731 (Div. 3) Editorial
26687 Alphabetical Strings greedy implementation strings Statement B Codeforces Round 731 (Div. 3) {1547} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #731 (Div. 3) Editorial
14758 Air Conditioners dfs and similar dp implementation shortest paths sortings two pointers Statement E Codeforces Round 731 (Div. 3) {1547} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #731 (Div. 3) Editorial
16673 Web of Lies brute force graphs greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 736 (Div. 1) {1548} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round 736 Editorial
1859 The Three Little Pigs combinatorics dp fft math Statement C Codeforces Round 736 (Div. 1) {1548} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 Codeforces Round 736 Editorial
10171 Integers Have Friends binary search data structures math number theory two pointers Statement B Codeforces Round 736 (Div. 1) {1548} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round 736 Editorial
483 Gregor and the Two Painters data structures graphs math Statement E Codeforces Round 736 (Div. 1) {1548} PROGRAMMING 3500.0 Codeforces Round 736 Editorial
266 Gregor and the Odd Cows (Hard) brute force geometry math number theory Statement D2 Codeforces Round 736 (Div. 1) {1548} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round 736 Editorial
1490 Gregor and the Odd Cows (Easy) geometry math number theory Statement D1 Codeforces Round 736 (Div. 1) {1548} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces Round 736 Editorial
24808 Gregor and the Pawn Game flows graphs greedy implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 736 (Div. 2) {1549} PROGRAMMING 750.0 Codeforces Round 736 Editorial
33123 Gregor and Cryptography math number theory Statement A Codeforces Round 736 (Div. 2) {1549} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round 736 Editorial
1594 Stringforces binary search bitmasks data structures dp greedy strings two pointers Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 111 (Rated for Div. 2) {1550} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 111 Editorial
26908 Maximum Cost Deletion greedy math Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 111 (Rated for Div. 2) {1550} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 111 Editorial
10309 Manhattan Subarrays brute force geometry greedy implementation Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 111 (Rated for Div. 2) {1550} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 111 Editorial
697 Jumping Around data structures divide and conquer dp ds graphs shortest paths trees Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 111 (Rated for Div. 2) {1550} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 111 Editorial
28406 Find The Array greedy math Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 111 (Rated for Div. 2) {1550} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 111 Editorial