Codeforces Round 731 (Div. 3)

Solutions are presented as using the least memory and the fastest execution time. It also takes the top 10 most recent solutions from each language. If you want to limit to a specific index, click the "Solved" button and go to that problem.

Duration (Seconds)
Relative Time
Start Time
1547 Codeforces Round 731 (Div. 3) FINISHED False 8100 115313083 July 10, 2021, 2:35 p.m.


Community Tag
( 14989 ) E Air Conditioners PROGRAMMING dfs and similar dp implementation shortest paths sortings two pointers

B"On a strip of land of length n there are k air conditioners: the i -th air conditioner is placed in cell a_i ( 1 <= a_i <= n ). Two or more air conditioners cannot be placed in the same cell (i.e. all a_i are distinct). Each air conditioner is characterized by one parameter: temperature. The i -th air conditioner is set to the temperature t_i . For each cell i ( 1 <= i <= n ) find it's temperature, that can be calculated by the formula min_{1 <= j <= k}(t_j + |a_j - i|), where |a_j - i| denotes absolute value of the difference a_j - i . In other words, the temperature in cell i is equal to the minimum among the temperatures of air conditioners, increased by the distance from it to the cell i . Let's look at an example. Consider that n=6, k=2 , the first air conditioner is placed in cell a_1=2 and is set to the temperature t_1=14 and the second air conditioner is placed in cell a_2=5 and is set to the temperature t_2=16 . In that case temperatures in cells are: For each cell from 1 to n find the temperature in it. The first line contains one integer q ( 1 <= q <= 10^4 ) -- the number of test cases in the input. Then test cases follow. Before each test case, there is an empty line. Each test case contains three lines. The first line contains two integers n ( 1 <= n <= 3 cdot 10^5 ) and k ( 1 <= k <= n ) -- the length of the strip of land and the number of air conditioners respectively. The second line contains k integers a_1, a_2, ldots, a_k ( 1 <= a_i <= n ) -- positions of air conditioners on the strip of land. The third line contains k integers t_1, t_2, ldots, t_k ( 1 <= t_i <= 10^9 ) -- temperatures of air conditioners. It is guaranteed that the sum of n over all test cases does not exceed 3 cdot 10^5 . For each test case output"...


