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Rating Level
20313 Roma and Lucky Numbers implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 160 (Div. 2) {262} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #160 tutorial 800
9070 Squares greedy implementation sortings Statement B Codeforces Round 161 (Div. 2) {263} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #161 Tutorial 1000
3679 Cycle in Graph dfs and similar graphs Statement D Codeforces Round 161 (Div. 2) {263} PROGRAMMING 1800
1082 Circle of Numbers brute force dfs and similar implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 161 (Div. 2) {263} PROGRAMMING 2000
410 Rhombus brute force data structures dp Statement E Codeforces Round 161 (Div. 2) {263} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #161 Tutorial 2600
257168 Beautiful Matrix implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 161 (Div. 2) {263} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #161 Tutorial 700
10995 Escape from Stones constructive algorithms data structures implementation two pointers Statement A Codeforces Round 162 (Div. 1) {264} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 1400
10638 Good Sequences dp number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 162 (Div. 1) {264} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 1700
2996 Choosing Balls dp Statement C Codeforces Round 162 (Div. 1) {264} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2200
423 Colorful Stones dp two pointers Statement D Codeforces Round 162 (Div. 1) {264} PROGRAMMING 2400
438 Roadside Trees data structures dp Statement E Codeforces Round 162 (Div. 1) {264} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2900
17347 Roadside Trees (Simplified Edition) greedy implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 162 (Div. 2) {265} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #162 Tutorial 1000
37724 Colorful Stones (Simplified Edition) implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 162 (Div. 2) {265} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #162 Tutorial 800
1363 Below the Diagonal constructive algorithms greedy math Statement C Codeforces Round 163 (Div. 2) {266} PROGRAMMING 2000
937 More Queries to Array... data structures math Statement E Codeforces Round 163 (Div. 2) {266} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #163 (Div. 2) Tutorial 2600
906 BerDonalds graphs math shortest paths Statement D Codeforces Round 163 (Div. 2) {266} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #163 (Div. 2) Tutorial 2600
200028 Stones on the Table implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 163 (Div. 2) {266} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #163 (Div. 2) Tutorial 800
140895 Queue at the School constructive algorithms graph matchings implementation shortest paths Statement B Codeforces Round 163 (Div. 2) {266} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #163 (Div. 2) Tutorial 900
7770 Subtractions math number theory Statement A Codeforces Testing Round 5 {267} PROGRAMMING 1100
654 Dominoes dfs and similar graphs Statement B Codeforces Testing Round 5 {267} PROGRAMMING 1900
166 Berland Traffic math matrices Statement C Codeforces Testing Round 5 {267} PROGRAMMING 2300
33179 Buttons implementation math Statement B Codeforces Round 164 (Div. 2) {268} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #164 (Div. 2) — Разбор задач 1000
13846 Beautiful Sets of Points constructive algorithms implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 164 (Div. 2) {268} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #164 (Div. 2) — Разбор задач 1500
1031 Playlist math probabilities sortings Statement E Codeforces Round 164 (Div. 2) {268} PROGRAMMING 2100
513 Wall Bars dp Statement D Codeforces Round 164 (Div. 2) {268} PROGRAMMING 2600
89704 Games brute force Statement A Codeforces Round 164 (Div. 2) {268} PROGRAMMING 800
3552 Magical Boxes greedy math Statement A Codeforces Round 165 (Div. 1) {269} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 1700
6406 Greenhouse Effect dp Statement B Codeforces Round 165 (Div. 1) {269} PROGRAMMING 2000
465 Maximum Waterfall data structures dp graphs sortings Statement D Codeforces Round 165 (Div. 1) {269} PROGRAMMING 2500
1695 Flawed Flow constructive algorithms flows graphs greedy Statement C Codeforces Round 165 (Div. 1) {269} PROGRAMMING 2500
109 String Theory Statement E Codeforces Round 165 (Div. 1) {269} PROGRAMMING 3100
46438 Fancy Fence geometry implementation math Statement A Codeforces Round 165 (Div. 2) {270} PROGRAMMING Разбор Codeforces Round #165 1200
4206 Multithreading data structures greedy implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 165 (Div. 2) {270} PROGRAMMING Разбор Codeforces Round #165 1400
13390 Prime Matrix binary search brute force math number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 166 (Div. 2) {271} PROGRAMMING editroal 1400
3010 Secret constructive algorithms implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 166 (Div. 2) {271} PROGRAMMING editroal 1500
