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< 1 2 3 ... 78 79 80 81 82 ... 100 101 102 >

Rating Level
992 Tree Recovery bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms dfs and similar ds graphs trees Statement F Codeforces Global Round 21 {1696} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 Editorial of Codeforces Global Round 21
4192 Placing Jinas combinatorics math Statement E Codeforces Global Round 21 {1696} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Editorial of Codeforces Global Round 21
5564 Permutation Graph binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy shortest paths trees Statement D Codeforces Global Round 21 {1696} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Editorial of Codeforces Global Round 21
19042 NIT orz! bitmasks greedy Statement A Codeforces Global Round 21 {1696} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Editorial of Codeforces Global Round 21
22860 NIT Destroys the Universe greedy Statement B Codeforces Global Round 21 {1696} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Editorial of Codeforces Global Round 21
166 Maximum Product? brute force combinatorics dp greedy math two pointers Statement H Codeforces Global Round 21 {1696} PROGRAMMING 4000.0 Editorial of Codeforces Global Round 21
281 Fishingprince Plays With Array Again data structures Statement G Codeforces Global Round 21 {1696} PROGRAMMING 3250.0 Editorial of Codeforces Global Round 21
11857 Fishingprince Plays With Array constructive algorithms greedy implementation Statement C Codeforces Global Round 21 {1696} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Editorial of Codeforces Global Round 21
577 Too Many Constraints 2-sat Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 130 (Rated for Div. 2) {1697} PROGRAMMING 103835
27287 Promo greedy sortings Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 130 (Rated for Div. 2) {1697} PROGRAMMING 103835
25898 Parkway Walk greedy implementation Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 130 (Rated for Div. 2) {1697} PROGRAMMING 103835
4553 Guess The String binary search brute force constructive algorithms ds interactive Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 130 (Rated for Div. 2) {1697} PROGRAMMING 103835
1256 Coloring brute force combinatorics constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp ds graphs implementation Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 130 (Rated for Div. 2) {1697} PROGRAMMING 103835
14680 awoo's Favorite Problem constructive algorithms data structures dp greedy implementation strings two pointers Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 130 (Rated for Div. 2) {1697} PROGRAMMING 103835
29767 XOR Mixup bitmasks brute force Statement A Codeforces Round 803 (Div. 2) {1698} PROGRAMMING 250.0 Codeforces Round #803 (Div. 2) Editorial
21039 Rising Sand constructive algorithms greedy implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 803 (Div. 2) {1698} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #803 (Div. 2) Editorial
1669 PermutationForces II binary search brute force combinatorics constructive algorithms greedy sortings Statement E Codeforces Round 803 (Div. 2) {1698} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces Round #803 (Div. 2) Editorial
326 Long Binary String math matrices meet-in-the-middle number theory Statement G Codeforces Round 803 (Div. 2) {1698} PROGRAMMING 3250.0 Codeforces Round #803 (Div. 2) Editorial
9823 Fixed Point Guessing binary search constructive algorithms interactive Statement D Codeforces Round 803 (Div. 2) {1698} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces Round #803 (Div. 2) Editorial
663 Equal Reversal constructive algorithms graphs math Statement F Codeforces Round 803 (Div. 2) {1698} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 Codeforces Round #803 (Div. 2) Editorial
18779 3SUM Closure brute force data structures Statement C Codeforces Round 803 (Div. 2) {1698} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #803 (Div. 2) Editorial
1236 Three Days Grace dp math two pointers Statement E Codeforces Round 804 (Div. 2) {1699} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 Codeforces Round #804 (Div. 2) Editorial
24181 The Third Three Number Problem constructive algorithms math Statement A Codeforces Round 804 (Div. 2) {1699} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #804 (Div. 2) Editorial
9961 The Third Problem combinatorics math two pointers Statement C Codeforces Round 804 (Div. 2) {1699} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces Round #804 (Div. 2) Editorial
3201 Almost Triple Deletions data structures dp greedy Statement D Codeforces Round 804 (Div. 2) {1699} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 Codeforces Round #804 (Div. 2) Editorial
20092 Almost Ternary Matrix 2-sat bitmasks constructive algorithms matrices Statement B Codeforces Round 804 (Div. 2) {1699} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #804 (Div. 2) Editorial
19002 Palindromic Numbers constructive algorithms implementation math Statement B Codeforces Round 802 (Div. 2) {1700} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 103978 1100
11152 Helping the Nature constructive algorithms greedy Statement C Codeforces Round 802 (Div. 2) {1700} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 103978 1700
6222 River Locks binary search dp greedy math Statement D Codeforces Round 802 (Div. 2) {1700} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 103978 1900
888 Serega the Pirate brute force constructive algorithms Statement E Codeforces Round 802 (Div. 2) {1700} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 103978 2600
958 Puzzle dp greedy Statement F Codeforces Round 802 (Div. 2) {1700} PROGRAMMING 3000.0 103978 2600
