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< 1 2 3 ... 87 88 89 90 91 ... 100 101 102 >Solved |
Name |
Tags |
Solutions |
Index |
Contest |
Type |
Points |
Tutorial |
Rating Level |
27214 | Rudolph and Tic-Tac-Toe | brute force implementation strings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 883 (Div. 3) {1846} | PROGRAMMING | |||
3231 | Rudolph and Mimic | constructive algorithms greedy implementation interactive | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 883 (Div. 3) {1846} | PROGRAMMING | |||
32844 | Rudolph and Cut the Rope | implementation math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 883 (Div. 3) {1846} | PROGRAMMING | |||
20066 | Rudolph and Christmas Tree | constructive algorithms geometry math | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 883 (Div. 3) {1846} | PROGRAMMING | |||
19630 | Rudolf and the Another Competition | constructive algorithms greedy implementation sortings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 883 (Div. 3) {1846} | PROGRAMMING | |||
17853 | Rudolf and Snowflakes (simple version) | binary search brute force implementation math | Statement | E1 | Codeforces Round 883 (Div. 3) {1846} | PROGRAMMING | |||
7222 | Rudolf and Snowflakes (hard version) | binary search brute force implementation math | Statement | E2 | Codeforces Round 883 (Div. 3) {1846} | PROGRAMMING | |||
4578 | Rudolf and CodeVid-23 | bitmasks dp graphs greedy shortest paths | Statement | G | Codeforces Round 883 (Div. 3) {1846} | PROGRAMMING | |||
13274 | Vampiric Powers, anyone? | bitmasks brute force data structures dp greedy | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 882 (Div. 2) {1847} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | Tutorial | |
335 | Triangle Platinum? | implementation interactive | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 882 (Div. 2) {1847} | PROGRAMMING | 2750.0 | Tutorial | |
22151 | The Man who became a God | greedy sortings | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 882 (Div. 2) {1847} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Tutorial | |
928 | The Boss's Identity | binary search bitmasks data structures dfs and similar greedy math sortings | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 882 (Div. 2) {1847} | PROGRAMMING | 3000.0 | Tutorial | |
3891 | Professor Higashikata | brute force data structures ds greedy implementation sortings | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 882 (Div. 2) {1847} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | Tutorial | |
20429 | Hamon Odyssey | bitmasks greedy implementation | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 882 (Div. 2) {1847} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | Tutorial | |
1669 | Vika and Wiki | binary search bitmasks combinatorics math | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 885 (Div. 2) {1848} | PROGRAMMING | 2750.0 | Codeforces Round #885 (Div.2) Editorial | |
16140 | Vika and the Bridge | binary search data structures greedy implementation math sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 885 (Div. 2) {1848} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | Codeforces Round #885 (Div.2) Editorial | |
812 | Vika and Stone Skipping | brute force math number theory | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 885 (Div. 2) {1848} | PROGRAMMING | 2250.0 | Codeforces Round #885 (Div.2) Editorial | |
6489 | Vika and Price Tags | greedy math number theory | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 885 (Div. 2) {1848} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | Codeforces Round #885 (Div.2) Editorial | |
17120 | Vika and Her Friends | constructive algorithms games math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 885 (Div. 2) {1848} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Codeforces Round #885 (Div.2) Editorial | |
2679 | Vika and Bonuses | binary search brute force math ternary search | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 885 (Div. 2) {1848} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | Codeforces Round #885 (Div.2) Editorial | |
738 | XOR Partition | binary search bitmasks data structures divide and conquer greedy trees | Statement | F | Educational Codeforces Round 152 (Rated for Div. 2) {1849} | PROGRAMMING | 118752 | ||
30095 | Morning Sandwich | implementation math | Statement | A | Educational Codeforces Round 152 (Rated for Div. 2) {1849} | PROGRAMMING | 118752 | ||
27895 | Monsters | greedy sortings | Statement | B | Educational Codeforces Round 152 (Rated for Div. 2) {1849} | PROGRAMMING | 118752 | ||
1712 | Max to the Right of Min | binary search data structures divide and conquer ds two pointers | Statement | E | Educational Codeforces Round 152 (Rated for Div. 2) {1849} | PROGRAMMING | 118752 | ||
10949 | Binary String Copying | binary search brute force data structures hashing strings | Statement | C | Educational Codeforces Round 152 (Rated for Div. 2) {1849} | PROGRAMMING | 118752 | ||
8882 | Array Painting | brute force constructive algorithms dp greedy | Statement | D | Educational Codeforces Round 152 (Rated for Div. 2) {1849} | PROGRAMMING | 118752 | ||
