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< 1 2 3 ... 33 34 35 36 37 ... 100 101 102 >

Rating Level
6909 Minimal string data structures greedy strings Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 19 {797} PROGRAMMING 51588 1700
4577 Array Queries brute force data structures dp Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 19 {797} PROGRAMMING 51588 2000
1865 Broken BST data structures dfs and similar Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 19 {797} PROGRAMMING 51588 2200
1248 Mice and Holes data structures dp greedy sortings Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 19 {797} PROGRAMMING 51588 2600
22080 Mike and palindrome brute force constructive algorithms strings Statement A Codeforces Round 410 (Div. 2) {798} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #410 (Div. 2) Editorial 1100
8499 Mike and strings brute force dp strings Statement B Codeforces Round 410 (Div. 2) {798} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #410 (Div. 2) Editorial 1300
5936 Mike and gcd problem dp greedy number theory Statement C Codeforces Round 410 (Div. 2) {798} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #410 (Div. 2) Editorial 1700
1939 Mike and distribution constructive algorithms sortings Statement D Codeforces Round 410 (Div. 2) {798} PROGRAMMING 2300
497 Mike and code of a permutation constructive algorithms data structures graphs sortings Statement E Codeforces Round 410 (Div. 2) {798} PROGRAMMING 2700
19271 Carrot Cakes brute force implementation Statement A Playrix Codescapes Cup (Codeforces Round 413, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {799} PROGRAMMING Playrix Codescapes Cup Problems Analysis 1200
9036 T-shirt buying data structures implementation Statement B Playrix Codescapes Cup (Codeforces Round 413, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {799} PROGRAMMING 1400
3796 Fountains binary search data structures implementation Statement C Playrix Codescapes Cup (Codeforces Round 413, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {799} PROGRAMMING Playrix Codescapes Cup Problems Analysis 1700
2073 Field expansion brute force dp meet-in-the-middle Statement D Playrix Codescapes Cup (Codeforces Round 413, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {799} PROGRAMMING Playrix Codescapes Cup Problems Analysis 2000
941 Aquarium decoration data structures greedy two pointers Statement E Playrix Codescapes Cup (Codeforces Round 413, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {799} PROGRAMMING 2500
116 Cut the pie binary search data structures geometry Statement G Playrix Codescapes Cup (Codeforces Round 413, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {799} PROGRAMMING 2600
460 Beautiful fountains rows data structures Statement F Playrix Codescapes Cup (Codeforces Round 413, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) {799} PROGRAMMING 3300
10502 Valued Keys constructive algorithms greedy strings Statement B Codeforces Round 409 (rated, Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2017 Round 2) {801} PROGRAMMING 1000
7367 Vicious Keyboard brute force Statement A Codeforces Round 409 (rated, Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2017 Round 2) {801} PROGRAMMING 1100
7186 Fake News (easy) implementation Statement G Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 1000
3204 April Fools' Problem (easy) greedy sortings Statement M Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 1300
4899 Send the Fool Further! (easy) dfs and similar graphs trees Statement J Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING 1500
1407 Heidi and Library (easy) greedy Statement A Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING 1800
1165 Heidi and Library (medium) data structures greedy Statement B Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 1900
648 Send the Fool Further! (medium) dp trees Statement K Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING 2100
461 Marmots (easy) math Statement D Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING 2100
256 Marmots (medium) math Statement E Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 2400
469 Fake News (medium) constructive algorithms strings Statement H Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 2400
1586 Fake News (hard) string suffix structures Statement I Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 2400
1233 April Fools' Problem (medium) binary search flows graphs Statement N Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 2500
604 Heidi and Library (hard) flows Statement C Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 2700
320 Send the Fool Further! (hard) dfs and similar dp math trees Statement L Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING 2800
