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Rating Level
845 Two Permutations data structures hashing strings Statement E Codeforces Round 131 (Div. 1) {213} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #131 Tutorial 2600
36521 System of Equations brute force Statement A Codeforces Round 131 (Div. 2) {214} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #131 Tutorial 1000
5032 Hometask brute force constructive algorithms greedy math Statement B Codeforces Round 131 (Div. 2) {214} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #131 Tutorial 1600
14783 Bicycle Chain brute force implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 132 (Div. 2) {215} PROGRAMMING 1000
5650 Olympic Medal greedy math Statement B Codeforces Round 132 (Div. 2) {215} PROGRAMMING 1300
1615 Hot Days greedy Statement D Codeforces Round 132 (Div. 2) {215} PROGRAMMING 1800
673 Crosses brute force implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 132 (Div. 2) {215} PROGRAMMING 2100
581 Periodical Numbers combinatorics dp number theory Statement E Codeforces Round 132 (Div. 2) {215} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #132 (Div. 2) Tutorial 2600
5054 Tiling with Hexagons implementation math Statement A Codeforces Round 133 (Div. 2) {216} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces Round #133 1300
6483 Forming Teams dfs and similar implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 133 (Div. 2) {216} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces Round #133 1700
1365 Spider's Web binary search sortings two pointers Statement D Codeforces Round 133 (Div. 2) {216} PROGRAMMING 1800
1859 Hiring Staff greedy Statement C Codeforces Round 133 (Div. 2) {216} PROGRAMMING 1800
592 Martian Luck math number theory Statement E Codeforces Round 133 (Div. 2) {216} PROGRAMMING 2300
21529 Ice Skating brute force dfs and similar ds graphs Statement A Codeforces Round 134 (Div. 1) {217} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces Round #134 1400
904 Blackboard Fibonacci brute force math Statement B Codeforces Round 134 (Div. 1) {217} PROGRAMMING 2200
341 Formurosa divide and conquer dp expression parsing Statement C Codeforces Round 134 (Div. 1) {217} PROGRAMMING 2500
330 Alien DNA data structures ds trees Statement E Codeforces Round 134 (Div. 1) {217} PROGRAMMING 2700
252 Bitonix' Patrol bitmasks brute force combinatorics dfs and similar math Statement D Codeforces Round 134 (Div. 1) {217} PROGRAMMING 2800
9636 Mountain Scenery brute force constructive algorithms implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 134 (Div. 2) {218} PROGRAMMING 1100
16776 Airport implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 134 (Div. 2) {218} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces Round #134 1100
28626 k-String implementation strings Statement A Codeforces Round 135 (Div. 2) {219} PROGRAMMING User editorial for Codeforces Round #135 (Div. 2) 1100
5871 Special Offer! Super Price 999 Bourles! implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 135 (Div. 2) {219} PROGRAMMING User editorial for Codeforces Round #135 (Div. 2) 1500
6729 Color Stripe brute force dp greedy Statement C Codeforces Round 135 (Div. 2) {219} PROGRAMMING User editorial for Codeforces Round #135 (Div. 2) 1600
9829 Choosing Capital for Treeland dfs and similar dp graphs trees Statement D Codeforces Round 135 (Div. 2) {219} PROGRAMMING User editorial for Codeforces Round #135 (Div. 2) 1900
622 Parking Lot data structures Statement E Codeforces Round 135 (Div. 2) {219} PROGRAMMING 2500
12079 Little Elephant and Problem implementation sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 136 (Div. 1) {220} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #136 — Editorial 1400
10642 Little Elephant and Array constructive algorithms data structures Statement B Codeforces Round 136 (Div. 1) {220} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #136 — Editorial 1900
952 Little Elephant and Shifts data structures Statement C Codeforces Round 136 (Div. 1) {220} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #136 — Editorial 2300
1441 Little Elephant and Inversions data structures two pointers Statement E Codeforces Round 136 (Div. 1) {220} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #136 — Editorial 2400
287 Little Elephant and Triangle geometry math Statement D Codeforces Round 136 (Div. 1) {220} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #136 — Editorial 2500
15497 Little Elephant and Function implementation math Statement A Codeforces Round 136 (Div. 2) {221} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #136 — Editorial 1000