23082 Optimal Path dp greedy math Statement A Codeforces Round 802 (Div. 2) {1700} PROGRAMMING 500.0 103978 800
1162 Text Editor brute force dp greedy strings two pointers Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 131 (Rated for Div. 2) {1701} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 131 Editorial
17848 Schedule Management binary search greedy Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 131 (Rated for Div. 2) {1701} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 131 Editorial
963 Points combinatorics data structures math matrices Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 131 (Rated for Div. 2) {1701} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 131 Editorial
5776 Permutation Restoration binary search data structures greedy math sortings Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 131 (Rated for Div. 2) {1701} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 131 Editorial
20315 Permutation greedy Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 131 (Rated for Div. 2) {1701} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 131 Editorial
26553 Grass Field implementation Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 131 (Rated for Div. 2) {1701} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 131 Editorial
22829 Train and Queries data structures greedy Statement C Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) {1702} PROGRAMMING 104763
13910 Split Into Two Sets dfs and similar ds graph matchings graphs Statement E Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) {1702} PROGRAMMING 104763
35481 Round Down the Price constructive algorithms Statement A Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) {1702} PROGRAMMING 104763
27909 Polycarp Writes a String from Memory greedy Statement B Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) {1702} PROGRAMMING 104763
4815 Passable Paths (hard version) bitmasks data structures dfs and similar dp sortings trees Statement G2 Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) {1702} PROGRAMMING 104763
5593 Passable Paths (easy version) data structures dfs and similar sortings trees Statement G1 Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) {1702} PROGRAMMING 104763
24096 Not a Cheap String greedy Statement D Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) {1702} PROGRAMMING 104763
8589 Equate Multisets constructive algorithms data structures graph matchings greedy math number theory Statement F Codeforces Round 805 (Div. 3) {1702} PROGRAMMING 104763
21245 Yet Another Problem About Pairs Satisfying an Inequality binary search data structures dp greedy sortings Statement F Codeforces Round 806 (Div. 4) {1703} PROGRAMMING 104786
74357 YES or YES? implementation strings Statement A Codeforces Round 806 (Div. 4) {1703} PROGRAMMING 104786
19442 Mirror Grid implementation Statement E Codeforces Round 806 (Div. 4) {1703} PROGRAMMING 104786
52221 ICPC Balloons data structures implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 806 (Div. 4) {1703} PROGRAMMING 104786
11120 Good Key, Bad Key bitmasks brute force dp greedy math Statement G Codeforces Round 806 (Div. 4) {1703} PROGRAMMING 104786
26382 Double Strings brute force data structures strings Statement D Codeforces Round 806 (Div. 4) {1703} PROGRAMMING 104786
36756 Cypher implementation strings Statement C Codeforces Round 806 (Div. 4) {1703} PROGRAMMING 104786
16822 Virus greedy sortings Statement C CodeTON Round 2 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) {1704} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 CodeTON Round 2 Editorial
16108 Two 0-1 Sequences constructive algorithms greedy Statement A CodeTON Round 2 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) {1704} PROGRAMMING 500.0 CodeTON Round 2 Editorial
115 Mio and Lucky Array constructive algorithms fft math strings Statement G CodeTON Round 2 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) {1704} PROGRAMMING 3500.0 CodeTON Round 2 Editorial
5110 Magical Array constructive algorithms hashing math Statement D CodeTON Round 2 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) {1704} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 CodeTON Round 2 Editorial
19311 Luke is a Foodie greedy Statement B CodeTON Round 2 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) {1704} PROGRAMMING 750.0 CodeTON Round 2 Editorial
93 Game of AI (hard version) combinatorics fft math Statement H2 CodeTON Round 2 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) {1704} PROGRAMMING 2750.0 CodeTON Round 2 Editorial
188 Game of AI (easy version) combinatorics fft math Statement H1 CodeTON Round 2 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) {1704} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 CodeTON Round 2 Editorial
2412 Count Seconds brute force constructive algorithms dp graphs Statement E CodeTON Round 2 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) {1704} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 CodeTON Round 2 Editorial
1077 Colouring Game constructive algorithms games Statement F CodeTON Round 2 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) {1704} PROGRAMMING 2750.0 CodeTON Round 2 Editorial
25495 Mark the Photographer greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 807 (Div. 2) {1705} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #807 (Div 2.) Editorial
23521 Mark the Dust Sweeper greedy implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 807 (Div. 2) {1705} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #807 (Div 2.) Editorial
625 Mark and the Online Exam bitmasks constructive algorithms interactive math probabilities Statement F Codeforces Round 807 (Div. 2) {1705} PROGRAMMING 3000.0 Codeforces Round #807 (Div 2.) Editorial
