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< 1 2 3 ... 94 95 96 97 98 ... 100 101 102 >Solved |
Name |
Tags |
Solutions |
Index |
Contest |
Type |
Points |
Tutorial |
Rating Level |
13783 | Reverse Card (Easy Version) | brute force math number theory | Statement | B1 | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 1) {1967} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Tutorial | 1400 |
12973 | Permutation Counting | binary search greedy implementation math sortings | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 1) {1967} | PROGRAMMING | 750.0 | Tutorial | 1400 |
4046 | Reverse Card (Hard Version) | brute force math number theory | Statement | B2 | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 1) {1967} | PROGRAMMING | 750.0 | Tutorial | 2200 |
1820 | Fenwick Tree | bitmasks brute force combinatorics data structures dp math trees | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 1) {1967} | PROGRAMMING | 1250.0 | Tutorial | 2300 |
700 | Long Way to be Non-decreasing | binary search dfs and similar graphs implementation shortest paths two pointers | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 1) {1967} | PROGRAMMING | 1750.0 | Tutorial | 2800 |
221 | Again Counting Arrays (Easy Version) | combinatorics dp fft math | Statement | E1 | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 1) {1967} | PROGRAMMING | 1750.0 | Tutorial | 3100 |
72 | Next and Prev | brute force data structures implementation | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 1) {1967} | PROGRAMMING | 3500.0 | Tutorial | 3200 |
107 | Again Counting Arrays (Hard Version) | combinatorics dp math | Statement | E2 | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 1) {1967} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | Tutorial | 3500 |
25821 | Assembly via Remainders | constructive algorithms number theory | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 943 (Div. 3) {1968} | PROGRAMMING | 129096 | 1000 | |
15375 | Permutation Game | brute force dfs and similar games graphs greedy math | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 943 (Div. 3) {1968} | PROGRAMMING | 129096 | 1300 | |
10806 | Cells Arrangement | constructive algorithms | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 943 (Div. 3) {1968} | PROGRAMMING | 129096 | 1600 | |
5725 | Equal XOR Segments | binary search data structures | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 943 (Div. 3) {1968} | PROGRAMMING | 129096 | 1800 | |
4430 | Division + LCP (easy version) | binary search data structures dp hashing string suffix structures strings | Statement | G1 | Codeforces Round 943 (Div. 3) {1968} | PROGRAMMING | 129096 | 1900 | |
2043 | Division + LCP (hard version) | binary search brute force data structures dp hashing math string suffix structures strings | Statement | G2 | Codeforces Round 943 (Div. 3) {1968} | PROGRAMMING | 129096 | 2200 | |
28481 | Prefiquence | greedy two pointers | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 943 (Div. 3) {1968} | PROGRAMMING | 129096 | 800 | |
35522 | Maximize? | brute force math number theory | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 943 (Div. 3) {1968} | PROGRAMMING | 129096 | 800 | |
19712 | Shifts and Sorting | constructive algorithms greedy | Statement | B | Educational Codeforces Round 165 (Rated for Div. 2) {1969} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 165 Editorial | 1000 | |
9196 | Minimizing the Sum | dp implementation | Statement | C | Educational Codeforces Round 165 (Rated for Div. 2) {1969} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 165 Editorial | 1700 | |
4808 | Shop Game | data structures greedy math sortings | Statement | D | Educational Codeforces Round 165 (Rated for Div. 2) {1969} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 165 Editorial | 1900 | |
1478 | Unique Array | binary search data structures divide and conquer dp greedy | Statement | E | Educational Codeforces Round 165 (Rated for Div. 2) {1969} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 165 Editorial | 2400 | |
292 | Card Pairing | dp greedy hashing implementation | Statement | F | Educational Codeforces Round 165 (Rated for Div. 2) {1969} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 165 Editorial | 3000 | |
20418 | Two Friends | constructive algorithms implementation math | Statement | A | Educational Codeforces Round 165 (Rated for Div. 2) {1969} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 165 Editorial | 800 | |
5337 | Balanced Shuffle (Easy) | implementation sortings | Statement | A1 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 1000 | |
3733 | Game on Tree (Easy) | games | Statement | C1 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 1400 | |
3025 | Game on Tree (Medium) | dfs and similar dp games trees | Statement | C2 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 1700 | |
2432 | Trails (Easy) | dp | Statement | E1 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 1800 | |
1438 | Min-Fund Prison (Easy) | dfs and similar trees | Statement | G1 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 1900 | |
1696 | Game on Tree (Hard) | dfs and similar dp games trees | Statement | C3 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 1900 | |
1224 | Exact Neighbours (Easy) | constructive algorithms | Statement | B1 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 1900 | |
1435 | Trails (Medium) | dp matrices | Statement | E2 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2000 | |
873 | Exact Neighbours (Medium) | constructive algorithms | Statement | B2 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2100 | |
698 | Arithmancy (Easy) | brute force constructive algorithms interactive strings | Statement | D1 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2100 | |
823 | Trails (Hard) | dp matrices | Statement | E3 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2200 | |
634 | Min-Fund Prison (Medium) | brute force dfs and similar dp graphs trees | Statement | G2 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2200 | |
362 | Playing Quidditch (Medium) | implementation | Statement | F2 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2300 | |
378 | Playing Quidditch (Hard) | implementation | Statement | F3 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2300 | |
442 | Playing Quidditch (Easy) | implementation | Statement | F1 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2300 | |
