Codeforces Beta Round 22 (Div. 2 Only)

Solutions are presented as using the least memory and the fastest execution time. It also takes the top 10 most recent solutions from each language. If you want to limit to a specific index, click the "Solved" button and go to that problem.

Duration (Seconds)
Relative Time
Start Time
22 Codeforces Beta Round 22 (Div. 2 Only) FINISHED False 7200 463417183 June 29, 2010, 3 p.m.


Community Tag
( 23467 ) A Second Order Statistics PROGRAMMING brute force 1000

B"Once Bob needed to find the second order statistics of a sequence of integer numbers. Lets choose each number from the sequence exactly once and sort them. The value on the second position is the second order statistics of the given sequence. In other words it is the smallest element strictly greater than the minimum. Help Bob solve this problem. The first input line contains integer n (1 xe2 x80 x89 xe2 x89 xa4 xe2 x80 x89n xe2 x80 x89 xe2 x89 xa4 xe2 x80 x89100) -- amount of numbers in the sequence. The second line contains n space-separated integer numbers -- elements of the sequence. These numbers don't exceed 100 in absolute value. If the given sequence has the second order statistics, output this order statistics, otherwise output NO."...


Codeforces Beta Round #22 Tutorial


Submission Id
Test Set
Tests Passed
Time taken (ms)
Memory Consumed (bytes)
94059 julsa A June 29, 2010, 3:28 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 819200 1000
93612 alik A June 29, 2010, 3:05 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 819200 1000
94446 sankear A June 29, 2010, 3:56 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 921600 1000
93934 deevrod A June 29, 2010, 3:20 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 921600 1000
93924 Creed A June 29, 2010, 3:20 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 921600 1000
93836 privet A June 29, 2010, 3:13 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 921600 1000
93781 ErzhanDS A June 29, 2010, 3:10 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 921600 1000
93689 mdldml A June 29, 2010, 3:07 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 921600 1000
93602 KOKS A June 29, 2010, 3:05 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 921600 1000
93561 xtpynx A June 29, 2010, 3:04 p.m. OK Delphi TESTS 31 30 921600 1000
93832 kozima A June 29, 2010, 3:13 p.m. OK F# TESTS 31 130 6041600 1000
93661 SyFy A June 29, 2010, 3:06 p.m. OK F# TESTS 31 170 6656000 1000
95217 abzaloid A June 29, 2010, 4:54 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
94053 PAG A June 29, 2010, 3:28 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
93904 kuzmichev_dima A June 29, 2010, 3:18 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
93681 Furko A June 29, 2010, 3:07 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
93591 mavr A June 29, 2010, 3:04 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
93581 vilcheuski A June 29, 2010, 3:04 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
93571 alger95 A June 29, 2010, 3:04 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
93565 sempav A June 29, 2010, 3:04 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
93523 rhehi A June 29, 2010, 3:03 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
93520 sevenkplus A June 29, 2010, 3:03 p.m. OK FPC TESTS 31 30 1024000 1000
94071 mayankalva A June 29, 2010, 3:29 p.m. OK GNU C TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
93898 Sunshan A June 29, 2010, 3:17 p.m. OK GNU C TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
93607 yoga1290 A June 29, 2010, 3:05 p.m. OK GNU C TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
95055 iakasT A June 29, 2010, 4:40 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94952 rookie A June 29, 2010, 4:30 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94917 Alisafe A June 29, 2010, 4:28 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94859 Alisafe A June 29, 2010, 4:23 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94762 yiam A June 29, 2010, 4:16 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94701 pritam_iem A June 29, 2010, 4:12 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94693 fight A June 29, 2010, 4:12 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94650 masoud1459 A June 29, 2010, 4:09 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94612 wand125 A June 29, 2010, 4:07 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94574 yiyiyi4321 A June 29, 2010, 4:04 p.m. OK GNU C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
93730 segrey A June 29, 2010, 3:08 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 60 42905600 1000
93751 Spacejoker A June 29, 2010, 3:09 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 60 42905600 1000
93833 sjbr A June 29, 2010, 3:13 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 60 42905600 1000
93927 userlond A June 29, 2010, 3:20 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 60 42905600 1000
93584 Katran A June 29, 2010, 3:04 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 60 43008000 1000
94755 kioa A June 29, 2010, 4:16 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 80 42905600 1000
94284 rien A June 29, 2010, 3:45 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 80 42905600 1000
94247 thisguyisnoob A June 29, 2010, 3:42 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 80 42905600 1000
94243 Abra A June 29, 2010, 3:42 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 80 42905600 1000
94139 Nox A June 29, 2010, 3:34 p.m. OK Java 6 TESTS 31 80 42905600 1000
93710 chandubaba A June 29, 2010, 3:07 p.m. OK Mono C# TESTS 31 110 5939200 1000
93808 kodec A June 29, 2010, 3:11 p.m. OK Mono C# TESTS 31 110 5939200 1000
93697 Rotsor A June 29, 2010, 3:07 p.m. OK Mono C# TESTS 31 110 6041600 1000
94659 m.zandy A June 29, 2010, 4:10 p.m. OK Mono C# TESTS 31 110 6041600 1000
93926 TFTM A June 29, 2010, 3:20 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 10 1331200 1000
93948 andrew2 A June 29, 2010, 3:21 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
95014 Niloufar A June 29, 2010, 4:36 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94928 JasakovArtem A June 29, 2010, 4:28 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94511 bjtak A June 29, 2010, 4:01 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94274 VolodymyrK A June 29, 2010, 3:44 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94111 shalex9154 A June 29, 2010, 3:32 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
93941 fayaz_iut A June 29, 2010, 3:21 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
93922 Parhomets A June 29, 2010, 3:19 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
93899 ddd A June 29, 2010, 3:18 p.m. OK MS C++ TESTS 31 30 1331200 1000
94037 mkagenius A June 29, 2010, 3:27 p.m. OK Python 2 TESTS 31 50 2764800 1000
93731 muntasir A June 29, 2010, 3:08 p.m. OK Python 2 TESTS 31 50 2764800 1000
93802 johnfn A June 29, 2010, 3:11 p.m. OK Python 2 TESTS 31 60 2764800 1000
93546 Kalni A June 29, 2010, 3:04 p.m. OK Python 2 TESTS 31 60 2764800 1000
93521 insane A June 29, 2010, 3:03 p.m. OK Python 2 TESTS 31 60 2764800 1000
93665 ahmedkotb A June 29, 2010, 3:06 p.m. OK Python 2 TESTS 31 80 2764800 1000
94685 DNNX A June 29, 2010, 4:11 p.m. OK Ruby TESTS 31 50 3891200 1000
93545 yoshibo- A June 29, 2010, 3:04 p.m. OK Ruby TESTS 31 60 3891200 1000

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