COMPFEST 14 - Preliminary Online Mirror (Unrated, ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred)

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1725 COMPFEST 14 - Preliminary Online Mirror (Unrated, ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred) FINISHED False 18000 78942283 Sept. 4, 2022, 1:35 p.m.


Community Tag
( 707 ) K Kingdom of Criticism PROGRAMMING data structures ds

B'Pak Chanek is visiting a kingdom that earned a nickname "Kingdom of Criticism" because of how often its residents criticise each aspect of the kingdom. One aspect that is often criticised is the heights of the buildings. The kingdom has N buildings. Initially, building i has a height of A_i units. At any point in time, the residents can give a new criticism, namely they currently do not like buildings with heights between l and r units inclusive for some two integers l and r . It is known that r-l is always odd. In 1 minute, the kingdom 's construction team can increase or decrease the height of any building by 1 unit as long as the height still becomes a positive number. Each time they receive the current criticism from the residents, the kingdom 's construction team makes it so that there are no buildings with heights between l and r units inclusive in the minimum time possible. It can be obtained that there is only one way to do this. Note that the construction team only cares about the current criticism from the residents. All previous criticisms are forgotten. There will be Q queries that you must solve. Each query is one of the three following possibilities: Note that each change in height still persists to the next queries. The first line contains a single integer N ( 1 <= q N <= q 4 cdot 10^5 ) -- the number buildings in the kingdom. The second line contains N integers A_1, A_2, ldots, A_N ( 1 <= q A_i <= q 10^9 ) -- the initial heights of the buildings. The next line contains a single integer Q ( 1 <= q Q <= q 4 cdot 10^5 ) -- the number of queries. The j -th of the next Q lines contains the j -th query as described. There is at least one query of type 2 . For each query of type 2 , output a line containing an integer representing the height of the building asked. After the 1 -st query, the height of'...




Submission Id
Test Set
Tests Passed
Time taken (ms)
Memory Consumed (bytes)
170869210 kaiboy rainboy Dukkha K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:04 p.m. OK GNU C11 TESTS 35 2776 278937600
170875421 alek0618 RGB_ICPC7 RGB_ICPC1 K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:59 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 1326 471961600
170903989 rfpermen K Sept. 5, 2022, 2:03 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 1980 330342400
170860066 Mr_Eight wangziji Qingyu K Sept. 4, 2022, 2:53 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 2074 90726400
170881241 _Veritas 285087101 FNOIwyhao K Sept. 4, 2022, 6:04 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 2089 24064000
170903679 rfpermen K Sept. 5, 2022, 1:55 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 2183 458547200
170903920 rfpermen K Sept. 5, 2022, 2:01 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 2230 338329600
170854624 OPsigma K Sept. 4, 2022, 2:20 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 2979 156672000
170853267 rapira FeggieBoss Astronomax K Sept. 4, 2022, 2:13 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 717 43520000
170901764 faustaadp K Sept. 5, 2022, 12:59 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 1138 54169600
170881090 Agreb K Sept. 4, 2022, 6:02 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 1200 50995200
170883748 Kotoblepass s20b1_chernikov average_gleb_enjoyer K Sept. 4, 2022, 6:30 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 1482 264396800
170875102 fenzhang hiwang123 spentplaying K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:56 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 1560 73420800
170858304 yyljkydr Suika_predator oipotato K Sept. 4, 2022, 2:42 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 1840 12800000
170868180 Pajaraja milisav allllekssssa K Sept. 4, 2022, 3:56 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 1918 124108800
170879772 Gmacem K Sept. 4, 2022, 5:46 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 2948 87961600
170890751 alwyn K Sept. 4, 2022, 8:10 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 904 54579200
170869013 PIachta Sophie_Neuenmuller K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:03 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 1013 120934400
170890643 alwyn K Sept. 4, 2022, 8:08 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 1154 54579200
170890573 alwyn K Sept. 4, 2022, 8:07 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 1263 54579200
170869369 PIachta Sophie_Neuenmuller K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:06 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 1294 86732800
170866606 kotatsugame K Sept. 4, 2022, 3:43 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 1730 248012800
170904962 beza K Sept. 5, 2022, 2:32 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 1824 113049600
170888530 TsukasaYuzaki K Sept. 4, 2022, 7:34 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 2043 464896000
170887780 TsukasaYuzaki K Sept. 4, 2022, 7:24 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 2089 464896000
170871153 errorgorn K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:21 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 2308 396390400
170900012 CoderNTT K Sept. 5, 2022, 12:01 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 763 91136000
170872162 akifpatel jdurie K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:29 p.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 764 57856000
170862718 Heltion K Sept. 4, 2022, 3:13 p.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 795 46592000
170886825 Thallium54 K Sept. 4, 2022, 7:09 p.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 810 51404800
170858675 jiangly K Sept. 4, 2022, 2:45 p.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 842 51404800
170873188 I_LOVE_DASHA_KARPENKO Wailydest oleh1421 K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:38 p.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 904 87654400
170880245 Nero K Sept. 4, 2022, 5:52 p.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 920 75468800
170912553 noshin_faiza Roll_Num_56 Iftekhar_Hakim_K K Sept. 5, 2022, 5:37 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 966 82739200
170902561 Zanite K Sept. 5, 2022, 1:23 a.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 997 80281600
170871179 fastmath turmax LeoPro K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:21 p.m. OK GNU C++20 (64) TESTS 35 1122 111308800
170869531 arvindf232 happypotato1207 nicholask K Sept. 4, 2022, 4:07 p.m. OK Kotlin 1.6 TESTS 35 1481 53043200

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