516 | Exact Neighbours (Hard) | constructive algorithms | Statement | B3 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2300 | |
384 | Min-Fund Prison (Hard) | bitmasks dfs and similar dp graphs trees | Statement | G3 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2400 | |
481 | Balanced Unshuffle (Medium) | brute force constructive algorithms trees | Statement | A2 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2400 | |
521 | Balanced Unshuffle (Hard) | constructive algorithms trees | Statement | A3 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2400 | |
223 | Arithmancy (Medium) | constructive algorithms interactive probabilities strings | Statement | D2 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 2600 | |
115 | Arithmancy (Hard) | interactive | Statement | D3 | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {1970} | PROGRAMMING | Helvetic Coding Contest 2024 Editorial | 3100 | |
26786 | Binary Cut | dp greedy implementation sortings strings | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) {1971} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) Editorial | 1100 | |
9630 | XOUR | data structures ds sortings | Statement | G | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) {1971} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) Editorial | 1400 | |
15001 | Find the Car | binary search math sortings | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) {1971} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) Editorial | 1500 | |
10503 | Circle Perimeter | binary search brute force dfs and similar geometry implementation math | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) {1971} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) Editorial | 1600 | |
1947 | ±1 | 2-sat dfs and similar graphs | Statement | H | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) {1971} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) Editorial | 2100 | |
48152 | My First Sorting Problem | implementation sortings | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) {1971} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) Editorial | 800 | |
38347 | Different String | implementation strings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) {1971} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) Editorial | 800 | |
34683 | Clock and Strings | implementation | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) {1971} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) Editorial | 900 | |
23576 | Contest Proposal | brute force greedy two pointers | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 2) {1972} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Tutorial | 800 |
22492 | Coin Games | games | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 2) {1972} | PROGRAMMING | 750.0 | Tutorial | 900 |
14546 | Cat, Fox and the Lonely Array | binary search bitmasks data structures greedy math two pointers | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 945 (Div. 2) {1973} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | Editorial for Codeforces Round #945 (Div. 2) | 1300 |
8634 | Cat, Fox and Double Maximum | constructive algorithms greedy implementation math sortings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 945 (Div. 2) {1973} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | Editorial for Codeforces Round #945 (Div. 2) | 1700 |
1976 | Cat, Fox and Maximum Array Split | brute force interactive math | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 945 (Div. 2) {1973} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | Editorial for Codeforces Round #945 (Div. 2) | 2400 |
836 | Cat, Fox and Swaps | graphs math sortings | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 945 (Div. 2) {1973} | PROGRAMMING | 2250.0 | Editorial for Codeforces Round #945 (Div. 2) | 2500 |
245 | Maximum GCD Sum Queries | bitmasks brute force dp implementation number theory | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 945 (Div. 2) {1973} | PROGRAMMING | 3000.0 | Editorial for Codeforces Round #945 (Div. 2) | 3100 |
25382 | Chess For Three | brute force dp implementation math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 945 (Div. 2) {1973} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Editorial for Codeforces Round #945 (Div. 2) | 900 |
15329 | Ingenuity-2 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 946 (Div. 3) {1974} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #946 (Div. 3) Editorial | 1400 | |
16300 | Beautiful Triple Pairs | combinatorics data structures | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 946 (Div. 3) {1974} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #946 (Div. 3) Editorial | 1400 | |
8368 | Money Buys Happiness | dp | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 946 (Div. 3) {1974} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #946 (Div. 3) Editorial | 1800 | |
3688 | Cutting Game | binary search brute force data structures implementation sortings two pointers | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 946 (Div. 3) {1974} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #946 (Div. 3) Editorial | 1900 | |
4521 | Money Buys Less Happiness Now | data structures greedy sortings | Statement | G | Codeforces Round 946 (Div. 3) {1974} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #946 (Div. 3) Editorial | 2000 | |
31106 | Symmetric Encoding | implementation sortings strings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 946 (Div. 3) {1974} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #946 (Div. 3) Editorial | 800 | |
34008 | Phone Desktop | greedy math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 946 (Div. 3) {1974} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #946 (Div. 3) Editorial | 800 | |
18506 | 378QAQ and Mocha's Array | brute force greedy math sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 947 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1975} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | editorial_zh.pdf | 1000 |
15095 | Chamo and Mocha's Array | binary search brute force greedy | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 947 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1975} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | editorial_zh.pdf | 1200 |
6273 | Paint the Tree | brute force dfs and similar dp greedy shortest paths trees | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 947 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1975} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | editorial_zh.pdf | 1700 |