4623 Little Elephant and Numbers implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 136 (Div. 2) {221} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #136 — Editorial 1300
10944 Shooshuns and Sequence brute force implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 137 (Div. 2) {222} PROGRAMMING Разбор задач 1200
6179 Cosmic Tables data structures implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 137 (Div. 2) {222} PROGRAMMING Разбор задач 1300
2184 Olympiad binary search greedy sortings two pointers Statement D Codeforces Round 137 (Div. 2) {222} PROGRAMMING 1800
2369 Reducing Fractions implementation math number theory sortings Statement C Codeforces Round 137 (Div. 2) {222} PROGRAMMING 2000
2904 Decoding Genome dp matrices Statement E Codeforces Round 137 (Div. 2) {222} PROGRAMMING 2000
2553 Bracket Sequence data structures expression parsing implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 138 (Div. 1) {223} PROGRAMMING 1800
1829 Two Strings data structures dp strings Statement B Codeforces Round 138 (Div. 1) {223} PROGRAMMING 2000
1600 Partial Sums combinatorics math number theory Statement C Codeforces Round 138 (Div. 1) {223} PROGRAMMING 2200
71 Spider geometry graphs Statement D Codeforces Round 138 (Div. 1) {223} PROGRAMMING 3000
193 Planar Graph flows geometry graphs Statement E Codeforces Round 138 (Div. 1) {223} PROGRAMMING 3000
27385 Parallelepiped brute force geometry math Statement A Codeforces Round 138 (Div. 2) {224} PROGRAMMING 1100
7418 Array bitmasks implementation two pointers Statement B Codeforces Round 138 (Div. 2) {224} PROGRAMMING 1500
11929 Dice Tower constructive algorithms greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 139 (Div. 2) {225} PROGRAMMING 1200
3188 Well-known Numbers binary search greedy number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 139 (Div. 2) {225} PROGRAMMING 1600
9335 Barcode dp matrices Statement C Codeforces Round 139 (Div. 2) {225} PROGRAMMING 1800
821 Unsolvable math number theory Statement E Codeforces Round 139 (Div. 2) {225} PROGRAMMING 2100
953 Snake bitmasks dfs and similar graphs implementation Statement D Codeforces Round 139 (Div. 2) {225} PROGRAMMING 2300
4046 Flying Saucer Segments math Statement A Codeforces Round 140 (Div. 1) {226} PROGRAMMING 1500
1572 Naughty Stone Piles greedy Statement B Codeforces Round 140 (Div. 1) {226} PROGRAMMING 2000
979 The table constructive algorithms greedy Statement D Codeforces Round 140 (Div. 1) {226} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #140 Editorial 2100
922 Anniversary data structures implementation math matrices number theory Statement C Codeforces Round 140 (Div. 1) {226} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #140 Editorial 2100
473 Noble Knight's Path data structures trees Statement E Codeforces Round 140 (Div. 1) {226} PROGRAMMING 2900
28826 Effective Approach implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 140 (Div. 2) {227} PROGRAMMING 1100
4298 Where do I Turn? geometry Statement A Codeforces Round 140 (Div. 2) {227} PROGRAMMING Editorial (eng) 1400
3484 Two Tables brute force implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 141 (Div. 2) {228} PROGRAMMING 1400
2538 The Road to Berland is Paved With Good Intentions 2-sat dfs and similar ds graphs Statement E Codeforces Round 141 (Div. 2) {228} PROGRAMMING 2000
470 Fractal Detector dp hashing Statement C Codeforces Round 141 (Div. 2) {228} PROGRAMMING 2200
387 Zigzag data structures Statement D Codeforces Round 141 (Div. 2) {228} PROGRAMMING 2300
115181 Is your horseshoe on the other hoof? implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 141 (Div. 2) {228} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #141 (Div. 2) Tutorial 800
3553 Shifts brute force two pointers Statement A Codeforces Round 142 (Div. 1) {229} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #142 Problem Analysis 1600
4804 Planets binary search data structures graphs shortest paths Statement B Codeforces Round 142 (Div. 1) {229} PROGRAMMING 1900
2302 Towers dp greedy two pointers Statement D Codeforces Round 142 (Div. 1) {229} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #142 Problem Analysis 2000
1652 Triangles combinatorics graphs math Statement C Codeforces Round 142 (Div. 1) {229} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #142 Problem Analysis 2100
471 Gifts combinatorics dp math probabilities Statement E Codeforces Round 142 (Div. 1) {229} PROGRAMMING 2500
82038 Dragons greedy sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 142 (Div. 2) {230} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #142 Problem Analysis 1000
78672 T-primes binary search implementation math number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 142 (Div. 2) {230} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #142 Problem Analysis 1300
