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< 1 2 3 ... 15 16 17 18 19 ... 100 101 102 >Solved |
Name |
Tags |
Solutions |
Index |
Contest |
Type |
Points |
Tutorial |
Rating Level |
935 | Fools and Foolproof Roads | data structures dfs and similar ds graphs greedy | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 212 (Div. 2) {362} | PROGRAMMING | 2500 | ||
825 | Petya and Pipes | flows graphs shortest paths | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 212 (Div. 2) {362} | PROGRAMMING | 2700 | ||
10893 | Soroban | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 211 (Div. 2) {363} | PROGRAMMING | 9537 | 1000 | |
55320 | Fence | brute force dp | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 211 (Div. 2) {363} | PROGRAMMING | 9537 | 1200 | |
13459 | Fixing Typos | greedy implementation | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 211 (Div. 2) {363} | PROGRAMMING | 9537 | 1400 | |
4011 | Renting Bikes | binary search greedy | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 211 (Div. 2) {363} | PROGRAMMING | 1800 | ||
213 | Two Circles | brute force data structures implementation | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 211 (Div. 2) {363} | PROGRAMMING | 2600 | ||
4740 | Matrix | combinatorics data structures implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 213 (Div. 1) {364} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #213 Editorial | 1800 | |
1188 | Free Market | dp greedy | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 213 (Div. 1) {364} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #213 Editorial | 2300 | |
604 | Beautiful Set | brute force number theory | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 213 (Div. 1) {364} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #213 Editorial | 2500 | |
2149 | Ghd | brute force math probabilities | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 213 (Div. 1) {364} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #213 Editorial | 2600 | |
598 | Empty Rectangles | divide and conquer two pointers | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 213 (Div. 1) {364} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #213 Editorial | 3000 | |
19120 | Good Number | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 213 (Div. 2) {365} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #213 Editorial | 1100 | |
14644 | The Fibonacci Segment | implementation | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 213 (Div. 2) {365} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #213 Editorial | 1200 | |
4558 | Dima and Guards | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 214 (Div. 2) {366} | PROGRAMMING | 1100 | ||
6862 | Dima and To-do List | brute force implementation | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 214 (Div. 2) {366} | PROGRAMMING | 1200 | ||
4971 | Dima and Salad | dp | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 214 (Div. 2) {366} | PROGRAMMING | 1900 | ||
784 | Dima and Magic Guitar | brute force implementation math | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 214 (Div. 2) {366} | PROGRAMMING | 2300 | ||
1577 | Dima and Trap Graph | binary search data structures dfs and similar ds shortest paths two pointers | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 214 (Div. 2) {366} | PROGRAMMING | 2400 | ||
4340 | Sereja and Algorithm | data structures implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 215 (Div. 1) {367} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #215 — tutorial | 1500 | |
2484 | Sereja ans Anagrams | binary search data structures | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 215 (Div. 1) {367} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #215 — tutorial | 2000 | |
1806 | Sereja and the Arrangement of Numbers | graphs greedy sortings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 215 (Div. 1) {367} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #215 — tutorial | 2200 | |
666 | Sereja and Sets | bitmasks dfs and similar | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 215 (Div. 1) {367} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #215 — tutorial | 2400 | |
1169 | Sereja and Intervals | combinatorics dp | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 215 (Div. 1) {367} | PROGRAMMING | 2600 | ||
43301 | Sereja and Suffixes | data structures dp | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 215 (Div. 2) {368} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #215 — tutorial | 1100 | |
7554 | Sereja and Coat Rack | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 215 (Div. 2) {368} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #215 — tutorial | 1100 | |
11172 | Valera and Plates | greedy implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 216 (Div. 2) {369} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #216 (Div. 2) | 1000 | |
6567 | Valera and Contest | constructive algorithms implementation math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 216 (Div. 2) {369} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #216 (Div. 2) | 1500 | |
10425 | Valera and Elections | dfs and similar graphs trees | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 216 (Div. 2) {369} | PROGRAMMING | 1700 | ||
1192 | Valera and Fools | dfs and similar dp graphs shortest paths | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 216 (Div. 2) {369} | PROGRAMMING | 2300 | ||
2263 | Valera and Queries | binary search data structures | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 216 (Div. 2) {369} | PROGRAMMING | Editorial Codeforces Round #216 (Div. 2) | 2400 | |
10668 | Rook, Bishop and King | graphs math shortest paths | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 217 (Div. 2) {370} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #217 (Div. 2): tutorial | 1200 | |