128 Marmots (hard) math probabilities Statement F Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 2800
996 April Fools' Problem (hard) binary search data structures flows Statement O Helvetic Coding Contest 2017 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated) {802} PROGRAMMING helvetic-coding-contest-2017-editorial.pdf 3200
6756 Distances to Zero constructive algorithms Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 20 {803} PROGRAMMING 51768 1200
4994 Maximal Binary Matrix constructive algorithms Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 20 {803} PROGRAMMING 51768 1500
3394 Magazine Ad binary search greedy Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 20 {803} PROGRAMMING 51768 1900
5221 Maximal GCD constructive algorithms greedy math Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 20 {803} PROGRAMMING 51768 2000
2284 Roma and Poker dp graphs Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 20 {803} PROGRAMMING 51768 2100
3470 Coprime Subsequences bitmasks combinatorics number theory Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 20 {803} PROGRAMMING 51768 2100
1621 Periodic RMQ Problem data structures Statement G Educational Codeforces Round 20 {803} PROGRAMMING 51768 2500
15622 Find Amir constructive algorithms greedy math Statement A Codeforces Round 411 (Div. 1) {804} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #411 Editorial 1100
9742 Minimum number of steps combinatorics greedy implementation math Statement B Codeforces Round 411 (Div. 1) {804} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #411 Editorial 1400
1847 Ice cream coloring constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy Statement C Codeforces Round 411 (Div. 1) {804} PROGRAMMING 2200
1357 Expected diameter of a tree binary search brute force dfs and similar dp sortings trees Statement D Codeforces Round 411 (Div. 1) {804} PROGRAMMING 2600
498 The same permutation constructive algorithms Statement E Codeforces Round 411 (Div. 1) {804} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #411 Editorial 3100
164 Fake bullions combinatorics dfs and similar dp graphs number theory Statement F Codeforces Round 411 (Div. 1) {804} PROGRAMMING 3400
18222 Fake NP greedy math Statement A Codeforces Round 411 (Div. 2) {805} PROGRAMMING 51846 1000
17343 3-palindrome constructive algorithms Statement B Codeforces Round 411 (Div. 2) {805} PROGRAMMING 51846 1000
3559 T-Shirt Hunt brute force implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 412 (rated, Div. 2, base on VK Cup 2017 Round 3) {807} PROGRAMMING 1300
21086 Is it rated? implementation sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 412 (rated, Div. 2, base on VK Cup 2017 Round 3) {807} PROGRAMMING 900
9542 Lucky Year implementation Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 21 {808} PROGRAMMING 52010 1000
8320 Average Sleep Time data structures implementation math Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 21 {808} PROGRAMMING 52010 1300
6318 Tea Party constructive algorithms greedy sortings Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 21 {808} PROGRAMMING 52010 1500
7099 Array Division binary search data structures implementation Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 21 {808} PROGRAMMING 52010 1900
1885 Selling Souvenirs binary search dp greedy ternary search Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 21 {808} PROGRAMMING 52010 2300
2886 Anthem of Berland dp strings Statement G Educational Codeforces Round 21 {808} PROGRAMMING 52010 2300
1268 Card Game binary search flows graphs Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 21 {808} PROGRAMMING 52010 2500
4719 Do you want a date? implementation math sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 415 (Div. 1) {809} PROGRAMMING 1500
1693 Glad to see you! binary search interactive Statement B Codeforces Round 415 (Div. 1) {809} PROGRAMMING 2200
878 Hitchhiking in the Baltic States data structures dp Statement D Codeforces Round 415 (Div. 1) {809} PROGRAMMING 2800
821 Find a car combinatorics divide and conquer dp Statement C Codeforces Round 415 (Div. 1) {809} PROGRAMMING 2900
747 Surprise me! divide and conquer math number theory trees Statement E Codeforces Round 415 (Div. 1) {809} PROGRAMMING 3000
8891 Straight <<A>> implementation math Statement A Codeforces Round 415 (Div. 2) {810} PROGRAMMING 1000
11765 Summer sell-off greedy sortings Statement B Codeforces Round 415 (Div. 2) {810} PROGRAMMING 1300
6548 Vladik and Complicated Book implementation sortings Statement B Codeforces Round 416 (Div. 2) {811} PROGRAMMING Editorial 1300
3326 Vladik and Memorable Trip dp implementation Statement C Codeforces Round 416 (Div. 2) {811} PROGRAMMING 1800
