Central-European Olympiad in Informatics, CEOI 2020, Day 2 (IOI, Unofficial Mirror Contest, Unrated)

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Duration (Seconds)
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1403 Central-European Olympiad in Informatics, CEOI 2020, Day 2 (IOI, Unofficial Mirror Contest, Unrated) FINISHED False 18600 141587690 Aug. 28, 2020, 12:05 p.m.


Community Tag
( 375 ) B Spring cleaning PROGRAMMING *special data structures dfs and similar graphs trees

B"Spring cleanings are probably the most boring parts of our lives, except this year, when Fl xc3 xb3ra and her mother found a dusty old tree graph under the carpet. This tree has N nodes (numbered from 1 to N ), connected by N-1 edges. The edges gathered too much dust, so Fl xc3 xb3ra's mom decided to clean them. Cleaning the edges of an arbitrary tree is done by repeating the following process: She chooses 2 different leaves (a node is a leaf if it is connected to exactly one other node by an edge), and cleans every edge lying on the shortest path between them. If this path has d edges, then the cost of cleaning this path is d . She doesn't want to harm the leaves of the tree, so she chooses every one of them at most once. A tree is cleaned when all of its edges are cleaned. The cost of this is the sum of costs for all cleaned paths. Fl xc3 xb3ra thinks the tree they found is too small and simple, so she imagines Q variations of it. In the i -th variation, she adds a total of D_i extra leaves to the original tree: for each new leaf, she chooses a node from the original tree, and connects that node with the new leaf by an edge. Note that some nodes may stop being leaves during this step. For all these Q variations, we are interested in the minimum cost that is required to clean the tree. The first line contains two space-separated integer, N and Q ( 3 <= q N <= q 10^{5} , 1 <= q Q <= q 10^{5} ) xe2 x80 x93 the number of nodes the tree has and the number of variations. Each of the next N-1 lines contains two space-separated integers u and v denoting that nodes u and v are connected by an edge ( 1 <= q u, v <= q N ). The next Q lines describe the variations. The first integer in the i th line is D_i ( 1 <= q D_i <= q 10^{5} ). Then D_i space-separated integers follow: if the j th number is a_j , it means that Fl xc3 xb3ra adds a new leaf "...


CEOI 2020 Online Mirror — Day 2 Tutorial


Submission Id
Test Set
Tests Passed
Time taken (ms)
Memory Consumed (bytes)
91552462 froggyzhang B Sept. 1, 2020, 9:26 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 108 20992000
91481015 dqa2020 B Aug. 31, 2020, 10:21 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 109 25292800
91253031 Tamaki_Iroha B Aug. 29, 2020, 3:25 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 109 40550400
91485601 kdh B Aug. 31, 2020, 11:26 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 140 22323200
91504907 kdh B Aug. 31, 2020, 3:31 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 156 18124800
91485362 kdh B Aug. 31, 2020, 11:23 a.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 156 22323200
91213415 georgerapeanu B Aug. 28, 2020, 1:48 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 156 27955200
91505462 kdh B Aug. 31, 2020, 3:38 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 171 18124800
91494558 kdh B Aug. 31, 2020, 1:26 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 171 18124800
91209226 duality B Aug. 28, 2020, 12:58 p.m. OK GNU C++11 TESTS 35 171 20889600
91220703 Weeeee B Aug. 28, 2020, 3:10 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 186 34508800
91331128 Peti B Aug. 30, 2020, 9:41 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 187 21504000
91213582 KMAASZRAA B Aug. 28, 2020, 1:49 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 202 22118400
91278879 realcomplex B Aug. 29, 2020, 11:06 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 202 34816000
91222328 L0oSeR B Aug. 28, 2020, 3:26 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 217 20992000
91501182 Mackerel_Pike B Aug. 31, 2020, 2:47 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 217 34099200
91307106 arman_ferdous B Aug. 29, 2020, 6:52 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 218 24268800
91254724 Corycle B Aug. 29, 2020, 4:15 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 234 18841600
91222558 Plurm B Aug. 28, 2020, 3:28 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 248 17305600
91332402 Logic_zys B Aug. 30, 2020, 10:05 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 35 249 21299200
91231464 ollpu B Aug. 28, 2020, 5:09 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 155 24166400
91213470 receed B Aug. 28, 2020, 1:48 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 171 21299200
91254807 disangan233 B Aug. 29, 2020, 4:18 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 171 21708800
91635498 AM. B Sept. 2, 2020, 11:25 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 171 26112000
91225932 2qbingxuan B Aug. 28, 2020, 4:05 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 186 17715200
91210092 gs18115 B Aug. 28, 2020, 1:09 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 186 18022400
91231056 Medeowex B Aug. 28, 2020, 5:04 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 186 19558400
91220515 Amoo_Safar B Aug. 28, 2020, 3:08 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 186 19968000
91221571 lumibons B Aug. 28, 2020, 3:18 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 186 25804800
91213054 tamionv B Aug. 28, 2020, 1:43 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 35 187 15769600
91230838 QAQAutoMaton B Aug. 28, 2020, 5:02 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 139 149913600
91213856 jiangly B Aug. 28, 2020, 1:52 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 140 18739200
91286486 Berted B Aug. 29, 2020, 1:10 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 155 25190400
91345160 Lucina B Aug. 30, 2020, 1:19 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 156 32358400
91345808 Lucina B Aug. 30, 2020, 1:29 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 171 31948800
91244586 Benq B Aug. 28, 2020, 9:14 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 171 38092800
91265530 cmwqf B Aug. 29, 2020, 7:42 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 202 28774400
91551938 tzaph_ B Sept. 1, 2020, 9:18 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 202 29081600
91266472 oolimry B Aug. 29, 2020, 7:57 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 202 30310400
91226315 lyx_cjz B Aug. 28, 2020, 4:09 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 35 218 23142400
91229521 ijxjdjd B Aug. 28, 2020, 4:46 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 35 716 64512000
91514022 polyakoff B Aug. 31, 2020, 5:32 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 35 873 41881600

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