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Rating Level
956 Lust combinatorics math matrices Statement E Codeforces Round 446 (Div. 1) {891} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #446 Editorial 2800
201 Sloth dfs and similar dp graph matchings trees Statement D Codeforces Round 446 (Div. 1) {891} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #446 Editorial 3000
9108 Wrath greedy implementation two pointers Statement B Codeforces Round 446 (Div. 2) {892} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #446 Editorial 1200
13817 Greed greedy implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 446 (Div. 2) {892} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #446 Editorial 900
11623 Beautiful Divisors brute force implementation Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 33 (Rated for Div. 2) {893} PROGRAMMING 55989 1000
24062 Rumor dfs and similar graphs greedy Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 33 (Rated for Div. 2) {893} PROGRAMMING 1300
3106 Credit Card data structures dp greedy implementation Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 33 (Rated for Div. 2) {893} PROGRAMMING 55989 1800
3766 Counting Arrays combinatorics dp math number theory Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 33 (Rated for Div. 2) {893} PROGRAMMING 55989 2000
2076 Subtree Minimum Query data structures trees Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 33 (Rated for Div. 2) {893} PROGRAMMING 2300
10370 Chess For Three implementation Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 33 (Rated for Div. 2) {893} PROGRAMMING 55989 900
4501 Ralph And His Magic Field combinatorics constructive algorithms math number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 447 (Div. 2) {894} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #447 (Div.2 Only) Editorial 1800
4405 Marco and GCD Sequence constructive algorithms math Statement C Codeforces Round 447 (Div. 2) {894} PROGRAMMING 1800
1141 Ralph And His Tour in Binary Country brute force data structures trees Statement D Codeforces Round 447 (Div. 2) {894} PROGRAMMING 2300
2405 Ralph and Mushrooms dp graphs Statement E Codeforces Round 447 (Div. 2) {894} PROGRAMMING 2400
35573 QAQ brute force dp Statement A Codeforces Round 447 (Div. 2) {894} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #447 (Div.2 Only) Editorial 800
6601 Pizza Separation brute force implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 448 (Div. 2) {895} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #448(Div.2) Editorial 1200
3586 XK Segments binary search math sortings two pointers Statement B Codeforces Round 448 (Div. 2) {895} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #448(Div.2) Editorial 1700
5743 Square Subsets bitmasks combinatorics dp math Statement C Codeforces Round 448 (Div. 2) {895} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #448(Div.2) Editorial 2000
1136 String Mark combinatorics math strings Statement D Codeforces Round 448 (Div. 2) {895} PROGRAMMING 2300
1136 Eyes Closed data structures probabilities Statement E Codeforces Round 448 (Div. 2) {895} PROGRAMMING 2500
3484 Nephren gives a riddle binary search dfs and similar Statement A Codeforces Round 449 (Div. 1) {896} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #449 Editorial 1700
2159 Ithea Plays With Chtholly binary search constructive algorithms games greedy interactive Statement B Codeforces Round 449 (Div. 1) {896} PROGRAMMING 2000
3564 Willem, Chtholly and Seniorious data structures probabilities Statement C Codeforces Round 449 (Div. 1) {896} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #449 Editorial 2700
543 Nephren Runs a Cinema chinese remainder theorem combinatorics math number theory Statement D Codeforces Round 449 (Div. 1) {896} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #449 Editorial 2800
2188 Welcome home, Chtholly data structures ds Statement E Codeforces Round 449 (Div. 1) {896} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #449 Editorial 3100
7241 Chtholly's request brute force Statement B Codeforces Round 449 (Div. 2) {897} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #449 Editorial 1300
14405 Scarborough Fair implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 449 (Div. 2) {897} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #449 Editorial 700
9687 Proper Nutrition brute force implementation number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 451 (Div. 2) {898} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #451 (Div.2) Editorial 1300
5345 Phone Numbers implementation strings Statement C Codeforces Round 451 (Div. 2) {898} PROGRAMMING 1400
4675 Squares and not squares constructive algorithms greedy Statement E Codeforces Round 451 (Div. 2) {898} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #451 (Div.2) Editorial 1600
4042 Alarm Clock greedy Statement D Codeforces Round 451 (Div. 2) {898} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #451 (Div.2) Editorial 1700
1218 Restoring the Expression brute force hashing math Statement F Codeforces Round 451 (Div. 2) {898} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #451 (Div.2) Editorial 2300
16524 Rounding implementation math Statement A Codeforces Round 451 (Div. 2) {898} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #451 (Div.2) Editorial 800
