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ContestId |
Name |
Phase |
Frozen |
Duration (Seconds) |
Relative Time |
Start Time |
1685 | Codeforces Round 794 (Div. 1) | FINISHED | False | 8100 | 87740683 | May 25, 2022, 5:35 p.m. |
Solved$ |
Index |
Name |
Type |
Tags |
Community Tag |
Rating |
( 1132 ) | C | Bring Balance | PROGRAMMING | constructive algorithms greedy | 2600 |
B"Alina has a bracket sequence s of length 2n , consisting of n opening brackets '(' and n closing brackets ')'. As she likes balance, she wants to turn this bracket sequence into a balanced bracket sequence. In one operation, she can reverse any substring of s . What's the smallest number of operations that she needs to turn s into a balanced bracket sequence? It can be shown that it's always possible in at most n operations. As a reminder, a sequence of brackets is called balanced if one can turn it into a valid math expression by adding characters + and 1. For example, sequences (())(), (), and (()(())) are balanced, while )(, ((), and (()))( are not. The first line of the input contains a single integer t ( 1 <= t <= 2 cdot 10^4 ) -- the number of test cases. The description of the test cases follows. The first line of each test case contains a single integer n ( 1 <= n <= 10^5 ). The second line of each test case contains a string s of length 2n , consisting of n opening and n closing brackets. The sum of n over all test cases doesn't exceed 2 cdot 10^5 . For each test case, in the first line output a single integer k (0 <= k <= n) -- the smallest number of operations required. The i -th of the next k lines should contain two integers l_i, r_i ( 1 <= l_i <= r_i <= 2n ), indicating that in the i -th operation, Alina will reverse the substring s_ls_{l+1} ldots s_{r-1}s_r . Here the numeration starts from 1 . If there are multiple sequences of operations with the smallest length which transform the sequence into a balanced one, you can output any of them. In the first test case, the string is already balanced. In the second test case, the string will be transformed as follows: ())((()))( to ()()(()))( to ()()(())(), where the last string is balanced. In the third test case, the string w"... |
103198 |
Submission Id |
Author(s) |
Index |
Submitted |
Verdict |
Language |
Test Set |
Tests Passed |
Time taken (ms) |
Memory Consumed (bytes) |
Tags |
Rating |
158444104 | hos.lyric | C | May 25, 2022, 6:24 p.m. | OK | D | TESTS | 26 | 46 | 6144000 | 2600 | |
158465773 | Gassa | C | May 25, 2022, 7:41 p.m. | OK | D | TESTS | 26 | 78 | 6144000 | 2600 | |
158446351 | dlalswp25 | C | May 25, 2022, 6:29 p.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 204800 | 2600 | |
158496776 | hotpotcondiment | C | May 26, 2022, 6:26 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 1024000 | 2600 | |
158480726 | L7-56 | C | May 26, 2022, 1:24 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 1024000 | 2600 | |
158480583 | lin7xu | C | May 26, 2022, 1:19 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 1331200 | 2600 | |
158482973 | WHC-MIK-7521X | C | May 26, 2022, 2:27 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 1024000 | 2600 | |
158481598 | antguz | C | May 26, 2022, 1:52 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 1024000 | 2600 | |
158473988 | Potassium | C | May 25, 2022, 9:29 p.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 1638400 | 2600 | |
158508504 | themoon | C | May 26, 2022, 8:58 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 31 | 819200 | 2600 | |
158579578 | suyiheng | C | May 27, 2022, 4:39 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 31 | 1024000 | 2600 | |
158486081 | LZDQ | C | May 26, 2022, 3:34 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 26 | 31 | 1024000 | 2600 | |
158463552 | Bohun | C | May 25, 2022, 7:30 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 1024000 | 2600 | |
158505153 | ace-in-the-hole | C | May 26, 2022, 8:14 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 1331200 | 2600 | |