3641 Magic, Wizardry and Wonders constructive algorithms greedy Statement B Codeforces Round 143 (Div. 2) {231} PROGRAMMING 1600
4148 Magic Box brute force geometry Statement D Codeforces Round 143 (Div. 2) {231} PROGRAMMING 1600
8741 To Add or Not to Add binary search sortings two pointers Statement C Codeforces Round 143 (Div. 2) {231} PROGRAMMING 1700
1933 Cactus data structures dfs and similar dp graphs trees Statement E Codeforces Round 143 (Div. 2) {231} PROGRAMMING 2400
343790 Team brute force greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 143 (Div. 2) {231} PROGRAMMING Tutorial Codeforces Round #143 800
2601 Cycles binary search constructive algorithms graphs greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 144 (Div. 1) {232} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces Round #144 1800
1490 Table bitmasks combinatorics dp math Statement B Codeforces Round 144 (Div. 1) {232} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces Round #144 2200
488 Fence binary search data structures string suffix structures Statement D Codeforces Round 144 (Div. 1) {232} PROGRAMMING 2700
292 Doe Graphs constructive algorithms divide and conquer dp graphs shortest paths Statement C Codeforces Round 144 (Div. 1) {232} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces Round #144 2700
708 Quick Tortoise bitmasks divide and conquer dp Statement E Codeforces Round 144 (Div. 1) {232} PROGRAMMING 2900
7608 Non-square Equation binary search brute force math Statement B Codeforces Round 144 (Div. 2) {233} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces Round #144 1500
43793 Perfect Permutation implementation math Statement A Codeforces Round 144 (Div. 2) {233} PROGRAMMING Editorial for Codeforces Round #144 800
7190 Reading sortings Statement B Codeforces Round 145 (Div. 2, ACM-ICPC Rules) {234} PROGRAMMING 1000
4499 Lefthanders and Righthanders implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 145 (Div. 2, ACM-ICPC Rules) {234} PROGRAMMING 1200
5606 Weather dp implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 145 (Div. 2, ACM-ICPC Rules) {234} PROGRAMMING 1300
1004 Champions' League implementation Statement E Codeforces Round 145 (Div. 2, ACM-ICPC Rules) {234} PROGRAMMING 1600
1548 Cinema implementation Statement D Codeforces Round 145 (Div. 2, ACM-ICPC Rules) {234} PROGRAMMING 1700
1496 Practice constructive algorithms divide and conquer implementation Statement G Codeforces Round 145 (Div. 2, ACM-ICPC Rules) {234} PROGRAMMING 1800
1786 Fence dp Statement F Codeforces Round 145 (Div. 2, ACM-ICPC Rules) {234} PROGRAMMING 1900
574 Merging Two Decks constructive algorithms greedy Statement H Codeforces Round 145 (Div. 2, ACM-ICPC Rules) {234} PROGRAMMING 2100
18238 LCM Challenge number theory Statement A Codeforces Round 146 (Div. 1) {235} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #146 Tutorial 1600
3653 Let's Play Osu! dp math probabilities Statement B Codeforces Round 146 (Div. 1) {235} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #146 Tutorial 2100
789 Number Challenge combinatorics dp implementation math number theory Statement E Codeforces Round 146 (Div. 1) {235} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #146 Tutorial 2600
2172 Cyclical Quest data structures string suffix structures strings Statement C Codeforces Round 146 (Div. 1) {235} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #146 Tutorial 2700
511 Graph Game graphs Statement D Codeforces Round 146 (Div. 1) {235} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #146 Tutorial 3000
14642 Easy Number Challenge implementation number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 146 (Div. 2) {236} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #146 Tutorial 1300
222510 Boy or Girl brute force implementation strings Statement A Codeforces Round 146 (Div. 2) {236} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #146 Tutorial 800
27286 Free Cash implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 147 (Div. 2) {237} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #147 (Div. 2) Разбор Задач 1200
2246 Young Table implementation sortings Statement B Codeforces Round 147 (Div. 2) {237} PROGRAMMING 1500
5922 Primes on Interval binary search number theory two pointers Statement C Codeforces Round 147 (Div. 2) {237} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #147 (Div. 2) Разбор Задач 1600
1778 Build String flows graphs Statement E Codeforces Round 147 (Div. 2) {237} PROGRAMMING 2100
574 T-decomposition dfs and similar graphs greedy trees Statement D Codeforces Round 147 (Div. 2) {237} PROGRAMMING 2200