5943 Months and Years implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 452 (Div. 2) {899} PROGRAMMING 1300
8576 Dividing the numbers constructive algorithms graphs math Statement C Codeforces Round 452 (Div. 2) {899} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #452 (Div.2) Editorial 1300
2794 Shovel Sale constructive algorithms math Statement D Codeforces Round 452 (Div. 2) {899} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #452 (Div.2) Editorial 1800
3135 Segments Removal data structures ds flows implementation two pointers Statement E Codeforces Round 452 (Div. 2) {899} PROGRAMMING 2100
1874 Letters Removing data structures strings Statement F Codeforces Round 452 (Div. 2) {899} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #452 (Div.2) Editorial 2200
10331 Splitting in Teams constructive algorithms greedy math Statement A Codeforces Round 452 (Div. 2) {899} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #452 (Div.2) Editorial 900
7914 Position in Fraction math number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 450 (Div. 2) {900} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #450(Div. 2). Editorial. 1300
4603 Remove Extra One brute force data structures math Statement C Codeforces Round 450 (Div. 2) {900} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #450(Div. 2). Editorial. 1700
3323 Unusual Sequences bitmasks combinatorics dp math number theory Statement D Codeforces Round 450 (Div. 2) {900} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #450(Div. 2). Editorial. 2100
1286 Maximum Questions data structures dp strings Statement E Codeforces Round 450 (Div. 2) {900} PROGRAMMING 2300
13736 Find Extra One geometry implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 450 (Div. 2) {900} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #450(Div. 2). Editorial. 900
5142 Hashing Trees constructive algorithms trees Statement A Codeforces Round 453 (Div. 1) {901} PROGRAMMING 1500
1589 GCD of Polynomials constructive algorithms math Statement B Codeforces Round 453 (Div. 1) {901} PROGRAMMING 2100
1197 Bipartite Segments binary search data structures dfs and similar ds graphs two pointers Statement C Codeforces Round 453 (Div. 1) {901} PROGRAMMING 2500
527 Weighting a Tree constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs Statement D Codeforces Round 453 (Div. 1) {901} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #453 (Div. 1 & Div. 2) Editorial 2700
88 Cyclic Cipher fft math Statement E Codeforces Round 453 (Div. 1) {901} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #453 (Div. 1 & Div. 2) Editorial 3300
9887 Visiting a Friend greedy implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 453 (Div. 2) {902} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #453 (Div. 1 & Div. 2) Editorial 1200
10970 Coloring a Tree dfs and similar ds greedy Statement B Codeforces Round 453 (Div. 2) {902} PROGRAMMING 1300
7795 The Modcrab greedy implementation Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2) {903} PROGRAMMING 1200
18572 Boxes Packing greedy Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2) {903} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 34 Editorial 1200
1489 Swapping Characters brute force hashing implementation strings Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2) {903} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 34 Editorial 2200
3937 Almost Difference data structures math Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2) {903} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 34 Editorial 2200
693 Clear The Matrix bitmasks dp Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2) {903} PROGRAMMING 2400
570 Yet Another Maxflow Problem data structures flows graphs Statement G Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2) {903} PROGRAMMING 2700
14763 Hungry Student Problem greedy implementation Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2) {903} PROGRAMMING Educational Codeforces Round 34 Editorial 900
4155 Shockers implementation strings Statement A Codeforces Round 454 (Div. 1, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 4) {906} PROGRAMMING 1600
1150 Seating of Students brute force constructive algorithms math Statement B Codeforces Round 454 (Div. 1, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 4) {906} PROGRAMMING Editorial Codeforces Round 454 (and Technocup 2018 — Elimination Round 4) 2300
1388 Party bitmasks brute force dp graphs Statement C Codeforces Round 454 (Div. 1, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 4) {906} PROGRAMMING Editorial Codeforces Round 454 (and Technocup 2018 — Elimination Round 4) 2300
2192 Power Tower chinese remainder theorem math number theory Statement D Codeforces Round 454 (Div. 1, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 4) {906} PROGRAMMING Editorial Codeforces Round 454 (and Technocup 2018 — Elimination Round 4) 2600
486 Reverses dp string suffix structures strings Statement E Codeforces Round 454 (Div. 1, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 4) {906} PROGRAMMING Editorial Codeforces Round 454 (and Technocup 2018 — Elimination Round 4) 3200