Codeforces Round #731 (Div. 3) Editorial


Submission Id
Test Set
Tests Passed
Time taken (ms)
Memory Consumed (bytes)
122013692 yycyyc E July 10, 2021, 6:38 p.m. OK GNU C11 TESTS 7 1184 2457600
122036042 alex-lai E July 11, 2021, 4:44 a.m. OK GNU C11 TESTS 31 1231 3584000
122025819 1435730 E July 11, 2021, 12:05 a.m. OK GNU C11 TESTS 7 1247 3686400
122031347 Aditya_871 E July 11, 2021, 3:01 a.m. OK GNU C11 TESTS 7 1247 4812800
122016386 lelouch-of-the-code E July 10, 2021, 7:20 p.m. OK GNU C11 TESTS 7 1278 7168000
122032900 wangyuxianWBWYX E July 11, 2021, 3:35 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 7 108 3584000
122026103 sdfz171047 E July 11, 2021, 12:20 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 7 124 3379200
122016833 Rajib_119 E July 10, 2021, 7:27 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 7 124 4812800
122029346 Fman2018 E July 11, 2021, 2:12 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 7 124 6041600
122039538 Valour616 E July 11, 2021, 5:52 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 31 124 6041600
121998825 EdisonBa E July 10, 2021, 4:44 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 7 156 4812800
121999236 chengchunhao E July 10, 2021, 4:45 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 7 171 4608000
122007180 shilezhi E July 10, 2021, 5:22 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 7 186 7168000
122002045 19Ztoa E July 10, 2021, 4:49 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 7 186 17305600
122034058 Alie. E July 11, 2021, 3:59 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 7 187 11980800
122026077 y0urs3lf E July 11, 2021, 12:18 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 7 202 4812800
122010500 kobebryan9 E July 10, 2021, 5:58 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 7 202 5529600
122001287 BlackDrago E July 10, 2021, 4:48 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 7 217 2355200
122003371 Mohtasim E July 10, 2021, 4:54 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 7 217 3686400
122038805 anuj_deshmukh E July 11, 2021, 5:39 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 31 217 4812800
122028466 chongyatu E July 11, 2021, 1:46 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 7 217 6041600
122033205 K-DA E July 11, 2021, 3:41 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 7 217 7270400
122011659 john_28 E July 10, 2021, 6:12 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 7 218 3584000
122008435 kira0777 E July 10, 2021, 5:35 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 7 218 4812800
122010517 mango_kulfi E July 10, 2021, 5:58 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 7 218 4812800
122001754 gslee E July 10, 2021, 4:49 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 202 2355200
122000638 thinn E July 10, 2021, 4:47 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 202 3584000
122007804 Turkhuuu E July 10, 2021, 5:28 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 202 3584000
122027945 yin12138 E July 11, 2021, 1:30 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 202 3584000
122028090 MaGnsi0 E July 11, 2021, 1:35 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 202 3584000
122004078 badlad E July 10, 2021, 4:58 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 202 4812800
122012873 Grapeee E July 10, 2021, 6:26 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 202 6041600
122005636 Tet E July 10, 2021, 5:09 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 202 36044800
122018952 shuvo_14 E July 10, 2021, 8:09 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 217 2355200
122014870 nik_kill E July 10, 2021, 6:56 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 7 217 2355200
122006559 BERNARB.01 E July 10, 2021, 5:16 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 139 4812800
122009570 Akib_2612 E July 10, 2021, 5:48 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 139 4812800
122011229 RP_21 E July 10, 2021, 6:07 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 139 4812800
122021305 ultimate_pal E July 10, 2021, 9:08 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 139 4812800
122033555 thusloop E July 11, 2021, 3:48 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 139 7270400
121998601 status_coding E July 10, 2021, 4:44 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 140 2457600
122008719 khealer E July 10, 2021, 5:38 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 140 3584000
122018973 jainbot27 E July 10, 2021, 8:09 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 140 3584000
122030441 vineeth_kada E July 11, 2021, 2:39 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 140 6041600
122004211 Tsovak E July 10, 2021, 4:59 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 7 140 7270400
122005139 theanmolsharma E July 10, 2021, 5:05 p.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 7 264 0
122013906 MrCodeRider E July 10, 2021, 6:41 p.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 7 311 819200
122017614 ak_ankit E July 10, 2021, 7:41 p.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 7 373 11980800
122007085 ab5v E July 10, 2021, 5:21 p.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 7 374 12083200
122038176 nagu-pm E July 11, 2021, 5:27 a.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 31 389 13209600
121999753 decoder_1671 E July 10, 2021, 4:46 p.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 7 390 40243200
121998784 Sniper654 E July 10, 2021, 4:44 p.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 7 405 11980800
122002869 DeepthansuGvs E July 10, 2021, 4:52 p.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 7 405 14438400
122007839 ayush__1411 E July 10, 2021, 5:29 p.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 7 436 11980800
122032055 EVTrainer bobbilyking E July 11, 2021, 3:16 a.m. OK Java 11 TESTS 7 436 17100800
122021901 dexter_1205 E July 10, 2021, 9:26 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 7 249 2662400
122000298 rohansingla07 E July 10, 2021, 4:47 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 7 280 25395200
121999264 akshay23codes E July 10, 2021, 4:45 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 7 296 25395200
122002138 pdk.abhishek E July 10, 2021, 4:49 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 7 296 25907200
122008509 BruteForcee E July 10, 2021, 5:36 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 7 296 26214400
122009231 nuni. E July 10, 2021, 5:44 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 7 467 41676800
122019776 rahul_dce E July 10, 2021, 8:28 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 7 514 69734400
122004120 jackiesteed E July 10, 2021, 4:58 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 7 530 13619200
122005787 InANutshell E July 10, 2021, 5:10 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 7 576 34304000
122035798 Dstoical E July 11, 2021, 4:39 a.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 31 654 16179200
122005425 toommm E July 10, 2021, 5:07 p.m. OK Kotlin TESTS 7 904 41984000
122030778 jrlqw E July 11, 2021, 2:48 a.m. OK MS C++ 2017 TESTS 7 280 4812800
122036475 dlehgns011 E July 11, 2021, 4:52 a.m. OK MS C++ 2017 TESTS 31 608 6144000
122020490 omar23_2 E July 10, 2021, 8:45 p.m. OK MS C++ 2017 TESTS 7 639 6451200
122011101 Tangerine E July 10, 2021, 6:05 p.m. OK MS C++ 2017 TESTS 7 639 14028800
122036528 dlehgns011 E July 11, 2021, 4:53 a.m. OK MS C++ 2017 TESTS 31 655 10137600
122010441 Flyheck E July 10, 2021, 5:57 p.m. OK MS C++ 2017 TESTS 7 670 14028800
122022892 tabibi E July 10, 2021, 10:01 p.m. OK .NET Core C# TESTS 7 311 59494400
122003098 kakel_san E July 10, 2021, 4:53 p.m. OK .NET Core C# TESTS 7 343 63385600
122014902 dufresne_1949 E July 10, 2021, 6:56 p.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 7 311 40140800
122025139 yash490 E July 10, 2021, 11:35 p.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 7 343 46489600
122022036 Aestroix E July 10, 2021, 9:30 p.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 7 404 241561600
122004161 rajbit E July 10, 2021, 4:59 p.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 7 561 43827200
122035716 not_tehlka E July 11, 2021, 4:37 a.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 31 701 43622400
122026144 MILOY E July 11, 2021, 12:22 a.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 7 717 44544000
122024941 yash490 E July 10, 2021, 11:26 p.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 7 733 46489600
122026352 h8191 E July 11, 2021, 12:31 a.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 7 795 47718400
122026282 h8191 E July 11, 2021, 12:28 a.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 7 826 46182400
122026309 h8191 E July 11, 2021, 12:30 a.m. OK PyPy 3 TESTS 7 826 47718400
122018368 visheshg.co18 E July 10, 2021, 7:55 p.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 7 997 31539200
122008166 nicola.bisetto E July 10, 2021, 5:33 p.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 7 1029 31539200
122035349 shiviDON E July 11, 2021, 4:28 a.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 31 1060 31744000
122011193 nk92292 E July 10, 2021, 6:06 p.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 7 1107 31744000
122024964 supachai_pay E July 10, 2021, 11:28 p.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 7 1169 48025600
122015036 dufresne_1949 E July 10, 2021, 6:58 p.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 7 1200 37990400
122029932 hellohowareyou E July 11, 2021, 2:26 a.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 7 1200 40038400
122023234 vinay272001 E July 10, 2021, 10:13 p.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 7 1201 31539200
122009373 Skybytskyi.Nikita E July 10, 2021, 5:46 p.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 7 1247 31539200
122004177 tempo001 E July 10, 2021, 4:59 p.m. OK Python 3 TESTS 7 1747 72601600

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