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Rating Level
761 Polo the Penguin and Trees combinatorics dfs and similar trees Statement D Codeforces Round 177 (Div. 1) {288} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #177, editorial 2300
3138 New Year Santa Network combinatorics dfs and similar graphs trees Statement D Good Bye 2014 {500} PROGRAMMING 1900
1037 Famil Door and Roads combinatorics data structures dfs and similar dp probabilities trees Statement E Codeforces Round 343 (Div. 2) {629} PROGRAMMING 2400
1888 Desk Disorder combinatorics dfs and similar ds graphs trees Statement E MemSQL Start[c]UP 3.0 - Round 1 {859} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2100
1977 Alternating Tree combinatorics dfs and similar divide and conquer dp probabilities trees Statement E Divide by Zero 2018 and Codeforces Round 474 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, combined) {960} PROGRAMMING Divide by Zero 2018 and Codeforces Round #474 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, combined) Editorial 2200
552 Tree Cutting (Hard Version) combinatorics dfs and similar dp trees Statement F2 Codeforces Round 540 (Div. 3) {1118} PROGRAMMING 65396 2700
4121 Nauuo and Circle combinatorics dfs and similar dp trees Statement B Codeforces Round 564 (Div. 1) {1172} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #564 Editorial 2000
275 Send Tree to Charlie combinatorics dfs and similar ds trees Statement E Codeforces Round 601 (Div. 1) {1254} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #601 Editorial 3200
2112 Xenon's Attack on the Gangs combinatorics dfs and similar dp greedy trees Statement C Codeforces Round 614 (Div. 1) {1292} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Codeforces Round #614 Editorial 2300