46129 | Word on the Paper | implementation strings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 886 (Div. 4) {1850} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #886 (Div. 4) Editorial | ||
20374 | We Were Both Children | brute force implementation math number theory | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 886 (Div. 4) {1850} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #886 (Div. 4) Editorial | ||
59765 | To My Critics | implementation sortings | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 886 (Div. 4) {1850} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #886 (Div. 4) Editorial | ||
8567 | The Third Letter | dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation | Statement | H | Codeforces Round 886 (Div. 4) {1850} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #886 (Div. 4) Editorial | ||
13166 | The Morning Star | combinatorics data structures geometry implementation math sortings | Statement | G | Codeforces Round 886 (Div. 4) {1850} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #886 (Div. 4) Editorial | ||
44331 | Ten Words of Wisdom | implementation sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 886 (Div. 4) {1850} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #886 (Div. 4) Editorial | ||
24820 | Cardboard for Pictures | binary search geometry implementation math | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 886 (Div. 4) {1850} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #886 (Div. 4) Editorial | ||
39811 | Balanced Round | brute force greedy implementation sortings | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 886 (Div. 4) {1850} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #886 (Div. 4) Editorial | ||
3368 | Vlad and the Mountains | data structures ds graphs implementation sortings trees two pointers | Statement | G | Codeforces Round 888 (Div. 3) {1851} | PROGRAMMING | 118667 | ||
23903 | Tiles Comeback | greedy implementation | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 888 (Div. 3) {1851} | PROGRAMMING | 118667 | ||
15643 | Prefix Permutation Sums | implementation math | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 888 (Div. 3) {1851} | PROGRAMMING | 118667 | ||
29884 | Parity Sort | sortings two pointers | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 888 (Div. 3) {1851} | PROGRAMMING | 118667 | ||
10797 | Nastya and Potions | dfs and similar dp graphs greedy shortest paths sortings | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 888 (Div. 3) {1851} | PROGRAMMING | 118667 | ||
6114 | Lisa and the Martians | bitmasks data structures greedy math sortings strings trees | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 888 (Div. 3) {1851} | PROGRAMMING | 118667 | ||
29958 | Escalator Conversations | brute force constructive algorithms implementation math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 888 (Div. 3) {1851} | PROGRAMMING | 118667 | ||
176 | Rivalries | constructive algorithms data structures | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 887 (Div. 1) {1852} | PROGRAMMING | 2250.0 | Codeforces Round 887 (Div 1, Div 2) Tutorial | |
113 | Panda Meetups | data structures dp flows | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 887 (Div. 1) {1852} | PROGRAMMING | 3000.0 | Codeforces Round 887 (Div 1, Div 2) Tutorial | |
8280 | Ntarsis' Set | binary search implementation math two pointers | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 887 (Div. 1) {1852} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Codeforces Round 887 (Div 1, Div 2) Tutorial | |
490 | Miriany and Matchstick | constructive algorithms dp greedy | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 887 (Div. 1) {1852} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | Codeforces Round 887 (Div 1, Div 2) Tutorial | |
1664 | Ina of the Mountain | data structures dp greedy math | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 887 (Div. 1) {1852} | PROGRAMMING | 1250.0 | Codeforces Round 887 (Div 1, Div 2) Tutorial | |
4687 | Imbalanced Arrays | constructive algorithms greedy sortings two pointers | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 887 (Div. 1) {1852} | PROGRAMMING | 750.0 | Codeforces Round 887 (Div 1, Div 2) Tutorial | |
17928 | Fibonaccharsis | binary search brute force math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 887 (Div. 2) {1853} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | Codeforces Round 887 (Div 1, Div 2) Tutorial | |
34533 | Desorting | brute force greedy | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 887 (Div. 2) {1853} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Codeforces Round 887 (Div 1, Div 2) Tutorial | |
567 | Michael and Hotel | interactive trees | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1) {1854} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | Editorial of Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) | |
127 | Mark and Spaceship | dp | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1) {1854} | PROGRAMMING | 3250.0 | Editorial of Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) | |