2134 Mark and Professor Koro binary search bitmasks combinatorics data structures greedy Statement E Codeforces Round 807 (Div. 2) {1705} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 Codeforces Round #807 (Div 2.) Editorial
6472 Mark and Lightbulbs combinatorics constructive algorithms math sortings Statement D Codeforces Round 807 (Div. 2) {1705} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 Codeforces Round #807 (Div 2.) Editorial
13554 Mark and His Unfinished Essay brute force implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 807 (Div. 2) {1705} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Codeforces Round #807 (Div 2.) Editorial
2832 Qpwoeirut and Vertices binary search data structures ds trees Statement E Codeforces Round 809 (Div. 2) {1706} PROGRAMMING 2250.0 Codeforces Round #809 Editorial
15193 Qpwoeirut And The City dp greedy implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 809 (Div. 2) {1706} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Codeforces Round #809 Editorial
16751 Making Towers dp greedy math Statement B Codeforces Round 809 (Div. 2) {1706} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #809 Editorial
1743 Chopping Carrots (Hard Version) constructive algorithms dp number theory two pointers Statement D2 Codeforces Round 809 (Div. 2) {1706} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 Codeforces Round #809 Editorial
7132 Chopping Carrots (Easy Version) binary search brute force constructive algorithms dp greedy number theory Statement D1 Codeforces Round 809 (Div. 2) {1706} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #809 Editorial
23160 Another String Minimization Problem greedy strings Statement A Codeforces Round 809 (Div. 2) {1706} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #809 Editorial
743 Replace data structures Statement E Codeforces Round 808 (Div. 1) {1707} PROGRAMMING 2500.0 104930
685 Partial Virtual Trees combinatorics dp math trees Statement D Codeforces Round 808 (Div. 1) {1707} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 104930
13922 Doremy's IQ binary search greedy implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 808 (Div. 1) {1707} PROGRAMMING 500.0 104930
5857 Difference Array brute force implementation math sortings Statement B Codeforces Round 808 (Div. 1) {1707} PROGRAMMING 750.0 104930
1583 DFS Trees data structures dfs and similar ds graphs greedy trees Statement C Codeforces Round 808 (Div. 1) {1707} PROGRAMMING 1250.0 104930
157 Bugaboo bitmasks constructive algorithms dp number theory Statement F Codeforces Round 808 (Div. 1) {1707} PROGRAMMING 3250.0 104930
21898 Difference Operations greedy math Statement A Codeforces Round 808 (Div. 2) {1708} PROGRAMMING 500.0 104930
21530 Difference of GCDs constructive algorithms math Statement B Codeforces Round 808 (Div. 2) {1708} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 104930
2863 XOR Tree data structures dfs and similar ds greedy trees Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 132 (Rated for Div. 2) {1709} PROGRAMMING 105164
29996 Three Doors brute force dfs and similar math Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 132 (Rated for Div. 2) {1709} PROGRAMMING 105164
8602 Rorororobot data structures Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 132 (Rated for Div. 2) {1709} PROGRAMMING 105164
8996 Recover an RBS greedy implementation strings Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 132 (Rated for Div. 2) {1709} PROGRAMMING 105164
577 Multiset of Strings dp fft flows graphs greedy math Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 132 (Rated for Div. 2) {1709} PROGRAMMING 105164
23221 Also Try Minecraft data structures implementation Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 132 (Rated for Div. 2) {1709} PROGRAMMING 105164
1414 XOR Triangle bitmasks dp Statement C Codeforces Round 810 (Div. 1) {1710} PROGRAMMING 1750.0 Codeforces Round #810 Editorial
522 Two Arrays games graph matchings Statement E Codeforces Round 810 (Div. 1) {1710} PROGRAMMING 2750.0 Codeforces Round #810 Editorial
432 Recover the Tree constructive algorithms trees Statement D Codeforces Round 810 (Div. 1) {1710} PROGRAMMING 2000.0 Codeforces Round #810 Editorial
2524 Rain brute force data structures math Statement B Codeforces Round 810 (Div. 1) {1710} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #810 Editorial
11100 Color the Picture constructive algorithms greedy Statement A Codeforces Round 810 (Div. 1) {1710} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #810 Editorial
25369 Perfect Permutation constructive algorithms Statement A Codeforces Round 810 (Div. 2) {1711} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #810 Editorial
13569 Party brute force graphs Statement B Codeforces Round 810 (Div. 2) {1711} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #810 Editorial
24279 Wonderful Permutation greedy implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 813 (Div. 2) {1712} PROGRAMMING 500.0 Codeforces Round #813 (Div. 2) Editorial
21772 Woeful Permutation constructive algorithms greedy number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 813 (Div. 2) {1712} PROGRAMMING 1000.0 Codeforces Round #813 (Div. 2) Editorial
340 Triameter data structures dfs and similar trees Statement F Codeforces Round 813 (Div. 2) {1712} PROGRAMMING 3500.0 Codeforces Round #813 (Div. 2) Editorial
20164 Sort Zero greedy sortings two pointers Statement C Codeforces Round 813 (Div. 2) {1712} PROGRAMMING 1500.0 Codeforces Round #813 (Div. 2) Editorial
1393 LCM Sum (hard version) combinatorics data structures math number theory two pointers Statement E2 Codeforces Round 813 (Div. 2) {1712} PROGRAMMING 750.0 Codeforces Round #813 (Div. 2) Editorial