158534728 | anodiebird | C | May 26, 2022, 1:57 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 204800 | 2600 | |
158446162 | LJC00118 | C | May 25, 2022, 6:29 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 204800 | 2600 | |
158559593 | himadri765 | C | May 26, 2022, 6:48 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 1331200 | 2600 | |
158453229 | TeaPot | C | May 25, 2022, 6:50 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 1331200 | 2600 | |
158509758 | Lemur95 | C | May 26, 2022, 9:15 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 2969600 | 2600 | |
158459166 | AliShahali1382 | C | May 25, 2022, 7:11 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 2969600 | 2600 | |
158466254 | Wailydest | C | May 25, 2022, 7:44 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 31 | 204800 | 2600 | |
158509283 | Fairy_Tale | C | May 26, 2022, 9:09 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 26 | 31 | 512000 | 2600 | |
158462347 | JaroslavUrban | C | May 25, 2022, 7:25 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 1331200 | 2600 | |
158512017 | anonymous_777 | C | May 26, 2022, 9:43 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 1536000 | 2600 | |
158470736 | Merlininice | C | May 25, 2022, 8:30 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 6553600 | 2600 | |
158438857 | potato167 | C | May 25, 2022, 6:12 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 512000 | 2600 | |
158562130 | BERNARB.01 | C | May 26, 2022, 7:28 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 1331200 | 2600 | |
158530522 | codr0 | C | May 26, 2022, 1:13 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 1331200 | 2600 | |
158450556 | kotatsugame | C | May 25, 2022, 6:41 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 1536000 | 2600 | |
158448568 | Kirill_Kudr22 | C | May 25, 2022, 6:35 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 30 | 2560000 | 2600 | |
158438284 | Petr | C | May 25, 2022, 6:11 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 31 | 512000 | 2600 | |
158464617 | creep | C | May 25, 2022, 7:36 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 31 | 1331200 | 2600 | |
158447393 | dreamoon_love_AA | C | May 25, 2022, 6:32 p.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 512000 | 2600 | |
158468957 | Egor.Lifar | C | May 25, 2022, 8:14 p.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 819200 | 2600 | |
158447760 | Ormlis | C | May 25, 2022, 6:33 p.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 819200 | 2600 | |
158461124 | dsgrekova2 | C | May 25, 2022, 7:20 p.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 1126400 | 2600 | |
158510794 | Estinka | C | May 26, 2022, 9:28 a.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 1638400 | 2600 | |
158541255 | lis05 | C | May 26, 2022, 2:59 p.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 2048000 | 2600 | |
158562093 | arbuzick | C | May 26, 2022, 7:28 p.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 2150400 | 2600 | |
158552329 | Sorting | C | May 26, 2022, 5:11 p.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 2150400 | 2600 | |
158536551 | tdsb | C | May 26, 2022, 2:17 p.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 2150400 | 2600 | |
158452983 | risujiroh | C | May 25, 2022, 6:49 p.m. | OK | GNU C++20 (64) | TESTS | 26 | 15 | 2150400 | 2600 | |
158467310 | SecondThread | C | May 25, 2022, 7:48 p.m. | OK | Java 8 | TESTS | 26 | 155 | 38297600 | 2600 | |
158471784 | Hakiobo | C | May 25, 2022, 8:44 p.m. | OK | Kotlin 1.4 | TESTS | 26 | 155 | 1228800 | 2600 | |
158534747 | ruimina | C | May 26, 2022, 1:57 p.m. | OK | PyPy 3 | TESTS | 26 | 233 | 11264000 | 2600 | |
158443576 | conqueror_of_tourist | C | May 25, 2022, 6:23 p.m. | OK | PyPy 3-64 | TESTS | 26 | 233 | 14131200 | 2600 | |
158525394 | asdsasd | C | May 26, 2022, 12:19 p.m. | OK | PyPy 3-64 | TESTS | 26 | 234 | 13414400 | 2600 |
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