1786 Vladik and Favorite Game constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs interactive Statement D Codeforces Round 416 (Div. 2) {811} PROGRAMMING 2000
884 Vladik and Entertaining Flags data structures ds graphs Statement E Codeforces Round 416 (Div. 2) {811} PROGRAMMING Editorial 2600
12001 Vladik and Courtesy brute force implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 416 (Div. 2) {811} PROGRAMMING Editorial 900
6247 Sagheer and Crossroads implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 417 (Div. 2) {812} PROGRAMMING [Editorial] Codeforces Round #417 (Div. 2) 1300
14751 Sagheer and Nubian Market binary search sortings Statement C Codeforces Round 417 (Div. 2) {812} PROGRAMMING 1500
5271 Sagheer, the Hausmeister bitmasks brute force dp Statement B Codeforces Round 417 (Div. 2) {812} PROGRAMMING 1600
1112 Sagheer and Apple Tree games trees Statement E Codeforces Round 417 (Div. 2) {812} PROGRAMMING 2200
333 Sagheer and Kindergarten dfs and similar graphs implementation trees Statement D Codeforces Round 417 (Div. 2) {812} PROGRAMMING 2700
5127 The Contest implementation Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 22 {813} PROGRAMMING 1200
6210 The Tag Game dfs and similar graphs Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 22 {813} PROGRAMMING 52410 1700
4048 The Golden Age brute force math Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 22 {813} PROGRAMMING 52410 1700
2516 Army Creation binary search data structures Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 22 {813} PROGRAMMING 52410 2300
1394 Bipartite Checking data structures ds graphs Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 22 {813} PROGRAMMING 52410 2600
1041 Two Melodies dp flows Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 22 {813} PROGRAMMING 52410 2700
10588 An abandoned sentiment from past constructive algorithms greedy implementation sortings Statement A Codeforces Round 418 (Div. 2) {814} PROGRAMMING 1000
5668 An express train to reveries constructive algorithms Statement B Codeforces Round 418 (Div. 2) {814} PROGRAMMING 1300
6790 An impassioned circulation of affection brute force dp strings two pointers Statement C Codeforces Round 418 (Div. 2) {814} PROGRAMMING 1600
2375 An overnight dance in discotheque dfs and similar dp geometry greedy trees Statement D Codeforces Round 418 (Div. 2) {814} PROGRAMMING 2000
676 An unavoidable detour for home combinatorics dp graphs shortest paths Statement E Codeforces Round 418 (Div. 2) {814} PROGRAMMING 2700
5689 Karen and Game brute force greedy implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 419 (Div. 1) {815} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #419 Editorial 1700
1389 Karen and Test brute force combinatorics constructive algorithms math Statement B Codeforces Round 419 (Div. 1) {815} PROGRAMMING 2200
2736 Karen and Supermarket brute force dp trees Statement C Codeforces Round 419 (Div. 1) {815} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #419 Editorial 2500
623 Karen and Cards binary search combinatorics data structures geometry Statement D Codeforces Round 419 (Div. 1) {815} PROGRAMMING 2700
225 Karen and Neighborhood binary search constructive algorithms implementation Statement E Codeforces Round 419 (Div. 1) {815} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #419 Editorial 2900
9201 Karen and Morning brute force implementation Statement A Codeforces Round 419 (Div. 2) {816} PROGRAMMING Codeforces Round #419 Editorial 1100
19171 Karen and Coffee binary search data structures implementation Statement B Codeforces Round 419 (Div. 2) {816} PROGRAMMING 1400
6324 Treasure Hunt implementation math number theory Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 23 {817} PROGRAMMING 52638 1200
5834 Makes And The Product combinatorics implementation math sortings Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 23 {817} PROGRAMMING 52638 1500
7571 Really Big Numbers binary search brute force dp math Statement C Educational Codeforces Round 23 {817} PROGRAMMING 52638 1600
4936 Imbalanced Array data structures divide and conquer ds sortings Statement D Educational Codeforces Round 23 {817} PROGRAMMING 52638 2000
3010 Choosing The Commander bitmasks data structures trees Statement E Educational Codeforces Round 23 {817} PROGRAMMING 52638 2100
2679 MEX Queries binary search data structures trees Statement F Educational Codeforces Round 23 {817} PROGRAMMING 52638 2400
7079 Diplomas and Certificates implementation math Statement A Educational Codeforces Round 24 {818} PROGRAMMING 52991 1000
3042 Permutation Game implementation Statement B Educational Codeforces Round 24 {818} PROGRAMMING 52991 1600