2023-2024 ICPC, Asia Jakarta Regional Contest (Online Mirror, Unrated, ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred)

Solutions are presented as using the least memory and the fastest execution time. It also takes the top 10 most recent solutions from each language. If you want to limit to a specific index, click the "Solved" button and go to that problem.

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1906 2023-2024 ICPC, Asia Jakarta Regional Contest (Online Mirror, Unrated, ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred) FINISHED False 18000 39921888 Dec. 3, 2023, 4:35 a.m.


Community Tag
( 883 ) J Count BFS Graph PROGRAMMING combinatorics dp

B'You are currently researching a graph traversal algorithm called the Breadth First Search (BFS). Suppose you have an input graph of N nodes (numbered from 1 to N ). The graph is represented by an adjacency matrix M , for which node u can traverse to node v if M_{u, v} is 1 , otherwise it is 0 . Your algorithm will output the order the nodes are visited in the BFS. The pseudocode of the algorithm is presented as follows. During your research, you are interested in the following problem. Given an array A such that A is a permutation of 1 to N and A_1 = 1 . How many simple undirected graph with N nodes and adjacency matrix M such that text{BFS}(M) = A ? Since the answer can be very large, calculate the answer modulo 998 ,244 ,353 . A simple graph has no self-loop ( M_{i, i} = 0 for 1 <= q i <= q N ) and there is at most one edge that connects a pair of nodes. In an undirected graph, if node u is adjacent to node v , then node v is also adjacent to node u ; formally, M_{u, v} = M_{v, u} for 1 <= q u < v <= q N . Two graphs are considered different if there is an edge that exists in one graph but not the other. In other words, two graphs are considered different if their adjacency matrices are different. The first line consists of an integer N ( 2 <= q N <= q 5000 ). The second line consists of N integers A_i . The array A is a permutation of 1 to N and A_1 = 1 . Output an integer representing the number of simple undirected graphs with N nodes and adjacency matrix M such that text{BFS}(M) = A . Since the answer can be very large, output the answer modulo 998 ,244 ,353 . Explanation for the sample input/output #1 The following illustration shows all graphs that satisfy the requirements. Explanation for the sample input/output #2 The only graph that sati'...




Submission Id
Test Set
Tests Passed
Time taken (ms)
Memory Consumed (bytes)
235494893 fjashufi AcceptedPower Raymond_7 J Dec. 3, 2023, 9:06 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 58 202 200908800
235474606 StarSilk J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:36 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 58 249 200499200
235643627 bdfs_then_CSDN J Dec. 4, 2023, 12:51 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 58 374 204492800
235492473 PEIMUDA bilibilitdasc Error_Yuan J Dec. 3, 2023, 8:49 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 58 389 200704000
235505097 lunilay2002 J Dec. 3, 2023, 10:26 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 58 390 204492800
235475547 UTE_Kai lamduybao03 canhnam357 J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:44 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 58 405 401715200
235493492 S00021 lzc0115 DJQ J Dec. 3, 2023, 8:56 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 58 436 401715200
235477306 DanWin zhouzepeng_2023 Yaimsea J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:59 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 58 733 402432000
235475345 AnosVoldigoad Linmobi HHH666666 J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:42 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 58 810 402432000
235474607 aa2985759 AkaiLemon yang12138 J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:36 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 109 102400
235487698 _chroneZ J Dec. 3, 2023, 8:16 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 202 100761600
235471338 KKT_89 Puranya_ ikefumy J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:05 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 202 102297600
235483213 HaoxuanXIE SingleZombie forxen J Dec. 3, 2023, 7:44 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 218 102400
235529177 IceBorworntat J Dec. 3, 2023, 1:53 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 234 204492800
235476684 JustA7 ace-in-the-hole HuyVu J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:54 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 249 100454400
235519886 madlogic limbo16 J Dec. 3, 2023, 12:33 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 265 208486400
235476235 Samsara_soul ship2077 Yu_Jie J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:50 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 280 200806400
235482476 Tanzim_bn Hamim99 J Dec. 3, 2023, 7:39 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 280 216473600
235492113 panda_2500 dhakad_239 ashler66 J Dec. 3, 2023, 8:47 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 58 296 102400
235470902 fs20091003 J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:01 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 78 102400
235469411 heno239 J Dec. 3, 2023, 5:45 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 78 8499200
235472037 BigHeadCarrot niao_v AKCqhzdy J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:11 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 78 104345600
235469873 ITworker_Z red-stone J Dec. 3, 2023, 5:50 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 109 201420800
235466603 gisp_zjz triple__a Roundgod J Dec. 3, 2023, 5:11 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 140 200806400
235472561 RealReliauk minstdfx MegalovaniaJ J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:17 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 171 201113600
235504585 grass8sheep J Dec. 3, 2023, 10:22 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 202 100659200
235466560 grass8sheep qiuzx KbltQaQ J Dec. 3, 2023, 5:11 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 202 100659200
235467474 cxm1024 IceYukino pp_orange J Dec. 3, 2023, 5:22 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 202 201318400
235616989 chappy1 J Dec. 3, 2023, 5:57 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 58 202 204492800
235466645 hieplpvip vinfat _SS J Dec. 3, 2023, 5:12 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 46 102400
235464664 ecnerwala ksun48 J Dec. 3, 2023, 4:47 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 62 0
235469583 LMydd0225 JerryMao EasonTAO J Dec. 3, 2023, 5:47 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 78 204800
235517269 antekb natofp kobor J Dec. 3, 2023, 12:12 p.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 78 100454400
235483880 piyush_pransukhka Atekichan itz_archit J Dec. 3, 2023, 7:48 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 93 102400
235472087 QwertyPi J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:12 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 93 402636800
235470653 Thanhs peepdamonster daoquanglinh2k7 J Dec. 3, 2023, 5:58 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 108 100454400
235479658 Anonymous_Noob J Dec. 3, 2023, 7:17 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 109 102400
235476774 SaoST VHTung Monarchuwu J Dec. 3, 2023, 6:54 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 109 200806400
235635174 mcqueencin ahoraSoyPeor JhonnyZaz J Dec. 3, 2023, 9:08 p.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 58 109 201318400
235537242 arvindf232 J Dec. 3, 2023, 2:38 p.m. OK Kotlin 1.6 TESTS 58 904 263577600

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