453 | Game Bundles | constructive algorithms | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1) {1854} | PROGRAMMING | 2750.0 | Editorial of Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) | |
1568 | Expected Destruction | dp math probabilities | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1) {1854} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | Editorial of Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) | |
3667 | Earn or Unlock | bitmasks brute force dp | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1) {1854} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | Editorial of Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) | |
7163 | Dual (Hard Version) | constructive algorithms math | Statement | A2 | Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1) {1854} | PROGRAMMING | 750.0 | Editorial of Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) | |
14535 | Dual (Easy Version) | constructive algorithms math | Statement | A1 | Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1) {1854} | PROGRAMMING | 750.0 | Editorial of Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) | |
28667 | Longest Divisors Interval | brute force combinatorics greedy math number theory | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 2) {1855} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | Editorial of Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) | |
28428 | Dalton the Teacher | math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 2) {1855} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Editorial of Codeforces Round 889 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) | |
13117 | To Become Max | binary search brute force data structures dp | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 890 (Div. 2) supported by Constructor Institute {1856} | PROGRAMMING | 1250.0 | Codeforces Round #890 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
26882 | Tales of a Sort | binary search implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 890 (Div. 2) supported by Constructor Institute {1856} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Codeforces Round #890 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
1463 | PermuTree (hard version) | bitmasks dp implementation trees | Statement | E2 | Codeforces Round 890 (Div. 2) supported by Constructor Institute {1856} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | Codeforces Round #890 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
5537 | PermuTree (easy version) | dfs and similar dp trees | Statement | E1 | Codeforces Round 890 (Div. 2) supported by Constructor Institute {1856} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | Codeforces Round #890 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
3348 | More Wrong | divide and conquer interactive | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 890 (Div. 2) supported by Constructor Institute {1856} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | Codeforces Round #890 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
25002 | Good Arrays | constructive algorithms implementation math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 890 (Div. 2) supported by Constructor Institute {1856} | PROGRAMMING | 750.0 | Codeforces Round #890 (Div. 2) Editorial | |
12159 | Sum and Product | data structures math | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 891 (Div. 3) {1857} | PROGRAMMING | 119134 | ||
20729 | Strong Vertices | math sortings trees | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 891 (Div. 3) {1857} | PROGRAMMING | 119134 | ||
12940 | Power of Points | math sortings | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 891 (Div. 3) {1857} | PROGRAMMING | 119134 | ||
23382 | Maximum Rounding | greedy implementation math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 891 (Div. 3) {1857} | PROGRAMMING | 119134 | ||
4655 | Counting Graphs | combinatorics divide and conquer ds graphs greedy sortings | Statement | G | Codeforces Round 891 (Div. 3) {1857} | PROGRAMMING | 119134 | ||
27948 | Assembly via Minimums | greedy sortings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 891 (Div. 3) {1857} | PROGRAMMING | 119134 | ||
51477 | Array Coloring | greedy math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 891 (Div. 3) {1857} | PROGRAMMING | 119134 | ||
23622 | Yet Another Permutation Problem | constructive algorithms math number theory | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 893 (Div. 2) {1858} | PROGRAMMING | 1500.0 | Codeforces Round #893 (Div. 2) Editorial | 1000 |
11661 | The Walkway | brute force greedy implementation math number theory | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 893 (Div. 2) {1858} | PROGRAMMING | 1250.0 | Codeforces Round #893 (Div. 2) Editorial | 1500 |
2892 | Trees and Segments | binary search brute force constructive algorithms data structures dp greedy two pointers | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 893 (Div. 2) {1858} | PROGRAMMING | 2000.0 | Codeforces Round #893 (Div. 2) Editorial | 2200 |
1366 | Rollbacks (Easy Version) | brute force data structures dfs and similar trees | Statement | E1 | Codeforces Round 893 (Div. 2) {1858} | PROGRAMMING | 1750.0 | Codeforces Round #893 (Div. 2) Editorial | 2500 |