11731 Good Substrings data structures strings Statement D Codeforces Round 166 (Div. 2) {271} PROGRAMMING editroal 1800
518 Three Horses constructive algorithms math number theory Statement E Codeforces Round 166 (Div. 2) {271} PROGRAMMING 2500
145874 Beautiful Year brute force Statement A Codeforces Round 166 (Div. 2) {271} PROGRAMMING editroal 900
25169 Dima and Friends implementation math Statement A Codeforces Round 167 (Div. 2) {272} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #167 tutorial 1000
4061 Dima and Sequence implementation math Statement B Codeforces Round 167 (Div. 2) {272} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #167 tutorial 1400
6842 Dima and Staircase data structures implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 167 (Div. 2) {272} PROGRAMMING 1500
2647 Dima and Two Sequences combinatorics math sortings Statement D Codeforces Round 167 (Div. 2) {272} PROGRAMMING 1800
1234 Dima and Horses combinatorics constructive algorithms graphs Statement E Codeforces Round 167 (Div. 2) {272} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #167 tutorial 2300
426 Dima and Figure dp Statement D Codeforces Round 167 (Div. 1) {273} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2400
369 Dima and Game dp games Statement E Codeforces Round 167 (Div. 1) {273} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2600
10156 k-Multiple Free Set binary search greedy sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 168 (Div. 1) {274} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #168 Editorial 1600
5086 Zero Tree dfs and similar dp greedy trees Statement B Codeforces Round 168 (Div. 1) {274} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #168 Editorial 2000
1049 Lovely Matrix dfs and similar graphs greedy sortings Statement D Codeforces Round 168 (Div. 1) {274} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #168 Editorial 2100
350 The Last Hole! brute force geometry Statement C Codeforces Round 168 (Div. 1) {274} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #168 Editorial 2600
316 Mirror Room data structures implementation Statement E Codeforces Round 168 (Div. 1) {274} PROGRAMMING 3000
31017 Lights Out implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 168 (Div. 2) {275} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #168 Editorial 1000
2847 Convex Shape constructive algorithms implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 168 (Div. 2) {275} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #168 Editorial 1600
28091 Lunch Rush implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 169 (Div. 2) {276} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #169 — Unofficial Editorial 1000
29198 Little Girl and Game games greedy Statement B Codeforces Round 169 (Div. 2) {276} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #169 — Unofficial Editorial 1400
28696 Little Girl and Maximum Sum data structures greedy implementation sortings Statement C Codeforces Round 169 (Div. 2) {276} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #169 — Unofficial Editorial 1600
14208 Little Girl and Maximum XOR bitmasks dp greedy implementation math Statement D Codeforces Round 169 (Div. 2) {276} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #169 — Unofficial Editorial 1800
1655 Little Girl and Problem on Trees data structures graphs trees Statement E Codeforces Round 169 (Div. 2) {276} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #169 — Unofficial Editorial 2300
19342 Learning Languages dfs and similar ds Statement A Codeforces Round 170 (Div. 1) {277} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #170 Tutorial 1500
818 Set of Points constructive algorithms geometry Statement B Codeforces Round 170 (Div. 1) {277} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #170 Tutorial 2400
458 Game games implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 170 (Div. 1) {277} PROGRAMMING 2400
1341 Binary Tree on Plane flows trees Statement E Codeforces Round 170 (Div. 1) {277} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #170 Tutorial 2400
341 Google Code Jam dp probabilities Statement D Codeforces Round 170 (Div. 1) {277} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #170 Tutorial 2700
3475 New Problem brute force strings Statement B Codeforces Round 170 (Div. 2) {278} PROGRAMMING 1500
11963 Circle Line implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 170 (Div. 2) {278} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #170 Tutorial 900
5646 Point on Spiral brute force geometry implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 171 (Div. 2) {279} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #171 (Div. 2) Разбор Задач 1400
55892 Books binary search brute force implementation two pointers Statement B Codeforces Round 171 (Div. 2) {279} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #171 (Div. 2) Разбор Задач 1400
8348 Ladder dp implementation two pointers Statement C Codeforces Round 171 (Div. 2) {279} PROGRAMMING 1700
