Codeforces Round 693 (Div. 3)

Solutions are presented as using the least memory and the fastest execution time. It also takes the top 10 most recent solutions from each language. If you want to limit to a specific index, click the "Solved" button and go to that problem.

Duration (Seconds)
Relative Time
Start Time
1472 Codeforces Round 693 (Div. 3) FINISHED False 7200 131469883 Jan. 4, 2021, 2:35 p.m.


Community Tag
( 32375 ) C Long Jumps PROGRAMMING dp graphs

B'Polycarp found under the Christmas tree an array a of n elements and instructions for playing with it: For example, if n = 5 and a = [7, 3, 1, 2, 3] , then the following game options are possible: Help Polycarp to find out the maximum score he can get if he chooses the starting index in an optimal way. The first line contains one integer t ( 1 <= q t <= q 10^4 ) -- the number of test cases. Then t test cases follow. The first line of each test case contains one integer n ( 1 <= q n <= q 2 cdot 10^5 ) -- the length of the array a . The next line contains n integers a_1, a_2, ... , a_n ( 1 <= q a_i <= q 10^9 ) -- elements of the array a . It is guaranteed that the sum of n over all test cases does not exceed 2 cdot 10^5 . For each test case, output on a separate line one number -- the maximum score that Polycarp can get by playing the game on the corresponding array according to the instruction from the statement. Note that Polycarp chooses any starting position from 1 to n in such a way as to maximize his result. The first test case is explained in the statement. In the second test case, the maximum score can be achieved by choosing i = 1 . In the third test case, the maximum score can be achieved by choosing i = 2 . In the fourth test case, the maximum score can be achieved by choosing i = 1 . '...


Codeforces Round #693 (Div. 3) Editorial


Submission Id
Test Set
Tests Passed
Time taken (ms)
Memory Consumed (bytes)
103336134 icysky C Jan. 5, 2021, 2:14 a.m. OK Clang++17 Diagnostics TESTS 12 93 4198400
103343960 run_with_sunshine C Jan. 5, 2021, 5:31 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 31 1638400
103341934 run_with_sunshine C Jan. 5, 2021, 4:42 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 31 1638400
103308957 anubhav_k C Jan. 4, 2021, 5:09 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 31 1638400
103305339 Iknowinoob C Jan. 4, 2021, 4:47 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 46 1024000
103312891 georgerapeanu C Jan. 4, 2021, 5:41 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 46 1638400
103336320 20050901 C Jan. 5, 2021, 2:19 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 46 1638400
103345604 shyyhsac C Jan. 5, 2021, 5:58 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 46 2457600
103341100 Rainer1116 C Jan. 5, 2021, 4:24 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 46 3174400
103336546 ce_amtic C Jan. 5, 2021, 2:26 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 46 3174400
103338337 iyua C Jan. 5, 2021, 3:21 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 12 46 5529600
103320296 ansergeyg C Jan. 4, 2021, 7:08 p.m. OK .NET Core C# TESTS 12 420 27443200

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