1093 | Rollbacks (Hard Version) | bitmasks data structures interactive trees | Statement | E2 | Codeforces Round 893 (Div. 2) {1858} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | Codeforces Round #893 (Div. 2) Editorial | 2600 |
41519 | Buttons | games greedy math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 893 (Div. 2) {1858} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Codeforces Round #893 (Div. 2) Editorial | 800 |
34784 | United We Stand | constructive algorithms graphs math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 892 (Div. 2) {1859} | PROGRAMMING | 500.0 | Video solutions from Geothermal. | |
415 | Teleportation in Byteland | data structures divide and conquer graphs shortest paths trees | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 892 (Div. 2) {1859} | PROGRAMMING | 3000.0 | Video solutions from Geothermal. | |
29040 | Olya and Game with Arrays | constructive algorithms greedy math sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 892 (Div. 2) {1859} | PROGRAMMING | 1000.0 | Video solutions from Geothermal. | |
1843 | Maximum Monogonosity | brute force dp math | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 892 (Div. 2) {1859} | PROGRAMMING | 2250.0 | Video solutions from Geothermal. | |
17356 | Another Permutation Problem | brute force dp greedy math | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 892 (Div. 2) {1859} | PROGRAMMING | 1250.0 | Video solutions from Geothermal. | |
7227 | Andrey and Escape from Capygrad | binary search data structures dp ds greedy sortings two pointers | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 892 (Div. 2) {1859} | PROGRAMMING | 1750.0 | Video solutions from Geothermal. | |
22172 | Not a Substring | constructive algorithms dp strings | Statement | A | Educational Codeforces Round 153 (Rated for Div. 2) {1860} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 153 Editorial | ||
13798 | Game on Permutation | data structures games greedy | Statement | C | Educational Codeforces Round 153 (Rated for Div. 2) {1860} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 153 Editorial | ||
1480 | Fast Travel Text Editor | dfs and similar graphs shortest paths | Statement | E | Educational Codeforces Round 153 (Rated for Div. 2) {1860} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 153 Editorial | ||
17407 | Fancy Coins | binary search brute force greedy math | Statement | B | Educational Codeforces Round 153 (Rated for Div. 2) {1860} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 153 Editorial | ||
284 | Evaluate RBS | data structures geometry sortings | Statement | F | Educational Codeforces Round 153 (Rated for Div. 2) {1860} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 153 Editorial | ||
3106 | Balanced String | bitmasks constructive algorithms dp | Statement | D | Educational Codeforces Round 153 (Rated for Div. 2) {1860} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 153 Editorial | ||
21929 | Two Binary Strings | constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy | Statement | B | Educational Codeforces Round 154 (Rated for Div. 2) {1861} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 154 Editorial | ||
7024 | Sorting By Multiplication | dp greedy math | Statement | D | Educational Codeforces Round 154 (Rated for Div. 2) {1861} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 154 Editorial | ||
10476 | Queries for the Array | data structures dfs and similar implementation strings trees | Statement | C | Educational Codeforces Round 154 (Rated for Div. 2) {1861} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 154 Editorial | ||
24230 | Prime Deletion | constructive algorithms implementation | Statement | A | Educational Codeforces Round 154 (Rated for Div. 2) {1861} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 154 Editorial | ||
1783 | Non-Intersecting Subpermutations | combinatorics dp | Statement | E | Educational Codeforces Round 154 (Rated for Div. 2) {1861} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 154 Editorial | ||
213 | Four Suits | Statement | F | Educational Codeforces Round 154 (Rated for Div. 2) {1861} | PROGRAMMING | Educational Codeforces Round 154 Editorial | |||
2972 | The Great Equalizer | data structures math sortings | Statement | G | Codeforces Round 894 (Div. 3) {1862} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | ||
34433 | Sequence Game | constructive algorithms | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 894 (Div. 3) {1862} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | ||
6537 | Magic Will Save the World | binary search bitmasks brute force dp | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 894 (Div. 3) {1862} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | ||
11162 | Kolya and Movie Theatre | constructive algorithms data structures greedy | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 894 (Div. 3) {1862} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | ||
17777 | Ice Cream Balls | binary search combinatorics constructive algorithms math | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 894 (Div. 3) {1862} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial |