Solutions are presented as using the least memory and the fastest execution time. It also takes the top 10 most recent solutions from each language. If you want to limit to a specific index, click the "Solved" button and go to that problem.
ContestId |
Name |
Phase |
Frozen |
Duration (Seconds) |
Relative Time |
Start Time |
1239 | Codeforces Round 594 (Div. 1) | FINISHED | False | 7200 | 169678483 | Oct. 20, 2019, 9:05 a.m. |
Solved$ |
Index |
Name |
Type |
Tags |
Community Tag |
Rating |
( 2175 ) | D | Catowice City | PROGRAMMING | 2-sat dfs and similar graph matchings graphs | 2400 |
B"In the Catowice city next weekend the cat contest will be held. However, the jury members and the contestants haven't been selected yet. There are n residents and n cats in the Catowice, and each resident has exactly one cat living in his house. The residents and cats are numbered with integers from 1 to n , where the i -th cat is living in the house of i -th resident. Each Catowice resident is in friendship with several cats, including the one living in his house. In order to conduct a contest, at least one jury member is needed and at least one cat contestant is needed. Of course, every jury member should know none of the contestants. For the contest to be successful, it's also needed that the number of jury members plus the number of contestants is equal to n . Please help Catowice residents to select the jury and the contestants for the upcoming competition, or determine that it's impossible to do. The first line contains an integer t ( 1 <= t <= 100 ,000 ), the number of test cases. Then description of t test cases follow, where each description is as follows: The first line contains integers n and m ( 1 <= n <= m <= 10^6 ), the number of Catowice residents and the number of friendship pairs between residents and cats. Each of the next m lines contains integers a_i and b_i ( 1 <= a_i, b_i <= n ), denoting that a_i -th resident is acquaintances with b_i -th cat. It's guaranteed that each pair of some resident and some cat is listed at most once. It's guaranteed, that for every i there exists a pair between i -th resident and i -th cat. Different test cases are separated with an empty line. It's guaranteed, that the sum of n over all test cases is at most 10^6 and that the sum of m over all test cases is at most 10^6 . For every test case print: In the second line print two integers j and p ( 1"... |
Editorial of Codeforces Round #594 (on the problems of Moscow Team Olympiad) |
Submission Id |
Author(s) |
Index |
Submitted |
Verdict |
Language |
Test Set |
Tests Passed |
Time taken (ms) |
Memory Consumed (bytes) |
Tags |
Rating |
63728352 | yuzhechuan | D | Oct. 29, 2019, 1:19 p.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 124 | 47513600 | 2400 | |
63726055 | yuzhechuan | D | Oct. 29, 2019, 12:43 p.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 139 | 80588800 | 2400 | |
64723404 | Depth_First_Search | D | Nov. 12, 2019, 5:23 a.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 140 | 41574400 | 2400 | |
64723160 | Depth_First_Search | D | Nov. 12, 2019, 5:12 a.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 155 | 44851200 | 2400 | |
63725990 | yuzhechuan | D | Oct. 29, 2019, 12:42 p.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 155 | 80588800 | 2400 | |
63728280 | yuzhechuan | D | Oct. 29, 2019, 1:18 p.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 170 | 80588800 | 2400 | |
62999936 | xuanyi | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 10:25 a.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 187 | 112435200 | 2400 | |
63290165 | hsm_2021 | D | Oct. 24, 2019, 11:32 a.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 233 | 107315200 | 2400 | |
63288874 | hsm_2021 | D | Oct. 24, 2019, 11:11 a.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 233 | 107315200 | 2400 | |
64688192 | Rainbow_sjy | D | Nov. 11, 2019, 12:22 p.m. | OK | GNU C++11 | TESTS | 43 | 248 | 45465600 | 2400 | |
63000304 | liouzhou_101 | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 10:27 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 280 | 52531200 | 2400 | |