2559 | Berland Bingo | implementation | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 217 (Div. 2) {370} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #217 (Div. 2): tutorial | 1300 | |
1597 | Mittens | constructive algorithms greedy sortings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 217 (Div. 2) {370} | PROGRAMMING | 1800 | ||
646 | Broken Monitor | brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 217 (Div. 2) {370} | PROGRAMMING | 2100 | ||
300 | Summer Reading | dp greedy | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 217 (Div. 2) {370} | PROGRAMMING | 2500 | ||
6180 | K-Periodic Array | greedy implementation math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 218 (Div. 2) {371} | PROGRAMMING | 1200 | ||
11623 | Fox Dividing Cheese | math number theory | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 218 (Div. 2) {371} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #218 (Div. 2): Tutorial | 1400 | |
27589 | Hamburgers | binary search brute force | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 218 (Div. 2) {371} | PROGRAMMING | 1600 | ||
5772 | Vessels | data structures ds implementation trees | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 218 (Div. 2) {371} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #218 (Div. 2): Tutorial | 1900 | |
1322 | Subway Innovation | greedy math two pointers | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 218 (Div. 2) {371} | PROGRAMMING | 2200 | ||
13372 | Counting Kangaroos is Fun | binary search greedy sortings two pointers | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 219 (Div. 1) {372} | PROGRAMMING | 9944 | 1700 | |
2668 | Counting Rectangles is Fun | brute force divide and conquer dp | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 219 (Div. 1) {372} | PROGRAMMING | 2100 | ||
4255 | Watching Fireworks is Fun | data structures dp math | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 219 (Div. 1) {372} | PROGRAMMING | 2400 | ||
998 | Choosing Subtree is Fun | binary search data structures dfs and similar trees two pointers | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 219 (Div. 1) {372} | PROGRAMMING | 9944 | 2600 | |
176 | Drawing Circles is Fun | combinatorics geometry | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 219 (Div. 1) {372} | PROGRAMMING | 9944 | 2900 | |
10795 | Collecting Beats is Fun | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 219 (Div. 2) {373} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #219 editorial | 1000 | |
2506 | Making Sequences is Fun | binary search implementation math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 219 (Div. 2) {373} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #219 editorial | 1600 | |
3343 | Inna and Nine | combinatorics greedy | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 220 (Div. 2) {374} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #220 (Div. 2) разбор | 1600 | |
2970 | Inna and Pink Pony | greedy implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 220 (Div. 2) {374} | PROGRAMMING | 1800 | ||
2762 | Inna and Dima | dfs and similar dp graphs implementation | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 220 (Div. 2) {374} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #220 (Div. 2) разбор | 2000 | |
894 | Inna and Sequence | binary search data structures dp trees | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 220 (Div. 2) {374} | PROGRAMMING | 2300 | ||
186 | Inna and Babies | binary search data structures ds geometry implementation | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 220 (Div. 2) {374} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #220 (Div. 2) разбор | 2600 | |
5104 | Maximum Submatrix 2 | data structures dp implementation sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 221 (Div. 1) {375} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #221 Tutorial | 1800 | |
4912 | Divisible by Seven | math number theory | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 221 (Div. 1) {375} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #221 Tutorial | 1800 | |
7105 | Tree and Queries | data structures dfs and similar trees | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 221 (Div. 1) {375} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #221 Tutorial | 2400 | |
571 | Circling Round Treasures | bitmasks shortest paths | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 221 (Div. 1) {375} | PROGRAMMING | 2600 | ||
417 | Red and Black Tree | dp implementation math | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 221 (Div. 1) {375} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #221 Tutorial | 3000 | |
9421 | Lever | implementation math | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 221 (Div. 2) {376} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #221 Tutorial | 1000 | |
6471 | I.O.U. | implementation | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 221 (Div. 2) {376} | PROGRAMMING | 1300 | ||
23108 | Maze | dfs and similar | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 222 (Div. 1) {377} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #222 — Problem Analysis | 1600 | |
2132 | Preparing for the Contest | binary search data structures greedy sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 222 (Div. 1) {377} | PROGRAMMING | 2100 | ||
1205 | Developing Game | data structures | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 222 (Div. 1) {377} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #222 — Problem Analysis | 2400 | |
1160 | Captains Mode | bitmasks dp games | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 222 (Div. 1) {377} | PROGRAMMING | 2400 | ||
481 | Cookie Clicker | dp geometry | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 222 (Div. 1) {377} | PROGRAMMING | 2700 | ||