1459 Beautiful Decomposition dp games greedy number theory Statement E Codeforces Round 171 (Div. 2) {279} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #171 (Div. 2) Разбор Задач 2100
784 The Minimum Number of Variables bitmasks dp Statement D Codeforces Round 171 (Div. 2) {279} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #171 (Div. 2) Разбор Задач 2600
1476 Rectangle Puzzle geometry Statement A Codeforces Round 172 (Div. 1) {280} PROGRAMMING T 2000
4794 Maximum Xor Secondary data structures implementation two pointers Statement B Codeforces Round 172 (Div. 1) {280} PROGRAMMING T 2000
4225 Game on Tree implementation math probabilities trees Statement C Codeforces Round 172 (Div. 1) {280} PROGRAMMING T 2400
1366 k-Maximum Subsequence Sum data structures flows graphs implementation Statement D Codeforces Round 172 (Div. 1) {280} PROGRAMMING T 2800
208 Sequence Transformation data structures dp implementation math Statement E Codeforces Round 172 (Div. 1) {280} PROGRAMMING 3000
3050 Nearest Fraction brute force implementation two pointers Statement B Codeforces Round 172 (Div. 2) {281} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #172 Editorial 1700
222657 Word Capitalization implementation strings Statement A Codeforces Round 172 (Div. 2) {281} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #172 Editorial 800
13155 Painting Eggs greedy math Statement B Codeforces Round 173 (Div. 2) {282} PROGRAMMING Round #173 — Editorial 1500
9535 XOR and OR constructive algorithms implementation math Statement C Codeforces Round 173 (Div. 2) {282} PROGRAMMING Round #173 — Editorial 1600
1452 Yet Another Number Game dp games Statement D Codeforces Round 173 (Div. 2) {282} PROGRAMMING Round #173 — Editorial 2100
3707 Sausage Maximization bitmasks data structures trees Statement E Codeforces Round 173 (Div. 2) {282} PROGRAMMING Round #173 — Editorial 2100
278821 Bit++ implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 173 (Div. 2) {282} PROGRAMMING Round #173 — Editorial 900
6612 Cows and Sequence constructive algorithms data structures implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 174 (Div. 1) {283} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces #174 1600
3682 Cow Program dfs and similar dp graphs Statement B Codeforces Round 174 (Div. 1) {283} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces #174 1900
1469 Coin Troubles dp Statement C Codeforces Round 174 (Div. 1) {283} PROGRAMMING 2300
555 Cows and Cool Sequences dp math number theory Statement D Codeforces Round 174 (Div. 1) {283} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces #174 2400
782 Cow Tennis Tournament combinatorics data structures math Statement E Codeforces Round 174 (Div. 1) {283} PROGRAMMING 2700
6944 Cows and Poker Game brute force implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 174 (Div. 2) {284} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces #174 1100
6653 Cows and Primitive Roots implementation math number theory Statement A Codeforces Round 174 (Div. 2) {284} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces #174 1400
13493 Slightly Decreasing Permutations greedy implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 175 (Div. 2) {285} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #175 (Div. 2) Tutorial 1100
15164 Find Marble implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 175 (Div. 2) {285} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #175 (Div. 2) Tutorial 1300
23628 Building Permutation greedy implementation sortings Statement C Codeforces Round 175 (Div. 2) {285} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #175 (Div. 2) Tutorial 1300
1566 Permutation Sum bitmasks combinatorics dp implementation meet-in-the-middle Statement D Codeforces Round 175 (Div. 2) {285} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #175 (Div. 2) Tutorial 1900
1024 Positions in Permutations combinatorics dp math Statement E Codeforces Round 175 (Div. 2) {285} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #175 (Div. 2) Tutorial 2600
3208 Lucky Permutation constructive algorithms math Statement A Codeforces Round 176 (Div. 1) {286} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 1600
1536 Main Sequence greedy implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 176 (Div. 1) {286} PROGRAMMING 2200
379 Tourists data structures sortings Statement D Codeforces Round 176 (Div. 1) {286} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2500
1127 Shifting implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 176 (Div. 1) {286} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2500
835 Ladies' Shop constructive algorithms fft math Statement E Codeforces Round 176 (Div. 1) {286} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2600
20274 IQ Test brute force implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 176 (Div. 2) {287} PROGRAMMING Разбор задач 1200
10159 Pipeline binary search math Statement B Codeforces Round 176 (Div. 2) {287} PROGRAMMING Разбор задач 1700