Codeforces Round 637 (Div. 1) - Thanks, Ivan Belonogov!

Solutions are presented as using the least memory and the fastest execution time. It also takes the top 10 most recent solutions from each language. If you want to limit to a specific index, click the "Solved" button and go to that problem.

Duration (Seconds)
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1340 Codeforces Round 637 (Div. 1) - Thanks, Ivan Belonogov! FINISHED False 9000 152550888 April 23, 2020, 2:45 p.m.


Community Tag
( 54 ) E Nastya and Bees PROGRAMMING graphs interactive probabilities

B'Unfortunately, a mistake was found in the proof of the author 's solution to this problem. Currently, we don 't know the absolutely correct solution. However, you can solve this task, but if your solution passes all the tests, it is not guaranteed to be correct. If your solution has passed all the tests and you are sure that it is correct, you can write to one of the contest authors about it. Surely you all read the book "Alice in Wonderland". In this task, Nastya got to the country of Three strange Bees. The bees are strange because their honeycombs are pentagonal. Nastya got there illegally, so she wants bees not to catch her. Help the bees punish the intruder! This is an interactive problem. A beehive is a connected undirected graph where bees and Nastya can move along the edges. A graph satisfies two properties: You win if at least one of the bees and Nastya are in the same vertex at any time of the game. If this situation does not occur after n moves, then you lose. Several bees can be in the same vertex. The first line contains two integers n (4 <= q n <= q 5000) and m (n <= q m <= q 3n) -- the number of vertices and edges in the graph. Each of the next m lines contains two integers v and u (1 <= q v, u <= q n) , which mean that there is an edge between the vertices v and u . It is guaranteed that the graph is connected, does not contain loops that the degree of any vertex does not exceed 3 and a cycle of length no more than 5 passes through each edge. Note that the graph may contain multiple edges. At each turn, you must output exactly three vertices a, b, c (1 <= q a, b, c <= q n) . For the first time, 3 vertices displayed will indicate which vertices you originally placed bees on. In response, you will receive the vertex where the jury placed Nastya. Each next 3 vertices will indicate where the 3 bees move at your turn. Each of the bees can'...


Codeforces Round #637 Editorial


Submission Id
Test Set
Tests Passed
Time taken (ms)
Memory Consumed (bytes)
77900018 skywalkert E April 24, 2020, 9:47 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 42 498 100352000
77876889 ainta E April 24, 2020, 5:08 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 42 499 100966400
77900844 nikolapesic2802 E April 24, 2020, 10:14 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 42 576 100659200
77828316 xllend3 E April 23, 2020, 4:14 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 42 576 102809600
77901338 nikolapesic2802 E April 24, 2020, 10:20 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 42 577 100659200
77900673 nikolapesic2802 E April 24, 2020, 10:13 a.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 42 577 100659200
77842257 VladProg E April 23, 2020, 4:48 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 42 623 614400
77856908 VladProg E April 23, 2020, 9:55 p.m. OK GNU C++14 TESTS 42 764 716800
77901456 2018LZY E April 24, 2020, 10:21 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 77 101068800
77898020 2018LZY E April 24, 2020, 9:24 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 124 101068800
77849841 KostasKostil E April 23, 2020, 5:07 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 140 512000
77943918 ADJA E April 24, 2020, 5:56 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 249 512000
77858637 re_eVVorld E April 23, 2020, 10:25 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 296 614400
77904900 I_love_myself E April 24, 2020, 11:06 a.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 342 614400
77839698 Errichto E April 23, 2020, 4:41 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 482 716800
77848435 egor_bb E April 23, 2020, 5:04 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 498 100864000
77832124 MyK_00L E April 23, 2020, 4:23 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 545 100761600
77856378 nikolapesic2802 E April 23, 2020, 9:49 p.m. OK GNU C++17 TESTS 42 561 100659200
77879169 vovanstrr E April 24, 2020, 5:40 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 109 124723200
77899740 tEMMIE.w. E April 24, 2020, 9:43 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 467 100556800
77971394 WZYYN E April 25, 2020, 3:27 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 498 100761600
77868575 scott_wu E April 24, 2020, 2:54 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 607 105164800
77868546 scott_wu E April 24, 2020, 2:54 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 607 105164800
77868525 scott_wu E April 24, 2020, 2:53 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 623 105164800
77953626 Juzek E April 24, 2020, 8:05 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 624 512000
77868496 scott_wu E April 24, 2020, 2:53 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 638 105164800
77868568 scott_wu E April 24, 2020, 2:54 a.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 639 105164800
77953465 Juzek E April 24, 2020, 8:03 p.m. OK GNU C++17 (64) TESTS 42 654 201318400
77954745 Xylenox E April 24, 2020, 8:22 p.m. OK Java 8 TESTS 42 826 0

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