63224997 | mobu233 | D | Oct. 23, 2019, 9:01 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 358 | 65638400 | 2400 | |
63005946 | natsugiri | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 10:54 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 514 | 50073600 | 2400 | |
63055945 | _DYT | D | Oct. 21, 2019, 6:20 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 514 | 59596800 | 2400 | |
63105499 | RsEnts | D | Oct. 22, 2019, 4:22 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 514 | 96665600 | 2400 | |
63214779 | Owen_codeisking | D | Oct. 23, 2019, 5:38 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 529 | 55500800 | 2400 | |
63111611 | WLHW | D | Oct. 22, 2019, 7:42 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 530 | 76595200 | 2400 | |
62995711 | MiFaFaOvO | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 10:03 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 545 | 61132800 | 2400 | |
66809899 | 1213James | D | Dec. 14, 2019, 1:23 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 545 | 86630400 | 2400 | |
66381351 | kqp | D | Dec. 6, 2019, 5:44 a.m. | OK | GNU C++14 | TESTS | 43 | 546 | 65228800 | 2400 | |
65936116 | interestingLSY | D | Nov. 29, 2019, 2:17 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 311 | 92876800 | 2400 | |
65936146 | HatsuneMikuo | D | Nov. 29, 2019, 2:19 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 312 | 92876800 | 2400 | |
63369719 | qrfkickit | D | Oct. 25, 2019, 8:54 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 452 | 70553600 | 2400 | |
67603333 | chaichenkai1 | D | Dec. 25, 2019, 12:42 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 545 | 25292800 | 2400 | |
63058668 | hjk1030 | D | Oct. 21, 2019, 7:38 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 560 | 79564800 | 2400 | |
63002047 | Bennettz | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 10:35 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 561 | 34099200 | 2400 | |
63644490 | bibibibi | D | Oct. 28, 2019, 9:12 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 561 | 60518400 | 2400 | |
68852797 | shouhm | D | Jan. 15, 2020, 9:36 a.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 576 | 42700800 | 2400 | |
63018441 | rabster | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 1:39 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 576 | 68096000 | 2400 | |
63664881 | 2016wudi | D | Oct. 28, 2019, 2:58 p.m. | OK | GNU C++17 | TESTS | 43 | 577 | 42496000 | 2400 | |
63111633 | aman28rwt | D | Oct. 22, 2019, 7:43 a.m. | OK | Java 8 | TESTS | 43 | 623 | 66764800 | 2400 | |
63000047 | fetetriste | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 10:25 a.m. | OK | Java 8 | TESTS | 43 | 764 | 49561600 | 2400 | |
63050290 | dalt | D | Oct. 21, 2019, 1:44 a.m. | OK | Java 8 | TESTS | 43 | 1512 | 438272000 | 2400 | |
63050351 | dalt | D | Oct. 21, 2019, 1:48 a.m. | OK | Java 8 | TESTS | 43 | 1809 | 421068800 | 2400 | |
63007501 | SergeyMelnikov | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 11 a.m. | OK | Java 8 | TESTS | 43 | 1996 | 297676800 | 2400 | |
63010893 | math957963 | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 11:44 a.m. | OK | MS C++ | TESTS | 43 | 1107 | 88166400 | 2400 | |
65088464 | vjudge4 | D | Nov. 15, 2019, 5:49 p.m. | OK | MS C++ | TESTS | 43 | 1138 | 66252800 | 2400 | |
63217211 | Rafaaaaaaaaaaaam | D | Oct. 23, 2019, 6:33 a.m. | OK | MS C++ 2017 | TESTS | 43 | 795 | 60211200 | 2400 | |
63779652 | Kirundel | D | Oct. 30, 2019, 10:39 a.m. | OK | MS C++ 2017 | TESTS | 43 | 1918 | 51609600 | 2400 | |
63008507 | Kirundel | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 11:03 a.m. | OK | MS C++ 2017 | TESTS | 43 | 1949 | 51609600 | 2400 | |
63945098 | dbelov | D | Oct. 31, 2019, 6:39 p.m. | OK | MS C++ 2017 | TESTS | 43 | 1981 | 26624000 | 2400 | |
63941795 | dbelov | D | Oct. 31, 2019, 5:41 p.m. | OK | MS C++ 2017 | TESTS | 43 | 1996 | 32358400 | 2400 | |
64506182 | zdbtxdy | D | Nov. 8, 2019, 6:57 a.m. | OK | PyPy 2 | TESTS | 43 | 1138 | 186777600 | 2400 | |
63020685 | yakamoto | D | Oct. 20, 2019, 2:26 p.m. | OK | Scala | TESTS | 43 | 1294 | 150323200 | 2400 |
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