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Name |
Tags |
Solutions |
Index |
Contest |
Type |
Points |
Tutorial |
Rating Level |
32917 | Lineland Mail | greedy implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round #Pi (Div. 2) {567} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #Pi | 1000 | |
8489 | Berland National Library | implementation | Statement | B | Codeforces Round #Pi (Div. 2) {567} | PROGRAMMING | 1300 | ||
9668 | Geometric Progression | binary search data structures dp | Statement | C | Codeforces Round #Pi (Div. 2) {567} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #Pi | 1700 | |
4874 | One-Dimensional Battle Ships | binary search data structures greedy sortings | Statement | D | Codeforces Round #Pi (Div. 2) {567} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #Pi | 1800 | |
1830 | President and Roads | dfs and similar graphs hashing shortest paths | Statement | E | Codeforces Round #Pi (Div. 2) {567} | PROGRAMMING | 2600 | ||
592 | Mausoleum | dp | Statement | F | Codeforces Round #Pi (Div. 2) {567} | PROGRAMMING | 2700 | ||
5155 | Primes or Palindromes? | brute force implementation math number theory | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 315 (Div. 1) {568} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #315 Editorial | 1700 | |
2260 | Symmetric and Transitive | combinatorics dp math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 315 (Div. 1) {568} | PROGRAMMING | 2100 | ||
870 | New Language | 2-sat greedy | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 315 (Div. 1) {568} | PROGRAMMING | 2600 | ||
308 | Sign Posts | brute force geometry math | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 315 (Div. 1) {568} | PROGRAMMING | 2800 | ||
601 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | data structures dp | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 315 (Div. 1) {568} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #315 Editorial | 3000 | |
7148 | Inventory | greedy math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 315 (Div. 2) {569} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #315 Editorial | 1200 | |
4832 | Music | implementation math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 315 (Div. 2) {569} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #315 Editorial | 1500 | |
13954 | Elections | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 316 (Div. 2) {570} | PROGRAMMING | 1200 | ||
16284 | Simple Game | constructive algorithms games greedy implementation math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 316 (Div. 2) {570} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #316 Editorial | 1300 | |
9263 | Replacement | constructive algorithms data structures implementation | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 316 (Div. 2) {570} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #316 Editorial | 1600 | |
7457 | Tree Requests | binary search bitmasks constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs trees | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 316 (Div. 2) {570} | PROGRAMMING | 2400 | ||
1931 | Pig and Palindromes | combinatorics dp | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 316 (Div. 2) {570} | PROGRAMMING | 2600 | ||
2671 | Minimization | dp greedy sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {571} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] Editorial | 2300 | |
2351 | Lengthening Sticks | combinatorics implementation math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {571} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] Editorial | 2300 | |
675 | CNF 2 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {571} | PROGRAMMING | 2600 | ||
703 | Campus | binary search data structures ds trees | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {571} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] Editorial | 3000 | |
272 | Geometric Progressions | math | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {571} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] Editorial | 3200 | |
16783 | Arrays | sortings | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] (Div. 2) {572} | PROGRAMMING | 1000 | ||
7099 | Order Book | data structures greedy implementation sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] (Div. 2) {572} | PROGRAMMING | 1400 | ||
16831 | Bear and Poker | implementation math number theory | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {573} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] Editorial | 1400 | |
5993 | Bear and Blocks | binary search data structures dp math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {573} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] Editorial | 1800 | |
976 | Bear and Drawing | constructive algorithms dfs and similar trees | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {573} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] Editorial | 2600 | |
582 | Bear and Cavalry | data structures divide and conquer dp | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {573} | PROGRAMMING | 2900 | ||
1787 | Bear and Bowling | data structures greedy | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] (Div. 1) {573} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] Editorial | 3100 | |
9151 | Bear and Elections | greedy implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] (Div. 2) {574} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] Editorial | 1200 | |
7866 | Bear and Three Musketeers | brute force dfs and similar graphs hashing | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 318 [RussianCodeCup Thanks-Round] (Div. 2) {574} | PROGRAMMING | 1500 | ||
1883 | Tablecity | constructive algorithms implementation | Statement | D | Bubble Cup 8 - Finals [Online Mirror] {575} | PROGRAMMING | 1700 | ||
1728 | Bots | combinatorics number theory | Statement | H | Bubble Cup 8 - Finals [Online Mirror] {575} | PROGRAMMING | Bubble Cup finals 2015 Results and Editorial | 1800 | |