5319 | Semifinals | implementation sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 222 (Div. 2) {378} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #222 — Problem Analysis | 1300 | |
24449 | Playing with Dice | brute force | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 222 (Div. 2) {378} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #222 — Problem Analysis | 800 | |
47681 | New Year Candles | implementation | Statement | A | Good Bye 2013 {379} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial Good Bye 2013 | 1100 | |
7361 | New Year Present | constructive algorithms implementation | Statement | B | Good Bye 2013 {379} | PROGRAMMING | 1200 | ||
6693 | New Year Ratings Change | greedy sortings | Statement | C | Good Bye 2013 {379} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial Good Bye 2013 | 1500 | |
1586 | New Year Letter | bitmasks brute force dp | Statement | D | Good Bye 2013 {379} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial Good Bye 2013 | 2000 | |
2379 | New Year Tree | data structures divide and conquer trees | Statement | F | Good Bye 2013 {379} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial Good Bye 2013 | 2400 | |
344 | New Year Tree Decorations | geometry schedules sortings | Statement | E | Good Bye 2013 {379} | PROGRAMMING | 2500 | ||
143 | New Year Cactus | dp | Statement | G | Good Bye 2013 {379} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial Good Bye 2013 | 3100 | |
2719 | Sereja and Prefixes | binary search brute force | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 223 (Div. 1) {380} | PROGRAMMING | 1700 | ||
15817 | Sereja and Brackets | data structures schedules | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 223 (Div. 1) {380} | PROGRAMMING | 2100 | ||
540 | Sereja and Tree | graphs implementation | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 223 (Div. 1) {380} | PROGRAMMING | 2500 | ||
478 | Sereja and Cinema | combinatorics math | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 223 (Div. 1) {380} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #223 — Tutorial | 2500 | |
308 | Sereja and Dividing | data structures | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 223 (Div. 1) {380} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #223 — Tutorial | 2600 | |
6869 | Sereja and Stairs | greedy implementation sortings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 223 (Div. 2) {381} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #223 — Tutorial | 1100 | |
69651 | Sereja and Dima | greedy implementation two pointers | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 223 (Div. 2) {381} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #223 — Tutorial | 800 | |
12607 | Ksenia and Pan Scales | greedy implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 224 (Div. 2) {382} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #224 (Div. 2) Editorial | 1100 | |
8368 | Arithmetic Progression | implementation sortings | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 224 (Div. 2) {382} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #224 (Div. 2) Editorial | 1700 | |
1422 | Number Busters | binary search math | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 224 (Div. 2) {382} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #224 (Div. 2) Editorial | 2000 | |
689 | Ksenia and Pawns | dfs and similar graphs implementation trees | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 224 (Div. 2) {382} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #224 (Div. 2) Editorial | 2300 | |
384 | Ksenia and Combinatorics | combinatorics dp | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 224 (Div. 2) {382} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #224 (Div. 2) Editorial | 2600 | |
5326 | Milking cows | data structures greedy | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 225 (Div. 1) {383} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | 1500 | |
705 | Volcanoes | binary search implementation sortings two pointers | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 225 (Div. 1) {383} | PROGRAMMING | 2200 | ||
3077 | Antimatter | dp | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 225 (Div. 1) {383} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | 2300 | |
6648 | Propagating tree | data structures dfs and similar trees | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 225 (Div. 1) {383} | PROGRAMMING | 2400 | ||
3234 | Vowels | combinatorics divide and conquer dp | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 225 (Div. 1) {383} | PROGRAMMING | Tutorial | 2700 | |
3590 | Multitasking | greedy implementation sortings two pointers | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 225 (Div. 2) {384} | PROGRAMMING | 1500 | ||
16523 | Coder | implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 225 (Div. 2) {384} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #225 — Editorial | 800 | |
16637 | Bear and Raspberry | brute force greedy implementation | Statement | A | Codeforces Round 226 (Div. 2) {385} | PROGRAMMING | 1100 | ||
10074 | Bear and Strings | brute force greedy implementation math strings | Statement | B | Codeforces Round 226 (Div. 2) {385} | PROGRAMMING | 1300 | ||
9810 | Bear and Prime Numbers | binary search brute force data structures dp implementation math number theory | Statement | C | Codeforces Round 226 (Div. 2) {385} | PROGRAMMING | Codeforces Round #226 (Div. 2) — Editorial | 1800 | |
816 | Bear and Floodlight | bitmasks dp geometry | Statement | D | Codeforces Round 226 (Div. 2) {385} | PROGRAMMING | 2500 | ||
593 | Bear in the Field | math matrices | Statement | E | Codeforces Round 226 (Div. 2) {385} | PROGRAMMING | 2700 | ||
6650 | Second-Price Auction | implementation | Statement | A | Testing Round 9 {386} | PROGRAMMING | 1100 | ||
2205 | Fly, freebies, fly! | binary search brute force implementation | Statement | B | Testing Round 9 {386} | PROGRAMMING | 1500 |