2402 | Chain Queries | binary search data structures dfs and similar implementation trees | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 947 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1975} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | editorial_zh.pdf | 2100 |
869 | Set | bitmasks brute force combinatorics dfs and similar divide and conquer dp math | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 947 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1975} | PROGRAMMING | 2500.0 | editorial_zh.pdf | 2600 |
246 | Zimpha Fan Club | fft greedy math strings | Statement | G | Codeforces Round 947 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1975} | PROGRAMMING | 3000.0 | editorial_zh.pdf | 3000 |
110 | Mind Bloom | dp | Statement | I | Codeforces Round 947 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1975} | PROGRAMMING | 6000.0 | editorial_zh.pdf | 3500 |
129 | 378QAQ and Core | greedy strings | Statement | H | Codeforces Round 947 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1975} | PROGRAMMING | 4500.0 | editorial_zh.pdf | 3500 |
19150 | Bazoka and Mocha's Array | brute force greedy implementation sortings | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 947 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) {1975} | PROGRAMMING | 250.0 | editorial_zh.pdf | 800 |
29390 | Verify Password | implementation sortings | Statement | A | Educational Codeforces Round 166 (Rated for Div. 2) {1976} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 166 Editorial | ||
1092 | Splittable Permutations | combinatorics data structures dfs and similar greedy math trees | Statement | E | Educational Codeforces Round 166 (Rated for Div. 2) {1976} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 166 Editorial | ||
628 | Remove Bridges | data structures dfs and similar dp greedy sortings trees | Statement | F | Educational Codeforces Round 166 (Rated for Div. 2) {1976} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 166 Editorial | ||
10732 | Job Interview | binary search dp greedy implementation two pointers | Statement | C | Educational Codeforces Round 166 (Rated for Div. 2) {1976} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 166 Editorial | ||
4773 | Invertible Bracket Sequences | binary search combinatorics data structures divide and conquer implementation two pointers | Statement | D | Educational Codeforces Round 166 (Rated for Div. 2) {1976} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 166 Editorial | ||
22790 | Increase/Decrease/Copy | greedy implementation | Statement | B | Educational Codeforces Round 166 (Rated for Div. 2) {1976} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 166 Editorial | ||
18094 | Binary Colouring | bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 948 (Div. 2) {1977} | PROGRAMMING | 1250.0 | 129858 | 1100 |
6952 | Nikita and LCM | brute force data structures dp greedy math number theory sortings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 948 (Div. 2) {1977} | PROGRAMMING | 1750.0 | 129858 | 1900 |
1955 | XORificator | bitmasks brute force greedy hashing | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 948 (Div. 2) {1977} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | 129858 | 2300 |
720 | Tensor | constructive algorithms graphs interactive | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 948 (Div. 2) {1977} | PROGRAMMING | 2500.0 | 129858 | 2600 |
34366 | Little Nikita | math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 948 (Div. 2) {1977} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | 129858 | 800 |
22935 | New Bakery | binary search greedy math ternary search | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 953 (Div. 2) {1978} | PROGRAMMING | 750.0 | 130527 | |
15487 | Manhattan Permutations | constructive algorithms greedy implementation math | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 953 (Div. 2) {1978} | PROGRAMMING | 1250.0 | 130527 | |
1382 | Large Graph | data structures ds graphs number theory | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 953 (Div. 2) {1978} | PROGRAMMING | 2500.0 | 130527 | |
11707 | Elections | data structures greedy implementation math | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 953 (Div. 2) {1978} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | 130527 | |
3958 | Computing Machine | data structures dp greedy implementation | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 953 (Div. 2) {1978} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | 130527 | |
26289 | Alice and Books | constructive algorithms sortings | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 953 (Div. 2) {1978} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | 130527 | |
23310 | XOR Sequences | bitmasks greedy | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) {1979} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
1508 | Manhattan Triangle | binary search constructive algorithms data structures geometry graphs two pointers | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) {1979} | PROGRAMMING | 2500.0 | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
332 | Kostyanych's Theorem | brute force graphs interactive | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) {1979} | PROGRAMMING | 3000.0 | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
29550 | Guess the Maximum | brute force greedy implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) {1979} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
6835 | Fixing a Binary String | bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms greedy hashing strings | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) {1979} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
19396 | Earning on Bets | binary search combinatorics constructive algorithms number theory | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) {1979} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | Codeforces Round 951 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
1310 | Yasya and the Mysterious Tree | bitmasks data structures dfs and similar graphs strings trees | Statement | G | Codeforces Round 950 (Div. 3) {1980} | PROGRAMMING | 130135 | ||
19144 | Sofia and the Lost Operations | constructive algorithms greedy | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 950 (Div. 3) {1980} | PROGRAMMING | 130135 |