1047 | Bulbo | dp greedy | Statement | F | Bubble Cup 8 - Finals [Online Mirror] {575} | PROGRAMMING | Bubble Cup finals 2015 Results and Editorial | 2200 | |
1108 | Bribes | dfs and similar graphs trees | Statement | B | Bubble Cup 8 - Finals [Online Mirror] {575} | PROGRAMMING | 2300 | ||
908 | Run for beer | dfs and similar shortest paths | Statement | G | Bubble Cup 8 - Finals [Online Mirror] {575} | PROGRAMMING | Bubble Cup finals 2015 Results and Editorial | 2400 | |
224 | Party | bitmasks brute force graph matchings | Statement | C | Bubble Cup 8 - Finals [Online Mirror] {575} | PROGRAMMING | Bubble Cup finals 2015 Results and Editorial | 2800 | |
812 | Fibonotci | data structures math matrices | Statement | A | Bubble Cup 8 - Finals [Online Mirror] {575} | PROGRAMMING | Bubble Cup finals 2015 Results and Editorial | 2800 | |
482 | Robots protection | data structures | Statement | I | Bubble Cup 8 - Finals [Online Mirror] {575} | PROGRAMMING | Bubble Cup finals 2015 Results and Editorial | 3000 | |
289 | Spectator Riots | geometry | Statement | E | Bubble Cup 8 - Finals [Online Mirror] {575} | PROGRAMMING | 3200 | ||
14251 | Vasya and Petya's Game | math number theory | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 319 (Div. 1) {576} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #319 | 1500 | |
3541 | Points on Plane | constructive algorithms divide and conquer geometry greedy sortings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 319 (Div. 1) {576} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #319 | 2300 | |
1825 | Invariance of Tree | constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy trees | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 319 (Div. 1) {576} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #319 | 2300 | |
1435 | Flights for Regular Customers | dp matrices | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 319 (Div. 1) {576} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #319 | 2600 | |
1290 | Painting Edges | binary search data structures | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 319 (Div. 1) {576} | PROGRAMMING | 3200 | ||
40747 | Multiplication Table | implementation number theory | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 319 (Div. 2) {577} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #319 | 1100 | |
12575 | Modulo Sum | combinatorics data structures dp two pointers | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 319 (Div. 2) {577} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #319 | 1800 | |
4795 | A Problem about Polyline | geometry math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 320 (Div. 1) [Bayan Thanks-Round] {578} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #320 [Bayan Thanks-Round] Editorial | 1700 | |
5273 | "Or" Game | brute force greedy | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 320 (Div. 1) [Bayan Thanks-Round] {578} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #320 [Bayan Thanks-Round] Editorial | 1800 | |
4603 | Weakness and Poorness | ternary search | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 320 (Div. 1) [Bayan Thanks-Round] {578} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #320 [Bayan Thanks-Round] Editorial | 2100 | |
647 | Walking! | constructive algorithms greedy | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 320 (Div. 1) [Bayan Thanks-Round] {578} | PROGRAMMING | 2500 | ||
887 | LCS Again | dp greedy | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 320 (Div. 1) [Bayan Thanks-Round] {578} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #320 [Bayan Thanks-Round] Editorial | 2800 | |
554 | Mirror Box | matrices trees | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 320 (Div. 1) [Bayan Thanks-Round] {578} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #320 [Bayan Thanks-Round] Editorial | 3400 | |
64070 | Raising Bacteria | bitmasks | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 320 (Div. 2) [Bayan Thanks-Round] {579} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #320 [Bayan Thanks-Round] Editorial | 1000 | |
5307 | Finding Team Member | brute force implementation sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 320 (Div. 2) [Bayan Thanks-Round] {579} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #320 [Bayan Thanks-Round] Editorial | 1400 | |
90983 | Kefa and First Steps | brute force dp implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 321 (Div. 2) {580} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #321 Editorial | 1000 | |
44993 | Kefa and Park | dfs and similar graphs trees | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 321 (Div. 2) {580} | PROGRAMMING | 1500 | ||
27372 | Kefa and Company | binary search sortings two pointers | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 321 (Div. 2) {580} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #321 Editorial | 1500 | |
10134 | Kefa and Dishes | bitmasks dp | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 321 (Div. 2) {580} | PROGRAMMING | 1900 | ||
2141 | Kefa and Watch | data structures hashing strings | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 321 (Div. 2) {580} | PROGRAMMING | 2700 | ||
13154 | Luxurious Houses | implementation math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 322 (Div. 2) {581} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #322 (Div.2) Editorial | 1200 | |
7355 | Developing Skills | implementation math sortings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 322 (Div. 2) {581} | PROGRAMMING | 1400 | ||
3901 | Three Logos | bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms geometry implementation math | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 322 (Div. 2) {581} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #322 (Div.2) Editorial | 1700 | |