4079 Tic-Tac-Toe implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 454 (Div. 2, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 4) {907} PROGRAMMING 1400
5734 Masha and Bears brute force implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 454 (Div. 2, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 4) {907} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 1400
7722 New Year and Buggy Bot brute force implementation Statement B Good Bye 2017 {908} PROGRAMMING 1300
6964 New Year and Curling brute force geometry implementation math Statement C Good Bye 2017 {908} PROGRAMMING Good Bye 2017 Editorial 1500
2403 New Year and Arbitrary Arrangement dp math probabilities Statement D Good Bye 2017 {908} PROGRAMMING Good Bye 2017 Editorial 2200
1413 New Year and Rainbow Roads graphs greedy implementation Statement F Good Bye 2017 {908} PROGRAMMING Good Bye 2017 Editorial 2400
763 New Year and Entity Enumeration bitmasks combinatorics dp math Statement E Good Bye 2017 {908} PROGRAMMING Good Bye 2017 Editorial 2400
1387 New Year and Original Order dp math Statement G Good Bye 2017 {908} PROGRAMMING Good Bye 2017 Editorial 2700
393 New Year and Boolean Bridges Statement H Good Bye 2017 {908} PROGRAMMING Good Bye 2017 Editorial 3000
14919 New Year and Counting Cards brute force implementation Statement A Good Bye 2017 {908} PROGRAMMING Good Bye 2017 Editorial 800
9404 Generate Login brute force greedy sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 455 (Div. 2) {909} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #455 (Div. 2) Editorial 1100
6511 Segments constructive algorithms math Statement B Codeforces Round 455 (Div. 2) {909} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #455 (Div. 2) Editorial 1300
5001 Python Indentation dp Statement C Codeforces Round 455 (Div. 2) {909} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #455 (Div. 2) Editorial 1800
2140 Coprocessor dfs and similar dp graphs greedy Statement E Codeforces Round 455 (Div. 2) {909} PROGRAMMING 2100
1962 Colorful Points data structures greedy implementation Statement D Codeforces Round 455 (Div. 2) {909} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #455 (Div. 2) Editorial 2100
584 AND-permutations constructive algorithms Statement F Codeforces Round 455 (Div. 2) {909} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #455 (Div. 2) Editorial 2600
12287 The Way to Home dfs and similar dp greedy implementation Statement A Testing Round 14 (Unrated) {910} PROGRAMMING 1100
1720 Door Frames greedy implementation Statement B Testing Round 14 (Unrated) {910} PROGRAMMING 1600
1831 Minimum Sum constructive algorithms greedy math Statement C Testing Round 14 (Unrated) {910} PROGRAMMING 1700
11602 Nearest Minimums implementation Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 35 (Rated for Div. 2) {911} PROGRAMMING T 1100
11608 Two Cakes binary search brute force implementation Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 35 (Rated for Div. 2) {911} PROGRAMMING T 1200
7085 Three Garlands brute force constructive algorithms Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 35 (Rated for Div. 2) {911} PROGRAMMING 1400
4660 Inversion Counting brute force math Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 35 (Rated for Div. 2) {911} PROGRAMMING T 1700
2589 Stack Sorting constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 35 (Rated for Div. 2) {911} PROGRAMMING 2000
1793 Tree Destruction constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy trees Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 35 (Rated for Div. 2) {911} PROGRAMMING T 2500
3004 Mass Change Queries data structures Statement G Educational Codeforces Round 35 (Rated for Div. 2) {911} PROGRAMMING T 2600
12383 New Year's Eve bitmasks constructive algorithms number theory Statement B Codeforces Round 456 (Div. 2) {912} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #456 (Div. 2) Editorial 1400
2028 Fishes data structures graphs greedy probabilities shortest paths Statement D Codeforces Round 456 (Div. 2) {912} PROGRAMMING 2100
520 Perun, Ult! brute force greedy sortings Statement C Codeforces Round 456 (Div. 2) {912} PROGRAMMING 2500
1683 Prime Gift binary search dfs and similar math meet-in-the-middle number theory two pointers Statement E Codeforces Round 456 (Div. 2) {912} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #456 (Div. 2) Editorial 2600
13592 Tricky Alchemy implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 456 (Div. 2) {912} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #456 (Div. 2) Editorial 900
21587 Modular Exponentiation implementation math Statement A Hello 2018 {913} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 1000
16499 Christmas Spruce implementation trees Statement B Hello 2018 {913} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 1200
8006 Party Lemonade bitmasks dp greedy Statement C Hello 2018 {913} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 1600
4833 Too Easy Problems binary search brute force data structures greedy sortings Statement D Hello 2018 {913} PROGRAMMING 1800
812 Logical Expression bitmasks dp shortest paths Statement E Hello 2018 {913} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2400
667 Strongly Connected Tournament dp graphs math probabilities Statement F Hello 2018 {913} PROGRAMMING Tutorial 2700