896 | Zublicanes and Mumocrates | dp trees two pointers | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 322 (Div. 2) {581} | PROGRAMMING | 2600 | ||
191 | Kojiro and Furrari | dp greedy | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 322 (Div. 2) {581} | PROGRAMMING | 2600 | ||
73570 | Vasya the Hipster | implementation math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 322 (Div. 2) {581} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #322 (Div.2) Editorial | 700 | |
7863 | GCD Table | constructive algorithms greedy number theory | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 323 (Div. 1) {582} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #323 Editorial | 1700 | |
3461 | Once Again... | constructive algorithms dp matrices | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 323 (Div. 1) {582} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #323 Editorial | 2000 | |
752 | Superior Periodic Subarrays | number theory | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 323 (Div. 1) {582} | PROGRAMMING | 2900 | ||
507 | Boolean Function | bitmasks dp expression parsing | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 323 (Div. 1) {582} | PROGRAMMING | 2900 | ||
666 | Number of Binominal Coefficients | dp math number theory | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 323 (Div. 1) {582} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #323 Editorial | 3100 | |
11491 | Asphalting Roads | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 323 (Div. 2) {583} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #323 Editorial | 1000 | |
8784 | Robot's Task | greedy implementation | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 323 (Div. 2) {583} | PROGRAMMING | 1200 | ||
46453 | Olesya and Rodion | math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 324 (Div. 2) {584} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | 1100 | |
12191 | Kolya and Tanya | combinatorics | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 324 (Div. 2) {584} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | 1500 | |
6280 | Marina and Vasya | constructive algorithms greedy strings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 324 (Div. 2) {584} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | 1700 | |
9591 | Dima and Lisa | brute force math number theory | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 324 (Div. 2) {584} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | 1700 | |
1439 | Anton and Ira | constructive algorithms greedy math | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 324 (Div. 2) {584} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | 2400 | |
3596 | Phillip and Trains | dfs and similar graphs shortest paths | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 325 (Div. 1) {585} | PROGRAMMING | 1800 | ||
4347 | Gennady the Dentist | brute force implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 325 (Div. 1) {585} | PROGRAMMING | 1800 | ||
993 | Alice, Bob, Oranges and Apples | number theory | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 325 (Div. 1) {585} | PROGRAMMING | 2400 | ||
1691 | Lizard Era: Beginning | meet-in-the-middle | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 325 (Div. 1) {585} | PROGRAMMING | Разбор Codeforces Round #325 | 2500 | |
1129 | Present for Vitalik the Philatelist | combinatorics math number theory | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 325 (Div. 1) {585} | PROGRAMMING | Разбор Codeforces Round #325 | 2800 | |
706 | Digits of Number Pi | dp implementation strings | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 325 (Div. 1) {585} | PROGRAMMING | 3200 | ||
10232 | Alena's Schedule | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 325 (Div. 2) {586} | PROGRAMMING | 1100 | ||
5174 | Laurenty and Shop | implementation | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 325 (Div. 2) {586} | PROGRAMMING | 1300 | ||
7710 | Duff and Weight Lifting | greedy | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 326 (Div. 1) {587} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #326 (Editorial) | 1500 | |
4081 | Duff in the Army | data structures trees | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 326 (Div. 1) {587} | PROGRAMMING | 2200 | ||
1430 | Duff in Beach | dp | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 326 (Div. 1) {587} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #326 (Editorial) | 2300 | |
731 | Duff as a Queen | data structures | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 326 (Div. 1) {587} | PROGRAMMING | 2800 | ||
772 | Duff in Mafia | 2-sat binary search | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 326 (Div. 1) {587} | PROGRAMMING | 2900 | ||
1091 | Duff is Mad | data structures strings | Statement | F | Codeforces Round 326 (Div. 1) {587} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #326 (Editorial) | 3000 | |
23141 | Duff and Meat | greedy | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 326 (Div. 2) {588} | PROGRAMMING | 1000 | ||
14262 | Duff in Love | math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 326 (Div. 2) {588} | PROGRAMMING | 1400 | ||
3988 | Median Smoothing | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 327 (Div. 1) {590} | PROGRAMMING | 1700 | ||
1922 | Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers | binary search geometry math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 327 (Div. 1) {590} | PROGRAMMING | 2100 | ||
2889 | Three States | dfs and similar graphs shortest paths | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 327 (Div. 1) {590} | PROGRAMMING | 2200 | ||
1244 | Top Secret Task | dp | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 327 (Div. 1) {590} | PROGRAMMING | 2300 | ||
798 | Birthday | graph matchings strings | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 327 (Div. 1) {590} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #327 problems analysis | 3100 |